Popularity Issues - Famous Reader x Lucifer

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Setting: You're a famous actor, your boyfriend, Lucifer, is very annoyed at your fans.


"Thank you! It's very sweet of you to say that." I was on a date with my boyfriend when someone interrupted us, asking for an autograph and telling me how they loved my work. They happily hopped away and waved goodbye. I smiled, completely ignoring my boyfriend's trickling jealousy and sour expression. "Can't they see we're busy? Such an annoyance."
I elbowed him lightly, "Don't be rude, Lucifer. They basically pay my salary." Lucifer rolled his eyes, gritting his teeth and digging his nails into his arm. "You know what can also pay your salary? Working another job." I sighed, "Come on, this was my dream since I was a kid, I pursued it, isn't that great?" Lucifer's eyes softened and he let go of his arms, his fingers intertwined in mine.

"It's amazing. But I just want alone time without people invading our privacy." I smiled, looking down at the floor. I knew this was just how it was. After my first debute, I slowly gained popularity, now I can't go five minutes in the human realm without being recognized. "It's just how it is, Luci. Let's just go inside and get something to eat." Lucifer grumbled, his hand gripping mine ever so tightly. "Fine. I'll let it slide for now." We walked into the restaurant we were standing outside of, but, almost immediately, we were surrounded by paparazzi, Lucifer tried to cover me with his jacket, but to little avail. "(Y/N)! Is this your secret lover?!"
Flashing lights flooded my face, hurting my eyes. I tried to keep a smile plastered on my face. Waving to the people as I could feel Lucifer's blood boil. "(Y/N)! Over here!" Lucifer's jacket kept me slightly shielded from the lights, but it still hurt. "May we please get a private room?" I whispered in a hush voice to the Maitre D', who nodded, a smile plastered on their face, I could recognize a fake smile from a mile away and knew why.

"Calm down everyone! I'll be back in a minute, but I'm busy right now!" Screeches, yells and questions bombarded my ears before the sweet silence of a beautiful soundproof room surrounded me. "We'll set up security guards at the door. I apologize for the inconvenience."
"Oh it's no problem! You have no need to apologize, this always happens."
"They aren't kidding." Lucifer hissed as he sat down on the soft Banquette, crossing his legs. "Sorry, he's just upset" I tried to smile but couldn't hide my discomfort well. "It's alright, I'll be on my way, your servers will be out shortly."
"This is starting to really piss me off, my love."
"And I'm starting to think you don't know my actual name." I chuckled, he never calls me (Y/N) anymore, mainly because whenever he'd say my name in public there'd always be someone who'd recognize it.

Lucifer rolled his eyes, "You know I know your name." I nodded with a sly smile. I sat down in front of him, resting my chin on my hand. "I know you're annoyed by my popularity, but, you're the one who wanted a date in the human realm." Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose, "There is no good restaurants in Devildom. It was only natural to go to the human realm."
"Oh~ So you wanted to.." I smirked and leaned in, "Swoon me?" Lucifer didn't look impressed.
"You do not want to be snarky right now."
"Do I?" I gave him a toothy smile, obviously teasing him. He sighed and put his head in his hands, "I hate this." My expression darkened and my smile faded, "What?"
"I hate not being able to hold you in public. Not being able to kiss you whenever I want because there's someone out there who wants to ruin your reputation." My lip quivered, my thoughts flooded with horrible possibilities to where this was going.

"I know it's hard, but I love you so much, so I want to keep dating you no matter what."
"I love you as well. It's just.. Stressful."
My fists clenched, my eyes began to water, I hate this. I hate paparazzi. I hate that they ruin my relationships. The one person I love more than anything is considering breaking up with me because of them.
I shot up, walking towards the door, Lucifer looked up, "What are you doing?"
"I'll be right back, okay?"

