Stone - Part 4 - Aragorn x Reader

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"Very well." Aragorn heard the lady say, as he made his way over to where she and Gandalf sat.

"But I must warn you, wizard. If one of your company, particularly that dwarf, takes it upon themselves to try and bring about my end before I have had my chance for revenge, I assure you that it will not end well." The lady added. Her head turning slightly as heard the soft footsteps of the ranger.

"There is but one small problem. I must remain blind. My eyes always covered until I must take the form of the witch. And as I have not ventured beyond the confines of this forest for so long, I will need someone to guide me. Someone to watch my steps. Someone to be my eyes. Someone to protect me from this new world until it is time for me to protect them." (Y/n) explained as she gripped her staff tight. A small smile creeping across her lips as she heard the Dúnedain take another step forward. Her hearing now keener than even that of the elves.

"I'll do it." Aragorn declared as he moved to the princess' side. Gandalf smiling up at the ranger as the Dúnedain looked at (Y/n). The wizard knowing that despite how much more dangerous and difficult it could make life for Aragorn; it was inevitable that the heir of Isildur would want to be close to the lady. The Ishtar knowing that Aragorn's kin were the only folk in the whole of Middle earth that had never wished to see the demise of the witch. Each one feeling a strong connection to the princess of legend.

"Good. That is settled then. But may I suggest that we all leave now while the sun will still be in the sky. Even though we now have you with us, my lady. There are still things that could lurk in the shadows of these woods that we do not wish to meet." Gandalf said as he slowly got to his feet. The blind lady holding out her hand for Aragorn to take.

"You are right. Though I do assure you, Gandalf. There is nothing in these woods that does not know or fear me. For I am the shadows." (Y/n) replied. The princess allowing Aragorn to lead her away.


"Your wizard, Gandalf, told me that your name is Aragorn." (Y/n) said, as the Ranger helped her through the overgrown bracken. The others far ahead as they made their way out of Fangorn Forest, and back into the late afternoon sun.

"That is correct, my lady." Aragorn replied. Doing his best to find the easiest and safest route for the blind woman.

"My lady? So formal, Aragorn. Given my history with the Dúnedain. I would have thought that you and I could be on a slightly friendlier footing. Now that I am almost sure that I will not have to kill any of your merry little band, I had hoped that you would see that this form, is much more pleasant than the witch. I know that it may have been some time, but I think that I can just about remember how to be nice." (Y/n) chuckled. The ancient princess gasping slightly as she felt the Ranger take her up in his arms and begin to carry her.

"My apologies, But I think that you will find that this may be a little quicker way of getting you through the forest.......(Y/n)." Aragorn explained. His heart pounding, as the lady placed her head in the crook of his neck. A soft sigh emanating from deep within her, as she held Aragorn tight.

It had been so long since she had felt warmth like this. Eons since she had felt the protective arms of a man around her. The almost forgotten sensation sending a single perfect tear from under the blindfold and down her cheek. It was true that in the past, those that had come to find the witch, had taken her hand, or even placed a reassuring arm around her shoulder thinking that they were protecting, even saving someone that could do neither thing herself. Her comforters, soon to find that the only ones that needed protecting and saving, were themselves. Their lives forfeit as soon as she had removed the blindfold. But to have arms around her. The arms of someone that despite knowing what she truly was, did not wish to kill her, was certainly something that she never thought she would experience again. And for those arms to belong to a Dúnedain, was an even greater feeling. His smell. His voice, bringing back memories of the man she had loved before Sauron had taken his revenge.

"The wizard tells me that you are not of my line, yet your kin still sees me as some kind of great mother figure. A protector of kings. I must say that it is quite a compliment. Though certainly something I would never have considered myself. And certainly not the witch." (Y/n) chuckled slightly. Her arms gripping tighter to Aragorn's neck, as she felt the Ranger stumble a little.

"That is true. Though I suppose that in a way we are still kin, as your husband was the brother of my ancestor. Your son, his nephew. And yes, many kings have thought of you, and the witch, as their protector." Aragorn replied. Feeling that he may have said something wrong as the lady in his arms grew quiet.

"So, Ranger. Tell me of your friends. If I am to accompany you, then I should be acquainted with the rest of your companions." The lady suddenly said. Aragorn sensing that she was trying to avoid the subjects of her husband and child. A husband that she had been forced to watch die, and a child she had not been allowed to see grow.

"Tell me of the elf."

"The elf is called Legolas. Son of King Thranduil of Mirkwood. Lord of the Sindar." Aragorn explained, as he saw the first glint of light through the densely packed trees.

"Mirkwood? I have never heard of that place."

"I suppose that you would know it as Greenwood the Great. But Sauron's evil changed it. And men began to call it Mirkwood. A haunted place that is home to many a dark and terrible thing." Aragorn continued. The lady remembering back to how beautiful the home of the wood elves had once been. How green and perfect it had once appeared.

"Gimli, the dwarf. Is the son of Glóin. He is a descendant of the father of the first house of the dwarven people, Durin the Deathless."

"No. You are telling me that that rude creature is a descendent of Durin? I am shocked. I always found Durin to be a pleasant thing. Well, as pleasant as a dwarf can be. They are all a little gruff and stubborn. Even at the best of times. And I seem to remember that he was quite handsome. Though, as with all dwarves, I always believed that he loved his gold far more than he could ever love a bride." (Y/n) interrupted with a chuckle, as she recalled the mayhem that that Durin and the other dwarves had brought to her father's kingdom when they had come to pay their respects.

"The little ones?"

"The little ones are hobbits of the Shire. Merry and Pippin. They can be trouble, but they mean well. And are stronger than they know." Aragorn told her. The branches and roots seeming less thick and invasive, as the pair continued on their way.

"Hobbits? You mean like the Stoor, the Harfoots and Fallohides? I know of their kind. Though I cannot say that I remember meeting many of them. Though the ones that I did, always did seem quite pleasant. And I would say, much more intelligent than many gave them credit for." And finally, what about you. Aragorn? Tell me about my eyes?" (Y/n) said. Her eyes, under the blindfold, firmly fixed on the face of the man that held her in his arms.

"There is nothing to tell, (Y/n). I am nothing but a simple Ranger." Aragorn replied. Not wishing to explain about Isildur, or the throne of Gondor.

"I doubt that, Aragorn. I doubt that very much. I have a feeling that there is much more to you than you are telling me. But in time, I hope that you will trust me." (Y/n) told him. Suddenly hiding her face as the warmth of the afternoon sun hit her skin for the first time in eons.  

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