The truth

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                               (Hope's POV)

I went to the back of the ship to be alone for a bit.

I couldn't stop thinking how Mini me that I'm a Jedi. But it was just a nightmare. Totally. It wasn't even real, but somehow it felt real to me. My thoughts in my head were everywhere. I stood up and decided to head back to the batch.

I walked up to them and I could tell they were all having an important conversation, but the second they saw me they stopped talking. I had an confused expression on my face.

"Ever get that feeling—" I get cut off by Wrecker.

"That you walk in and everyone stops talking and your pretty sure they were talking about you." Wrecker says out loud. Then Crosshair elbows Wrecker in the shoulder and Hunter gave him a glare.

"...exactly.." I say to Wrecker.

"Hunter, we have to tell her.." Echo said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Tell me what?" I asked confusedly. I looked down at Omega and she bit her lip knowing not to speak. Then I look up at Hunter and cross my arms.

"Tell me what, Hunter." I say slightly annoyed.

"It's not important, Hope. Where almost at Ord Mantell." Hunter told me but I could tell he was trying to change the subject, but I wasn't gonna let that happen. He started to walk out of this conversation and I stood in front of him not letting him pass.

"Wooooooooooooo!!!" Wrecker and Omega said at the same time.

Hunter gave me a glare that was telling me 'stand down' but I didn't, I gave him a glare back. We both were staring at each other dead in the eyes until one of us would back down.

The whole batch just watched us quietly waiting to see who would win. Hunter walked an inch closer to me but I still wasn't backing down. Both of our faces were inch to inch away from each other. Hunter backed up and uncrossed his arms then sighed, indicating that I won. Then I uncrossed my arms once I noticed he folded.

"Fine." Hunter said quickly.

"YAY!" Omega said happily behind Hunter.

The whole batch had there mouths open and was in shock that I won, well except for Crosshair, he knew I would win.

"Your..different...your more valuable to them then we thought..about as valuable as Omega.." Hunter explained to me slowly.

"We're here." Tech interrupted.

"Wrecker, Tech, Crosshair, Echo, and Omega head to Cid's, me and Hope will come and join you all after I'm done telling her." Hunter told his squad.

"But, Hunter." Omega protested.

"That's an order, kid." Hunter shot back.

"...yes sir." Omega said sadly.

They all walked out of the ship and disappeared into the streets of Ord Mantell. Now it was just me and Hunter left. I looked up at him still confused but he had a guilty expression.

"...your a Jedi, Hope.." Hunter hesitated but forced it out.

I was in shock, I knew, but I didn't actually know..

Hunter turned around and pressed a button on one of the bottom drawers. It made a click sound then opened up. He had 2 lightsabers in his hand. He reached them out, indicating for me to grab them. I looked at them then slowly reached my hand to grab them. There was one that was a bit smaller then the other. I grabbed them, I had one in each hand and they actually felt heavier then I expected. They had designs engraved into it. I had no idea what to do next.

"...why didn't you tell me sooner?!" I say slightly annoyed.

"Well, we didn't know you well enough yet..." Hunter says hesitantly.

"So you didn't trust me?" I ask while attaching my lightsabers to my belt. Then crossed my arms. I knew Hunter could sense I was getting mad.

"Hope, don't take it the wrong way...I was just protecting my squad from you..." Hunter said with remorse in his voice.

"From me!?" I turn around and start to walk away but Hunter grabbed my wrist.

"Hope, I didn't mean for it to come out like that..." Hunter says with shame.

"Well it did!" I snapped back then break away from his hold and start heading down the the Marauder's stairs and Hunter followed.

"Hope..." Hunter said while catching up to me and walking right beside me.

I ignore him and keep walking, I start walking faster.

"Hope, you shouldn't get mad at me. Your a Jedi can you blame me. Your Dangerous. I wanted to keep this away for you as long as I could, because I wanted to protect you from the truth..." Hunter says while looking at my facial expression.

I looked at him furiously and he tilted his head confused.

"Hope..." Hunter said again.

"Shut up!" Was the only thing I could get myself to say. He looked at me with an surprised facial expression, I don't think he's used to having someone talk back. But he listened and he was completely quiet. I saw Cid's bar, we we're getting close.

"Hope, we haven't finished discussing this..." Hunter says quietly.

"Nothing left to talk all don't trust me...I told you all everything I could remember, and you just hid that I'm a Jedi from me." I said irritatedly.

Hunter didn't answer, honestly I don't think he even knows what to say. We reach Cid's bar and Hunter walked in front of me and opened the door for me. I usually wait for him after I walk through but I didn't care. I just stormed off. I saw Omega's smile when she saw me and she ran up to me and started to ask a million questions.

"So how did it go? Do you remember anything new? Are you happy about finding out your an, you know what?" Omega asked me and I could feel the anger rising.

"Kid back off!" I snap and I saw Omega's facial expression change into confused and sadness. Omega stopped following me and turned to her brothers. I sat at the farthest table away from everyone. I was so angry, how could they all just keep this from me. It's also that fact that they would have kept it from me for longer if I didn't stand up to Hunter. Do they really not trust me? But at the same time what if I do become dangerous...

(1084 words)

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