Fish Lizard

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Waking up with a pounding head is not nice. I would not advise or recommend it. As I sat up as Bumpy groaned.

"Is everyone okay?" Darius asked as he looked at us all.

"Is everyone . . . ?" My sister chuckled dryly, as she quickly got out of the van slamming the door behind her.

"Wait! Yasmina!" Sammy called as she quickly chased after her. While the rest of us stumbled out of the van.

I was walking to the left side of the van, near Kenji and Darius as I was rubbing the back of my head, while Brooklynn was helping Ben and Bumpy.

"We're not okay!" Yasmina snapped yet again, as I sighed at her snappiness.

"Yaz--" Sammy tried to talk to my hard-headed sister, only to get cut off.

"We're in the middle of a Jungle with a monster dinosaur out there, and you . . . You . . ." Yasmina was now basically yelling at this point as she ended her rant glaring at the country girl standing before her.

"Destroyed our only way to get help and lied about it! I told you guys!" Brooklynn snapped as she was proving herself right. Which I don't blame her for.

"So, you did take Brooklynn's phone? Why? What were you doing?" Darius asked as he stood next to Brooklynn, who had her arms crossed with an annoyed expression etched onto her face.

"Probably trying to erase my video of her taking those samples from the Sinoceratops. And you knew about the Indominus Rex because you were snooping around Dr. Wu's office when we ran into you. I knew it!" Brooklynn came to the realization, causing me to why Sammy did it.

"I didn't mean to destroy the phone. I fell on it when the zipline came down and--" Sammy tried to explain only to get cut off again. Seriously, let the girl explain because this is just getting annoying.

"But you did steal it? You had it that whole time and didn't tell us?" Ben questioned Sammy as Bumpy tried to get him to give her head rubs.

"Hold up. What were you doing in Dr. Wu's office Brooklynn?" Darius questioned the girl holding her broken phone.

"I . . . It doesn't matter. I didn't break our only way to call for help and then lie about it!" Brooklynn responded as I walked up behind her to stop her from continuing her angry rant. Which got cut short.

"I'm here to spy!" Sammy finally told everyone, only to give me more questions. But at least it got everyone to shut up and listen.

"For a company called Manta Corp," Sammy continued to tell us.

"Manta Corp? They're a bioengineering company, big rivals with Masrani. They tried to make dinosaurs too, but Wu best them to it," Darius explained to us who Manta Corp was.

"You doomed us all for some lousy company?" Ben snapped making it sound like she let the Indominus out, as I gave him a look.

"Last time I checked, Sammy wasn't the one who let the psycho hybrid out," I pointed out as I looked at everyone. Only it fell on deaf ears. So, I just turned my attention back to Sammy.

"Our ranch was in trouble, so my folks had to borrow a lot of money from some shady people. We didn't know they were fronting for Manta Corp. They said we'd lose everything unless I spied for them. Use the behind-the-scenes access I'd get at camp to gather info from Wu's lab, and DNA from dinos, and whatever else they needed. But then Brooklynn and Nyima caught on, and I got scared, and then everything went wrong. This is the last thing I wanted to happen," Sammy explained to us all, causing me to now know why she was acting so suspicious. She did this to protect her family. She didn't do it for herself. It was for family.

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