Chapter 1 : Back to school

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"Colleteeee!!!Omg I MISS YOU SOO MUCH!" Aubrey gave me a really big hug which showed she really missed me! I miss my bestfriend ,my close friends ,school and its well kept drama that never gets old.

" So how was it in London?" My bestfriend asked me and I gave her no reply .

After the long silence between us, I answered by telling her about my break up with Deshon and well she kept silent too.

I did not want to make my last year of being a junior so terrible and sad. I wanted it to be full of fun and adcentures and laughter, so that is going to begin this instant!

"I cant believe we are going to be seniors next year! Ahhh! Aubry imaginea the things that could happen.. its going to be amazing!"

There were alot of new faces and alot of hot ones too.The first bell went and Aubry and I run as fast as we could just so we wont get late on the first day of school. We got to classand got seats next to each other.
"That was fast!" I told Aubry while trying to catch my breath . "Yeah it was! " Aubry muttered unfed her breath. We both turned foward  to see our class tutor make his way to his table with some books and a mug in his hand. Of all the teachers in the school ,I  have never seen him before!

"Good morning class. My name is Mr.Alan Johnson but you can just call me Mr. Alan. I know you all are thinking who I am but dint brainstorm because I'm new here and I'll be teaching you English Language since the old teacher left."

"Why do we have to learn English Language when we speak English  language??Gish its too much work! " Liam cried out to a Jock that was sitting on his left.  Quater of the class just laughed and I turned back to give Liam the death glare! Sorry if he got scared or something  but english is my favourite subject so no one should object!

"Well mister-" Mr Alan paused for Liam to say his name. "The name's Liam."

"Well then Mister...Liam,  you think that you can speak  english very well,  but you arr certainly wrong . There is alot more to it that just speaking  it."

"What ever! " Liam puffed.
This was going to be an awesome  year.
" Liam!!! You dont puff at your teacher  . Wait for me outside!"

Oh yes! Very fun!

"You have got to be kidding me? Samantha? Is this you?" Samantha was one of my friends. Actually a close friend and she is a senior!

" Yeah girl its me. You look soo pretty bae!!IMU soo much and oh I heard about the whole Deshon thing..sorry tho." Well I guess my ex is spreading the news fast about our break up!
" Thanks and yeah we split up, its not because of anything real important but things weren't  working out well."

"Oh okay." Aubry, Samantha and I went to sit on the bench ad we talked about our summer vacation  and how things have been with some of our old friends and jocks and cheerleaders.

" Did Elaine come today? " I asked Samantha about our good friend realising she was not seen around today. I really miss that wierdo!

"No she isn't  in school. You already know Elaine ,she barely comes to school on the furst day. " True that.  I wonder why people miss first days of school because like its one of the days that you are mostly free and there is not much work to do or project.

" That wierdo better come tomorrow. If any of you see her today tell her to bring my phone charger with her if she is coming tomorrow.  She said she wont give it to me because she likes the design!" Aubry announced . Thw expression ob her face was just killer and that out Samantha and I to a deadly laughter.  I have awesome friends...geez!

The bell was going to be rung in five minutes so Aubry,  Sam and I got up to go get our books crom our lockers and walk each other to class. After we dropped Samantha , I walked  Aubry to art class and then from there I went for Sociology.

I  got to class and saw no one familiar in there so I just took my seat and got my books out to get ready for the lesson.
I had this plan for my future that goes like this; 

- I find prince charming after senior year.
- We set if to the same University.
- We get married .
- I become a famous lawyer and also a popular author.
- We live happily ever after.

Boss isn't  it?  I just pray to God that everything goes according to plan. That way I would live the best if life!!


Hey there everyone !! So this is my new book!  And I would love to hear  your
opinions on it. Here are some topics:

A) Collete? Do you like her??

B) Aubry?

C) Samantha?

D) Do you think Collete would  find her prince  charming soon?

E) I would love to hear more from my readers so what do you want to see later on in the story?

I hope you enjoy the book  and dont forget to comment and vote! You can also follow my other account , @salwamoe and I hooe you enjoy the other books I have written!


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