Blacksmith - Part 7 - Thorin x Reader

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There will be one more chapter, set in Erebor, or maybe two🤔, you know what I am like😁. Hope you enjoy.

"(Y/n)...........?" Thorin said, as he opened the door. His heart in his throat as she smiled broadly at him. His mouth drying and hands beginning to sweat, as she took a step closer.

She looked beautiful. Admittedly, she always looked beautiful. Even when she was covered in dirt, soaked to the bone or appeared as though she and his nephews had been playing in the local bushes, she looked beautiful. But at this moment, she looked more so. It was obvious from her clothing, that she had come from her parent's inn. The white apron that covered her dress having little marks here and there. Stains from the ale, that slopped from the large tankards that she would carry expertly to the customers. Thought Thorin would confess that even if she were dressed in rags, he wouldn't care, he would still want to take her into his arms and kiss her.


"I'm sorry for disturbing you, Thorin. I know that you're probably busy, but Master Balin asked if I would bring you something to eat." (Y/n) explained, as she removed the cloth from the top of her basket. The dish sending up a cloud of delicious steam.


"Yes.........Master Dwom brought mother some lovely fat rabbits this morning, and Master Balin said that rabbit was your favourite. He asked me to bring you some so that you didn't miss out." (Y/n) continued. Thorin finding himself so lost in her eyes, that he forgot all about querying any other reasons that his old friend might have had for sending (Y/n) over.

"You should probably eat it before it gets cold. It always tastes better when its hot..............."

" yes. should come in..............." Thorin replied, as he opened the door all the way. (Y/n) giving him yet another adorable smile, as she moved passed him and into the warm glow of the shop. The young dwarrowdam making her way over to the long table on which lay some of Thorin's tools. Placing down her basket and taking out the very full bowl, before making her way over to where she knew that the blacksmith kept his wooden spoon. Placing it down next to the bowl, before turning to look at him.

"I would have brought you some ale too, but I had a feeling that the street would have got more of it than you would. So...............I suppose that I should leave you so that you can eat. And I'm sure that I've already disturbed what you were doing............"

"What.........? No, no, you are welcome to stay if you like. And I am sure that your mother would like her bowl back............" Thorin quickly interrupted. The son of Thráin having no intention of letting (Y/n) leave so soon.

"Well, if you are sure............" The dwarrowdam agreed; chuckling to herself, as the blacksmith came over and did his best to clean off one of the old wooden chairs so that she could sit down. Thorin letting a rare smile pull at the corner of his lips, as (Y/n) took a seat. The blacksmith grabbing the bowl and spoon before sitting across from her.

(Y/n) couldn't help but smile, as she watched Thorin spoon the first morsels into his mouth. She had hoped that he would ask her to stay; though she hadn't got her hopes up too much. She knew that when he was busy, he could forget about a lot of things. That his work sometimes took precedence over everything, especially himself. She had always liked to make sure that he looked after himself. That he ate well and didn't forget to sleep. Thorin was not only important her, but to most of the dwarves in town. He was the glue that kept them together, was the first one to help when any of them found themselves on hard times or in trouble. Apart from her father, (Y/n) believed that Thorin was the strongest and bravest dwarf that she had ever met, stronger and braver than even Master Dwalin, and she hated the thought of anything happening to him. Her first instinct, even from a young age, to take care of him.

"This reminds me of old times............" Thorin suddenly said, as he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.

"Yes..........but then I would sit crossed legged on that table over there, asking you all manner of questions, before either my father, Master Balin or Kili and Fili saved you. I must have driven you to distraction. I am sure that you didn't get any work done." (Y/n) chuckled. The dwarrowdam dropping her eyes to her lap, as she felt a blush come to her cheeks. Memories of all those times coming back to her mind. Of how patient the blacksmith had been, when she would ask about the Lonely Mountain, or life before the dragon.

Thorin placed the now empty bowl onto the floor by his side, his eyes focusing on the beauty across from him. He didn't have the beads, they were still just small lumps of metal that were sat on his anvil. And even if they weren't, he was still dressed in his every day clothes, his hair a mess and his face once again covered in dirt. When he thought about asking (Y/n) if he could court her, he was dressed in his finery, looking every inch the prince that he had been born. But if he waited for all that; if he waited for the day that he might be King under the Mountain, then (Y/n) might never be his. Thorin deciding to take a chance; the blacksmith dropping to his knees before the dwarrowdam, and taking her hands as she looked up at him, her eyes wide.


"I was hoping that you would do me the honour of allowing me to court you, (Y/n). I have no beads, but I have every intention of making you some........."

" could use these............" (Y/n) interrupted in disbelief, not sure that she had heard what she hoped she had just heard. Quickly taking her hands from Thorin's before pulling off the length of ribbon that hug around her neck. Two little beads glimmering in the light of the forge as she placed them in Thorin's palm.

"They........they are the ones that my father gave to my mother. They came from Erebor. She took them off when he passed and gave them to me, in hopes that one day, I would be able to give them to my own child. I...........I think that my father, m-m-my mother would be happy if you were to have them. If you were to give them to me............." The dwarrowdam continued, unable to stop the tears that had been building up, from falling. Her heart fit to explode as Thorin reached up and took some of her hair between his fingers. Carefully platting the strands before placing one of the beads at the end.

"Be mine..........?" Thorin asked, as he stood, and pulled (Y/n) to her feet. His arms wrapping around her.

"Yes...........yes. Oh Thorin, yes..........." (Y/n) replied, her eyes closing, as he placed his lips on hers.  

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