Fairy - Part 8 - Lindir x Reader

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I know that this is a little shorter. But I thought that it was the best place to leave the story so I could bring it to a proper ending in the next chapter. I also know that not many people seem to be reading anymore. But for the few of you that are, please know that I appreciate it, and I am going to continue writing. That even if my silly stories make only one person smile, its worth it. I hope you enjoy.😃

Lindir was frantic. Well, as frantic as elves ever seemed to get. And even Gandalf had to admit that he was worried. Thought he didn't quite know what to do. After their brief conversation that night, Lindir had rushed off to find his fairy. Find her so that he could apologise. So that he could explain why he had said what he had said. That he did love her and couldn't tell her how much it meant to him that she was willing to surrender what she was, to become an elf, just so that they could be together. Yet no matter how much he had searched. No matter where he had searched. And no matter how many times he and Gandalf had called her name three times. The fairy hadn't been seen by either of them for a number of days. So now, Lindir couldn't help but think that something terrible may have happened to the beautiful little creature.

"Where could she be? There is nowhere else to look. I have been everywhere. All the places that she showed me. All the places that she took me. How can I apologise if I can't find her? How can I tell her what is truly in my heart, if she no longer wants anything to do with me?" Lindir bemoaned. His head dropping into his hands. Gandalf not knowing quite what to say to the distressed ellon.

After Lindir had raced away to find (Y/n). After he had been unable to find her. Unable to call her to him. He had made his way back to find the wizard, knowing that he was the only one that he could speak to about his fairy. That if he were to tell anyone else about what was going on, they might think that he had lost his mind. The grey wanderer listening as the dark haired ellon explained that he was the one that had upset (Y/n). As he had explained what had transpired between the pair. What he had said. Gandalf doing his best to seem surprised when Lindir had informed him that he was the ellon that (Y/n) loved. The wizard explaining in reply, that even though the fairy had asked to join the quest of the dwarves, she did not mean it. That (Y/n) could never leave Rivendell. Could never leave him now that he had her heart, despite what she may have said. And that all he had to do was give her a little time. Yet now, days later, Gandalf was concerned that not even he had caught a glimpse of the sprite.

"I am sure that there is a good reason that (Y/n) has not been seen, Lindir. She left me saying that she had so many things to do before she could leave Rivendell. And a faeries work has always been a mystery. Perhaps it has simply taken her longer............"

"Do you actually believe that?" Lindir interrupted harshly, his head moving from his hands, so that he could look at the wizard. Gandalf pursing his lips in his usual way. Sure that he had never seen such raw emotion from an elf in all his long years. But there again, he had never met a being before that seemed so close to their fairy, as Lindir was.

"You are right. Yet if she will not come when her name is called, there is little more that you can do other than wait. The last time that I saw her was at the circle. Perhaps if you go there........." Gandalf explained. Watching as the ellon nodded in agreement. Lindir willing to do anything, to try anything to get to see (Y/n) again.


(Y/n) looked down at her hands. At her legs. Her body. She had no idea how this had happened. No idea why this would have happened. Despite the fact that she had heard both her ellon and Gandalf calling her name. Despite the fact that she had changed her mind about leaving her home. Realising that Gandalf was right. That Rivendell would die if she was not there to watch over it. She had needed time to think. Needed time to work out what she should do next. Hoping that if Lindir had no feelings for her, that eventually he would no longer be able to see or hear her. Hoping that eventually the pain of seeing him and not being able to be with him, would fade. Though she doubted it. And given that, the night before she had prayed to Eru. She had prayed to her great father. Asking him to give her a sign. To show her what she should do. What direction her life should take. And now she was like this. She had risen from her slumber to find herself this way.

"(Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n)." A voice called out. (Y/n) hiding, as she heard the familiar tone. Watching as her beautiful ellon made his way to her circle. The fairy not sure what to do, as Lindir looked around for her. As he called her name three times, once more. (Y/n) not knowing whether she should let him see her. Not knowing what he would say. But what else could she, should she do? If her great father had decided that this was to be her life, then (Y/n) knew that the only one that she still wanted to be with, was Lindir.

"Lindir." A soft reply came. The ellon spinning on his heels at the sound of (Y/n)'s voice. His eyes growing wide, as she appeared from behind an ancient tree. Lindir not sure what to think or say, as his fairy moved into the light.

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