I pushed past the security guards and was flooded once again with flashes. I bit my lip and looked at the paparazzi with a true expression of hatred and disgust. "You guys may pay my bills. But if your boss barged into your home everyday, you would be pissed. Now, I always try to be kind, but the next person to take a picture of me, or come up to me whilst I'm trying to live my life, I will forcefully make you leave the premise. Now. LEAVE." I shouted towards the crowd of paparazzi, I was probably gonna be given shit online about this later, but who cares? I have rights to my privacy and I have rights to defend myself. They hush-fully left the restaurant, leaving the room barren, "Apologies. Please don't let them come back." I went back inside the private room. Closing the door behind me and seeing Lucifer sitting, looking confused. "Well. The paparazzi is gone."
"Why, what happened?" I shook my head, I walked toward Lucifer, kneeling down next to him. I put my head down on his leg, I was tired, but just having Lucifer with me, made me feel at home. I smiled and I noticed a small smile on Lucifer's face as he pet my head. The floor started to get uncomfortable, so I got up to sit on his lap. His eyes stared longingly at my lips, so I kissed him, his lips tasted like a sweet honeydew, his tongue slipped into my mouth, my hands cupped his face. When our lips parted, Lucifer took a breath and spoke; "I'm sorry, my love. I shouldn't have even considered doing that to you." I nodded sweetly, "I understand. It's hard for both of us."
"I think I should make it up to you."
"Oh, well I guess that's not the only thing that hard~" I chuckled before being slammed down on the Banquette.

Lucifer kissed me as his hand ran down my chest, squeezing my thighs and lifting them up. My pants pulled down past my ass as Lucifer unbuckled his belt, tying my hands together with it. He whipped his dick out, pushing into me as I let out a disgruntled gasp. Pleasure ran through my body, he pushed in raw and hard, I bit my lip, trying to regulate the pain. He grumbled as his hips moved more vigorously.
I desperately scratched at him, he grunted as he rose closer. "Ah~ H-Hey stop!" Lucifer immediately stopped moving, looking annoyed, "What are you doing?" I glared at him. "Waiting."
As soon as I felt he wasn't close anymore, I took a breath and said, "Go." He pushed in even faster than he did before, my breathless moans pushed out of my body. But I still had plenty of control. He brought himself down to bury his face in my neck. He began leaving hickeys, biting my neck, and digging his nails into my thighs. His grunts started getting louder, so, I yelled out a stop once again; His annoyance brought his nails to dig deeper into my skin, blood began to draw from the small cuts from the nails. I chuckled, Lucifer mumbled something, since he couldn't move, he wasn't able to be heard. After a few more moments, I gave him the go, his thrusts were so hard and deep that I expect I wouldn't be able to walk.

I could only laugh in-between moans, which made him even more mad. "If you don't stop doing that, (Y/N). I- Swear- To- Diavolo- You will not be able even SPEAK." I laughed "S- Ah~ Sure- L- MmM! Love-" He pushed inside me harder, when I felt he was close once again, I said the word Lucifer dreaded; "S- AH! STOP!" I yelled out, Lucifer had to stop once more. I could tell he wanted to murder me. All I could give him was a cheeky smile. "You're pissing me off, (Y/N)."
"Uh-huh" I began riding him from the side, pushing myself against him. He hissed in annoyance, I went painfully slow grinding against him. Maybe having such control over Lucifer is the type of control I want over my career. "Alright, I guess you can go."
He slammed into me, speaking in-between humps.
"What- The- Fuck- (Y/N)!"
I just laughed and gasped moaned. I raised my hands to move Lucifer's hair out of his face, his expression seemed slightly less agitated. But he didn't slow down at all.

He got closer, he was ready for me to say stop again. But I didn't, I was done teasing, I'd already cum at least twice, but I really couldn't tell when. Lucifer let one final push before cumming inside of me. He panted, sweat dripping down his face. "You are such a bitch, (Y/N)"
"Oh, boohoo, you would've done the same thing." He pulled his dick out, taking the belt off my hands. I handed him a napkin to clean himself. He snatched it from me and cleaned his cum covered cock. "Shut it."
"My thighs hurt."
"Shouldn't have done that then." I shrugged and just cleaned the blood from my thighs.

"Now, how about we complete our date?"


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