Raptor Girl

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We were all sitting on the couches in the hangout area, waiting for Dave and Roxie to show up. But I was planning ways to smother Kenji with a pillow as he couldn't stop popping his lips which was seriously agitating. Thankfully Roxy and Dave showed up, before anyone could actually go through with killing him.

"Well considering the incident that happened last night. We're getting someone to come in and have a conversation with you kids," Roxie explained which caused Dave to look at her.

"You never did tell me who it was, that was coming to talk to the kids," Dave said to Roxie causing us all to give each other worried looks.

"Don't worry. She'll be here soon," so a female is coming to talk to us. Interesting.

Roxie then looked at her phone as she sighed nervously with a nervous smile, "she's here. I'll be right back," and she made her way to the elevator quickly as we watched as the doors closed.

"Why is Roxie so nervous?" Sammy asked, which caused Dave to think.

"It can't be. No. She would refuse. But it could be," Dave was now having a little bit of a crisis conversation with himself, which did not help us at all.

"This can't be good," Ben said, which caused me to give him a reassuring look.

"I'm sure everything will be fine," I reassured the scared boy.

"It's probably someone from security coming to talk to us," Kenji said as he then went back to popping his lips, causing a few of us to glare at him.

Five minutes later and the doors to the elevator opened as we watched Roxie come out followed by a female with auburn hair that had a golden red sheen to it as her bright light blue eyes looked around the place with a scrutinizingly calculating look deep within her eyes. Before her eyes landed on us as she tilted her head with a raised brow, which got three gasps.

"If it isn't the female that could hangout with the Predators. The one and only Raptor Girl-" Dave got cut off by Kenji.

"Phoenix Grady!" He sounded awfully alarmed before trying to act like his voice didn't go up a pitch.

"Whelp thanks for the interesting introduction, Dave. Kenji," the lady known as Phoenix Grady said as she sent a pointed look that held a hidden danger in the depths in Kenji's direction causing the boy who is standing for some reason to quickly sit down.

"Anyway. Miss Grady is here to talk to you all about the safety that the park tries to maintain. She will also hopefully be up to answering any of the questions you might have," Roxie said as she gestured to Phoenix who just looked at Roxie in the corner of her eye with a raised brow although she did cringe a little when Roxie called her, Miss Grady.

"Right, well you guys are a group of teenagers. So, no matter what I say, it's gonna go over your head," Phoenix stated with a sigh as she rubbed the bridge of her nose before looking up at us.

"You guys need to at least try to understand that you are on a dinosaur filled island. So, there are reasons why there are safety precautions put in place. It's for both yours and these magnificent prehistoric creatures safety. No matter if they are herbivores or carnivores they deserve respect. The same kind of respect you would hopefully show to each other. Even if you were going to see some Compy's, they could still kill you as they do have venom in their bite," she started to explain, but stopped when she noticed Ben flinch which caused her to sigh tiredly.

"You see the dinosaurs here at Jurassic World, they can all be dangerous. That is why they have people watching over the dinosaurs. To make sure nothing bad happens. Especially not thinking that a few kids at night would sneak into a Paddock full of Raptors to try and impress a girl," Phoenix said as she set her gaze on Kenji with a glare that to me screamed if looks could kill. Whelp Kenji wouldn't be here. Ten times over.

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