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The next time Kageyama saw her was surprisingly outside of school. The volleyball team was headed to Ukai's convenience store for meat buns (Daichi's treat, of course) when he saw his possible soulmate laughing with a boy who looked around the same age as them. They were both dressed in baggy, blue denim jeans, the girl having on a navy-green baby t-shirt that had something written in English on it whilst the boy had on a loose plain white dress shirt. Tobio frowned at their linked arms, as they laughed at something on the boy's phone.

The boy looked up and waved at one of the other team members behind Kageyama, dropping the girl's arm as he called over. "Oi! Yamaguchi, Tsukishima! Fancy seeing you here!"

The duo looked up. Tsukishima only nodded in acknowledgement whilst Yamaguchi smiled and shouted back "Sato! Sana! hi!"


tobio could feel his ears reddening at her name as he observed the interaction. Yamaguchi happily walked over to them, practically dragging his taller counterpart along with him. Sana didn't seem to talk much, only replying politely when Yamaguchi asked her something, but the boy, Sato, seemed very outgoing, clearly a friend of Tsukishima and Yamaguchi's.

Tobio's eyes widened and he flushed red when Sana noticed him staring, quickly looking away as he rolled a pebble with the toe of his shoe. He was thankful when the third years shouted at the pair to hurry up, cutting their conversation short. His heart was beating so fast that he needed any reason to get away from the girl, even if they hadn't even interacted. He didn't dare look back in her direction.

He was about to ask who they were but lucky for him, Hinata beat him to it.

"Oh, that's Koizumi Sato and Sana. They're twins from our class. Sato's really fun but Sana never really seems to talk much to anyone but Sato and her friends." Yamaguchi answered, clearly enjoying Sato's company enough to tell them more about the twins than they had asked.

At least Kageyama knew that the boy she was with wasn't her boyfriend but was, in fact, her twin brother. He felt a little embarrassed to have been feeling slightly jealous in the first place, he didn't even know the girl for god's sake.

"I've never met twins before that's so cool!" Hinata gushed, "Maybe I should try to get close to them too..."

Kageyama rolled his eyes but didn't protest Hinata's words. If Hinata got close to them that meant that Kageyama could get close to Sana by association and figure out what he was feeling.

"You should! They're really cool! They're professional dancers too!" Yamaguchi smiled at Hinata, both of them clearly sharing the same enthusiasm over the twins.

"Professional dancers you say... Yamaguchi, do you think you could convince them to dance in the stands for our games?" Tanaka asked dumbly, smiling creepily as he turned back to look at the first years.

"They're dancers, not cheerleaders." Tsukishima rolled his eyes.

"don't talk down to me I'm older than you!"


She didn't expect to see him outside of school, nor did she expect to catch him staring at her with red cheeks. Did he know they were soulmates but he was too shy to approach her? She really hoped so. though that would mean they were both scared to talk to each other. She could do it if he wasn't always surrounded by people.

"Sana!" Sato snapped his fingers in front of his sister's face, quirking an eyebrow at her sudden spaciness. Sana blinked, turning to her brother as he spoke again. "I've been talking to you for the past 2 minutes and you haven't been listening to a word I was saying." He huffed.

"I think I found my soulmate." She blurted, covering her mouth as soon as the words flew out of her. She immediately regretted telling him as his jaw dropped and he gasped dramatically.

"You found what now?" He practically shouted, the elderly ladies that were walking by turned to look at the twins in surprise.

"Shhh!" Sana covered his mouth, nodding politely at the ladies.

"Who?" Sato asked in disbelief. His sister had always talked about how unrealistic the concept of a soulmate was so he knew she was being serious when she mentioned it. But it was practically unheard of to find your soulmate so early, some never did which was why most people chose to love in the moment and marry without ever meeting their soulmate.

"I don't know his name! He was one of the boys on the volleyball team," Sana admitted begrudgingly. She knew that Sato was pretty much incapable of keeping a secret but she desperately needed to tell someone.

"That's a bit vague, Sana, there are like 20 guys on that team," Sato rolled his eyes. "Did you just find out now?" He looked back down the path where they had just bumped into the team.

"No, I found out on the first day of school..."

"And you didn't tell me? I could've played Cupid already!" Sato yelled, shaking his sister's shoulders. "Describe him to me."

"Um... he's the tall first year with dark hair and blue eyes, the quiet one," Sana explained, feeling more awkward by the second.

"Kageyama Tobio? I've heard about him from Yamaguchi," Sato said excitedly. "Okay, so here's the plan. I'm going to befriend the entire volleyball team, I'll get in there with them easily enough since I'm already friends with Yamaguchi. Then when I'm close with them, I'll get you in with them. You'll start talking to Kageyama and then bam! You'll fall in love and be together forever."

Sana deadpanned. "That's a bit over the top, don't you think?"

"Well we both know you're not gonna do it yourself," Sato scoffed "Now come on we only have an hour until dance. it's hip-hop today!"

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