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*:・゚✧*:・ Tobio *:・゚✧*:・

Tobio groaned as his 6 AM alarm blared on his nightstand, snuggling further into Sana's chest to try and ignore it. He knew he had to get up and get ready for his 7:30 AM volleyball practice with the Olympic team, it was only 3 months until they would be playing in the Tokyo Olympics, so practice mattered more than ever now.

But even so, Tobio couldn't bring himself to break away from his soulmate's warmth.

"Babe, your alarm," Sana whined, her voice raspy with sleep. Tobio huffed grumpily and lifted himself from Sana's bare chest, leaning toward the nightstand to press the snooze button before returning to where he was previously, closing his eyes once more.

"We need to get up." Sana sighed, moving her hands up to card through his messy hair.

"10 minutes," Tobio replied, his voice whiny and tired. Sana huffed out a quiet laugh but said nothing more, letting him curl impossibly closer to her.

"Will you come with me? Ushijima's wife comes to practice all the time so you can sit with her."

"Sure why not? but only if we get up now, I need to shower after last night." Sana agreed. She tried to wriggle out of his grip but her attempt proved futile when he held her tighter, raising his head to glare at her.

"We can shower together to save time."

"Last time you said that we ended up being late 'cause you can't keep your hands to yourself." Sana joked. Tobio felt his cheeks warm. even after 8 years together, he still got shy around her.

"I will this time. They'll make me run extra laps if I'm late," Tobio said shyly.

*:・゚✧*:・ Sana *:・゚✧*:・

"Oh my god, Sana!" Someone yelled as she walked into the stadium's gym hand in hand with Tobio. She saw a familiar head of ginger hair and smiled brightly, dropping her husband's hand and meeting Hinata halfway, clomping her old friend into a warm hug.

"Hi, Shoyo!" Sana replied, breaking away from the hug.

"I haven't seen you since high school, have you been in London all this time?" he asked, talking animatedly.

"in London for half the year and Japan for the other half. Tobio told me you went to Brazil! How was it?"

"It was so fun, I played beach volleyball, did some training and I even met up with Oikawa!" Hinata told her, completely ignoring the stare he was receiving from Tobio behind Sana.

"Yeah, Tobio showed me the picture. you should've seen his reaction when he got it." Sana snickered.

"Really—" Hinata was cut off when Atsumu and Tobio both came over. Tobio slipped his hand into Sana's whilst Atsumu clapped Hinata on the shoulder.

"hey Sana, nice to see you again. how's Sato? still in Korea?" atsumu smiled politely.

"Yeah! choreographing for Yoko right now I believe."

"Tell him to call me!" Atsumu called before running off to the changing rooms, chasing after Sakusa who began walking faster after discovering his teammate was trying to catch up with him.

"I'll walk you to the bleachers but then I have to go get changed," Tobio said, ushering Hinata away. Sana nodded and let her soulmate lead her off to the side of the stadium where Ushijima was getting his wife settled down.

Sana had met Ushijima's wife, Chinami, a few times at games and practice when Tobio and Ushijima were playing for the Schweiden Adlers, but they never really had the chance to get close since Sana was away so often, though it was always nice to chat with her.

Sana pecked tobio's cheek and then waved him off, watching as he and Ushijima jogged off to the changing rooms together. She took a seat next to Chinami and greeted her quietly, not wanting to wake the sleeping babe in her arms.

"Oh look at her, she's gorgeous," Sana whispered, just loud enough for Chinami to hear.

"She looks just like her dad," the older woman chuckled. "She's such an easy baby though, not fussy at all."

"What's her name?" Sana asked.

"Wakana, Wakatoshi didn't like it at first because it sounds a lot like his name but when he saw her for the first time, he changed his mind because she really is the spitting image of him."

"It suits her, Wakana is a beautiful name too." Sana smiled, looking between Chinami and her newborn daughter. The last time they'd seen each other, Chinami was only 2 months pregnant and had only told her because she couldn't bear to keep it a secret any longer, despite it being recommended that you wait until you've entered your second trimester. so Chinami blurted it out to Sana one morning at a game.

"Would you mind holding her for a few minutes whilst I go to the bathroom? She shouldn't stir now so you'll be fine." Chinami asked.

"Of course! Take as long as you need." Sana answered. Before taking the baby, she took out a travel-sized bottle of hand sanitiser and made sure her hands were clean, not knowing if they had any bacteria on them. Once she was done, Chinami thanked her and gently handed over the baby, instructing Sana to gently pat her stomach if she began to wake up before she rushed off towards the bathroom.

Sana rocked the baby girl gently in her arms, waiting for the boys to get onto the court from where they were warming up on the sidelines, stretching out tight muscles to prevent injury and jogging around the court.

*:・゚✧*:・ Tobio *:・゚✧*:・

"where'd Chinami go?" he heard Ushijima's deep voice. Tobio looked up to the stands where he'd left Sana a few minutes ago, and sure enough, Chinami had disappeared, leaving her baby with Sana who looked more than happy to watch over her for a few minutes.

"Stop panicking, she's probably gone to the bathroom or to get a cup of coffee." Atsumu chimed in as he stretched out his shoulders.

"She'll be back soon and Sana will probably go looking for her if she isn't." Tobio patted his teammate on the shoulder before lunging forward to stretch out his hamstrings and quads.

He snuck a peek at Sana again, admiring the way she looked with a baby snuggled up in her arms. they'd spoken about having kids before and though they decided they wanted one, they were both at the height of their careers and wanted to wait. They were still young and had ages to create their own little family. But the sight of Sana stirred something within him, something he'd heard Atsumu describe as baby fever and it made him want to give up on waiting and have one as soon as possible.

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