Headcanons - Bedtime

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Lucifer is a softie when it comes to you, but it really does take some convincing to make him sleep. You usually hang out in his room whenever the brothers are bothering you too much, so you'll have a nice cup of tea whilst Lucifer works on his documents. After midnight, if you're still awake, he'll tell you to sleep. You'd tell him that you'll only sleep if he does too, which usually leads to a lot of groaning and moping as he tries to get you to sleep without him. He eventually gives in and sleeps with you, he makes sure to cuddle you close just in case you want to escape after all that work.


Mammon will pretend he doesn't want you to sleep with him. If you say you want to, he'll whine and complain, but if you get convinced not to, he'll be really upset, probably won't talk to you for at least 10 minutes. He only starts cuddling you after you've fallen asleep, keeping up his tsundere persona till the very end. If you wake up before him, you can finally get a good look at affection from the second born. But be warned, if you start texting someone else whilst laying down in bed next to him, he gets pissy and forces you to stop texting and cuddle him.


Leviathan pulls a lot of all nighters, so, whenever you want to sleep with him, it's most likely that you'll be sleeping at 5:00 AM. It takes some convincing though, he can get really insecure and continually convince himself that you're probably asking to sleep with him because you need something, or he gets really flustered and tells you he can't sleep with a normie like you. But, if you convince him, he'll let you sleep on his chest while he pets your hair and binge watches anime. He won't play games because he's scared to wake you or hurt you if he gets pissed at the game. (He's seen a lot of broken controllers in his life)


Satan likes to read you stories as you sleep, unlike his elder siblings, he usually doesn't need convincing to sleep with you. He gives great cuddles and pats your head as you slowly fall asleep, after you fall asleep, he cuddles you close and sleeps with you.


Asmodeus is usually the one convincing you to sleep with him. He'll escape to your room in the middle of the night, snuggle up close to you and sleep there, he claims he can't get good night sleeps without you. But, Asmo gives great cuddles, he likes to hug you tight and press his body close to yours, his bed's also extremely soft. Unlike the older brothers, he usually doesn't stay up too late, mainly because he needs beauty sleep, (his words).


Beelzebub gives the best cuddles. You're usually sleeping with him and Belphie, so you're usually in the middle of a sandwich. But, you do wake up in the middle of the night occasionally because Beel either is craving something or because he's nibbling on your ear.


Belphegor's whole existence is based around sleeping. So, naturally, his cuddles are always great, sometimes he'll cuddle you on the couch and fall asleep, he'll cuddle you everywhere. One downside to these cuddles is that you're usually the one carrying the boy to bed.


Sleepovers are a nightmare with Simeon. Mainly because of Solomon. You see, Solomon and Simeon keep pranking you by turning into biblical angels. Solomon uses a potion while Simeon just turns into it. It's absolutely terrifying and the only reason you sleep over there anymore is for Luke. Lucifer confronted them once about it, and they said they wouldn't do it again. They did it again later on. But, whenever he decides not to do that, it's usually a good time. He's an angel so his hands are super soft. You only wish he'd stop pranking you by turning into his angel form.


Same deal as Simeon, except his cuddles aren't nearly as good. You can't let him cook for you.


Barbatos's sleepovers are the best. He always cooks you delicious foods and his cuddles are great. He'll usually put on a movie and you'll watch it together. He likes to play with your hair and give you light kisses on the cheeks when you're about to sleep.


Thankfully, Diavolo never really puts his work over you, when you ask him to sleep, he'll cuddle you close and gently rub your back as he falls asleep. If you don't feel tired, he'll take you outside to watch the stars untill you fall asleep, then he'll carry you inside and rest on his king sized bed.


Luke's really sweet and always loves to cuddle up next to you. He says he never has nightmares when he cuddles with you. One time, Solomon and Simeon tried to do the thing again, but it woke Luke up and he almost fainted from shock. You got really upset and yelled at them for an hour until they apologized. They tried to convince Luke to do it once, but he felt bad and said no.
(P.S, he only almost fainted from shock because he was surprised and just woke up. If you saw a human standing over you and staring at you, you'd be scared too.)

The end

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