Not without me - Part 1 - Frodo x Strider x Reader

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For malwritesstories. My apologies for it taking so long for this first part.

Strider hadn't been sure about her when he had first met the Hobbits at The Prancing Pony. (Y/n) was even smaller than her male counterparts. A pretty little thing that had looked to him with wide eyes. Her sweet smile, as she kept hold tight of Frodo's arm, forcing the corners of the usually emotionless appearing Ranger's mouth, to turn upwards.

A little of him had wanted to tell her that she should return to the Shire; to tell her that the world beyond the Hobbit's little home, was far too dangerous for her. Yet he knew that allowing her to wander off on her own, was not something that he wanted either. That, and it was obvious that she and Frodo were close. The little female always by the dark-haired Hobbit's side. And now, as the Ranger swung his sword and fiery torch at the five Nazguls that had invaded the ancient ruins, he was glad that she was with them; for, even though she was little, she was fierce. (Y/n) roaring like a beast, as she did her best to attack the tall black creatures with one of the swords that Strider had thrown at the Hobbits before leaving them to scout. A fire in her eyes, brighter than even the torch that he held in his hand. (Y/n) rushing over to where the others crowded around Frodo, as the last black figure, fell in flames, from the top of the cliff. Pulling him into her arms and cradling close. The Dúnedain sure that he could hear her sing quietly to him, as she did her best to try and ease his pain.

Strider had to say that (Y/n) had proved that he was wrong about her, even before this moment. Quickly, and despite everything, she had proved that she was stronger and braver than the others; the little female always happy to keep walking, to keep moving, doing her best to keep up with the Ranger as best she could. He had wondered what it was that made her so different to the others. The littlest of the Hobbits seeming as though she were better prepared for the world beyond the Shire, than seemed possible. Strider aware that very few of their kind ever actually left their home. Yet listening to Merry and Pippin, he had got a glimpse into why (Y/n) was as she was, and why she was so close to Frodo. They were betrothed.

Strider had puffed on his pipe and listened as Merry and Pippin spoke. Mushrooms sizzling in the pan, for whatever meal of the day this was. They had been looking over at (Y/n) and Frodo, the pair talking quietly to one another before Sam came to join them. Merry saying that (Y/n) had been made for this kind of thing. That all the years of listening to Bilbo telling her his stories about dwarves and elves; about dragons and orcs, had filled her head with all manner of notions. She had always been a curious little thing. A little wild and carefree; the tiny (Y/n), the only girl in the Shire to spend her time fighting invisible foes with a stick that she said was her sword. Who would pretend that she was battling orcs and wargs. Gandalf always chuckling at her, when she would tell him that she wanted to go on an adventure like Bilbo had. That she wanted to see the world, and the lands that lay beyond the rolling green hills of the Shire. That she wanted to see Rivendell and Erebor. She wanted to fight, just like the old Hobbit had, and Gandalf had chuckled as he messed up her already messy hair. The wizard assuring her that one day perhaps she would get a chance; and now, here she was, the only one of them that didn't seem to be scared of what was before them. Scared of the ominous black creatures that they had already had to hide from. Strider chuckling to himself, as he looked over to the sweet little hobbit that sat hand in hand with Frodo. The Ranger wondering what she might actually be capable of; and now he knew. Now he was well aware the female Hobbit would fight just as hard as anyone that he had ever seen, when it came to Frodo.

"Strider!" Sam suddenly called out. The Ranger quickly joining the hobbits. (Y/n) looking to him with tears in her eyes. A soft song still seeming to be falling from her lips, as she pulled the pained Frodo to her.

"Help him Strider............" Sam beseeched, as Frodo let out another cry. The Ranger picking up the weapon that they lay to the side. His eyes looking over the dark blade.

"He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade." The Dúnedain explained, before the weapon disintegrated in his hand. The Ranger throwing the hilt away in disgust.

"This is beyond my skill to heal.........." Strider said, as he looked at (Y/n).

"He needs elvish medicine............." He continued, as he carefully took Frodo from his betrothed's arms, and pulled him up into his.

"You aren't taking Frodo anywhere, not without me!" (Y/n) suddenly shouted, as she and the others followed after the Ranger. Strider stopping for a moment and turning to look at her.

"I would not dare take him from you, Mistress (Y/n). But we must hurry, the evil poison is already coursing through his veins." The Ranger explained, (Y/n) nodding at the taller man, before he began to run again. (Y/n) and the others doing their best to keep up with the quickly moving man. 

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