Pop Pop Idol! ☆ - Idol Reader x Super-Fan Leviathan

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Kinktober Day 1 - Praise

Becoming famous was something I had dreamed of when I was younger. My parents supported me, but asked if I could pick a job more realistic. I grew up poor, so it wasn’t like I could just snap my fingers and have people collapse at my feet, begging for autographs.
I told myself, no matter what, I’d get wealthy enough and sing as much as I wanted.

An award-winning smile, and a beautiful voice, that was what I needed.
I was already praised for my melodious songs, but I needed to get better.

It wasn’t easy, of course.
I went to college, got a degree, started working in a white-collar job, and bought a private vocal tutor.
Soon enough, I was able to post songs I created online, accumulating a little over a thousand followers.

One step closer.

I worked and worked, fought tooth and nail, and finally.

I had achieved my distant dream.

A label signed with me, and I became an overnight sensation. I was more than happy, I was ecstatic.

Millions of people knew who I was, and loved me. They appreciated my voice, and I was finally able to give my family the life they’d wanted.

Do you ever reach the top of the stairs, only for there to be nails and knives under a typerope you need to walk across?

I became famous, I got my goal.

But it was nothing like I thought.

I used to be able to walk outside like it was nothing, no worries at all. But after becoming a famous pop-star, I was constantly recognized, stalked by paparazzi, and unable to even buy groceries without being harassed.

People believed I was made to appease them. If I did something even the slightest bit wrong in their eyes, my P.O. box had to be cautiously approached.

Fans found my address and came to my home, making me have to move several times.

The dangerous stalkers often made me fear for my life, so I had to get bodyguards.

My quiet, gentle life had become a hellscape.

Still, I tried my hardest to focus on the bright side. There were people who adored me and respected my privacy, plus, I was terribly wealthy now.
My parents, who used to struggle to buy food every month, could have anything they wanted. And, luckily, I went by an alias online and never had my friends or family in interviews, so I could play videogames going by my childhood nickname.

I could star in movies and shows, garnering even more fame and riches. Moreover, I could travel wherever I wanted.

No matter what, I was forever grateful for the opportunity my supporters have given me.

The noise was loud, but I tried my hardest to block it out with their cheers.

Then suddenly, it all stopped.

It was silent.

I was absolutely terrified.

It was dark, cold, yet somehow hot at the same time. In front of me stood two men who looked to be almost 7’ tall. They were wearing uniforms, school uniforms? I couldn’t tell, nor did I want to.

Did I die in my sleep? Oh my god, now I’ve done it. I knew I was taking on too much when I went on tour while starring in a movie.

As my brain reeled, the larger male spoke.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N). I am Diavolo, and you are going to be a new student at R.A.D.”

Ah. So I’m just going insane then.

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