Stone - Part 3 - Aragorn x Reader

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Third part of the request from crap_shit, whose birthday it just happens to be today. So Happy Birthday to you, and anyone else whose special day it just happens to be. And as always, I hope you all enjoy. 🐍

"Well, girl? Where is ya mistress?" Gimli grumbled as he looked at the young woman on the tree stump. Obviously not having learnt his lesson from earlier about not confronting the blind woman. His hands gripping tightly to the handle of his axe. The dwarf waiting for a rustle in the branches as the Stone Witch advanced, or for the beautiful woman to at least call out to tell her mistress that she had visitors.

"I have no mistress, dwarf. I am the mistress of this sanctuary. The only mistress that the dark heart of this forest has ever had. The problem with dwarves is that they are two stubborn and foolish to see all the possibilities of the world. To see that curses come in many forms. You should stay in your mines. You are too loud and clumsy to try and sneak up on me. That is why your kind were always so easy to stop when you were sent for me. Why so many dwarf figures litter these woods. Your great boots tramping through the undergrowth. The smell. And the fact that there is not a dwarf that has ever existed that can be quiet." The woman hissed disdainfully as she rose from her seat.

"I have no need to call for the one you seek. For she has always been before you. Death has always been with you. And with just one look, I can turn your flesh and bone into stone. Transform your beating heart into rock. Your blood no longer flowing through your veins. And as my curse makes its way through your body, your last thoughts will be of the mistakes that you have made, and your widows lamenting your demise." She continued as stood a little taller. Mortal man, dwarf, elf, wizard, and hobbits staring at one another in disbelief at her words.

" mean that you.............?"

"Yes, Elf. I am the creature you have come to see. The Stone Witch. . The one that turns flesh to stone. Princess (Y/n)." She explained. Her voice turning quiet and sad as she said her true name. The lady making her way back over to Aragorn and placing her hand gently over his still beating heart.

"And I would thank your friend here for the fact that you are still breathing. If it was not for his presence, I would have finished you all as soon as you stepped into the clearing. Dúnedain's have never come to kill me. It is not in me to harm any of his kind. Love and lose prevent it." The princess hummed as Aragorn placed his warm hand over her cold fingers. The ranger sensing that not only had they found the creature that would help them win the war that was to come, but also, he had found part of himself. A part that he had no idea, up until this moment, had been missing.

"But.......but ya not a snake. Gandalf said ya were cursed to be a snake. That ya had ta hide in the woods because you were some fearsome creature." A little voice suddenly chimed in." The lady turning to look over to where the two hobbits stood. Merry pushing his outspoken cousin forward as she made her way over to the pair. Merry determined to not get turned into stone because of anything Pippin had said.

"And this Gandalf was right. I am such a creature. A winged serpent with fierce snakes for hair. A monster that has had to hide from a world that wants nothing more than to see her dead. But as I told your foolish, ground dwelling companion, curses can take many forms. For the curse was not only mine to bear, but also any man's that let this form draw him close. You see Sauron did not just want to make me suffer for my refusal to marry him. No. He wanted to make any other man that dared lay eyes on me suffer as well. For if I would not be his, then no other man could have me either. And death would have been far too merciful. What you see before you, is how I was when Sauron knew me. I am the creature that all see as they come here. The beautiful princess that lures those unsuspecting fools to their deaths. The honey that baits the trap. For all must meet me before anything else. And when this simple woman knows their reason for making their way to this sanctuary. When they tell me that they have come to kill the monster and will rescue a poor defenceless blind woman from her wicked clutches, it is then they realise that they have made the biggest, and last mistakes of their lives." (Y/n) told the two halflings. Her mind filling with memories of the many handsome faces that she had seen before her curse turned every one of them to stone.

"Yet. As it is the witch that you have come to find. And to prove what I say is true. I think that is only fair that you meet her." (Y/n) continued as she made her way over to a group of trees covered in thick vines.

"If you really do wish to meet her. I suggest that you use this. It is the only way for you to remain safe while she is here." The lady explained as she pulled at the vines to reveal a large, rounded, polished metal surface.

"I have only used it but a handful of times over the eons that I have been here. But it is your best protection from the witch. And certainly, better than those blades of yours that I have imagine you have polished." (Y/n) went on, as she backed away.

"Look into the surface. Do not turn around for any reason. Even if the desire to look upon me is greater than anything that you have ever felt before. You must resist. For if you turn, you will be lost. When you see me once again in this form, we will discuss how you intend to bring about Sauron's end." The princess concluded, as Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Merry and Pippin made their way to stand before the mirror. There eyes growing wide in fear as they watched the beautiful (Y/n) slowly remove the binding from her eyes. Her orbs appearing like nothing any had seen before as they glared menacingly at the backs of the visitors. Each heart thumping against its bony confines as her long hair began to move. The delicate strands transforming into a writhing mass of hissing and snapping opalescent black snakes. There scales and fangs glistening in the light of the brightly burning fire. Breath catching in their throats as her legs morphed into an elongated tale that wrapped and curled around her torso. It raising her up to a great height, as huge wings as black as the snakes that tumbles and squirmed around her shoulders stretched out. Each delicate feather fluttering in the breeze that had just sprung up seemingly from nowhere.

"This is what I truly am. This is my curse. The cruel jealousy of the dark lord. I am the destroyer of anything that lives and breathes. The death of any kind foolish enough to believe that they can bring about my end. The true Gund Shatraug. And now, you will tell me how I can destroy Sauron and finally break my curse. Or Dúnedain or not. Each will find that this will be their home for eternity." The creature bellowed angrily. All those present desperately trying to heed her warning as their eyes stayed firmly fixed on the mirror.


"I am still not sure that this is the best idea. I have never seen anything like her before. And how do we even know that she will not turn against us at the first opportunity?" Legolas said quietly, as he came up to Aragorn's side. The two watching as the now once again beautiful, blindfolded princess spoke with Gandalf. The wizard explaining all to her.

"Nor have I. But somehow, I know that she will not betray us. She wants to see the end of Sauron's evil more than any of us. And we need everyone we can call upon to help us. She will be with us all the way." Aragorn reassured his old friend. The ranger making his way over to where Gandalf and the lady sat.

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