Dragon Clan - Part 4 - Bilbo x Thorin x Reader

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"It's been a long time since I taught someone to fight." (Y/n) remarked, as she and Bilbo moved into a small clearing. The Dragon Child kicking away a couple of stones as she looked around the slightly grassy ground.

"You used to train others..............?" Bilbo asked, as (Y/n) turned to look at him.

"Yes. It was part of what I did. The Dragon Clan, despite our appearance, were just like any other that reside in this world. We all had our roles to play in our society, and mine...........mine was to fight and teach others how to. In the past, I would be sent to speak to the dragons. I seemed to have a way with them, even more than others of my kind. Yet as the years passed and the dragons dwindled, my role changed. I went from diplomacy to war. From the quill to the sword. I did all I could to stop my people from dying. To stop them from being hunted. But given that I am the last of my kind, and when I eventually pass into the next world, the Dragon Children will become nothing more than the myths we already are; it would appear that I wasn't very successful. But I do assure you Bilbo, that I do know how to wield a blade." (Y/n) told the hobbit with a soft, sad chuckle. Taking one last look around the ground, before pulling her blade from its sheath.

"Well, Master Baggins...........shall we begin.............?" The Dragon Child asked. Chuckling to herself, as Bilbo clumsily pull his blade from his side, and pointed it at her.


Thorin stopped and secreted himself in the growing shadows that fell over the woods. Watching as the little burglar and last of her kind moved into the small clearing. Listening as the unusual pair spoke. As (Y/n) explained about her life. Of what had been before the dragons and her kind had disappeared from their world. He had to admit that he was still a little suspicious of her. But given what she was and her peoples close connection to dragons, he didn't think that he could be blamed. Yet he also had to admit, that as he thought about it, if he didn't take into account the first meeting at Bilbo's little home, she had done all that she could to help. Not once causing any trouble; not once doing anything that should make him, or any of the others, treat her as they had been treating her.

Silently he watched as the hobbit swung his sword in the air. She was taking such care with him. Kneeling behind him and showing him how to hold his new sword properly. How to move it; how to move his legs. Thorin knowing that he, that Dwalin would not have the patients for that. That they would become irritated with Bilbo and refuse to do any more, probably as soon as they had seen him take his first swing. But the more mistakes the little burglar made, the more patient she seemed to grow. Thorin finding himself smiling, as the Dragon child finally instructed the hobbit to bring up his sword, before she placed hers against it. Bilbo moving forward as he struck her blade. The pair then reversing the roles. It obvious to the dwarf, that the littlest of their company, was concentrating more on not falling over, than anything else. Thorin wondering if he had done the same when he first started to wield a sword.

Suddenly there was a laugh. The sound seeming to brighten the air. Thorin quite shocked that it had come for the striking female. The dwarf prince taking a deep breath, as he realised what he had just thought. Of course, he had thought it before. But not like this. He might not have liked what she was, but he was not blind; there was no denying that the last of the Dragon Clan was quite a beauty. The soft blue scales that flowed in soft lines down either side of her face, made her yellow eyes look even more brilliant. The orbs appearing to glow in the dimming light and quite taking his breath away.

"Well, Master Baggins, I have to say that I think that you are a natural with the blade. With a little more instruction you will be an even greater swordsman than the Oakenshield himself." (Y/n) continued to chuckle, as she helped Bilbo from the floor and brushed the dirt from his back.

"Do.........do you really think................?"

"Well...........maybe not Thorin; maybe we will start with getting you as good as Ori first, and then think about working our way up to our great leader. But for a first practice, I think that you did quiet well. We will do our best to do this every night if we can. Just you and me, away from the others. Then, if and when the time comes that you really have to use that rather fine blade, you will be able to surprise them all." (Y/n) replied, before she turned and sniffed at the air.

"But for now, I think we should eat. If I am not mistaken, it smells like Master Bombur has cooked up another of one of his delights. I think that you should go and partake in it, while I hunt." The Dragon child continued, as she offered him her arm and let her lead him back to where the others were camped.

"I don't know why they won't let you eat with us............." Bilbo remarked, as they wound their way back down the track.

"Don't worry about me, Bilbo, I am used to such things; and really expected nothing more from the dwarves, especially as when they look at me, all they see is the dragon that took their home. And anyway, I hope to able to find something more than the usual rabbits. There is a stream not far from here, I can smell the water. And I have been dreaming of some fresh fish............." (Y/n) explained. The two friends too engrossed to hear the cracking of twigs, as Thorin made his way back to the others, wanting to be there before the Dragon child and the hobbit got back.  

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