𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓿𝓮

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𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆'𝒔 𝑷𝒐𝒗:

I awoke in a dark, cold cell feeling my limbs softly ache due to the cold rattling my bones. Only a small bed held me off the floor with a thin and torn blanket. A small amount of light poking through a small barred window just barely out of reach.

All that lay in the room is a simple bucket and tray with what looked to be some kind of porridge? I pick up my spoon poking at the now rock solid porridge, cringing at the stale food infront of me.

'Gross' I think myself putting the tray away, I sit on my bed my mind rushing a million miles an hour.

'Where am I ?!'

'Is this rumple's doing'

'Was I captured by the knights ??!?!'

Panic begins rushing through my veins like a tidal wave. My hands begin to shake and my blood runs cold, it feels as though the walls are closing in on me as I back into the cold corner, curling up in a little ball as I try to steady my heavy breathing.

I feel tears start to prick my eyes, trying to find a distraction I think back to the memories I had, running through a field as child with my childhood dog jake, having small picnics by a stream. Creating flower chains for my dog to wear,sitting down by the fire with rumple....

"What am I doing?! I shouldn't be thinking of him'

I reminisce in the warmth of the memory, the feeling of his fingers running through my hair softly lulling me to sleep upon his shoulder..the calm I felt...how safe and wanted I felt, unfortunately the sound of the metal door scratching against the stone floor stirs me from my thoughts as I'm blinded by the sudden bright light shining through the room.

I hear small clatters of heels against the floor, I instinctively clench my fists in defense raising from the floor, my eyes adjust to the lighting to see a smug looking evil queen stood in the middle of the room eyeing me, probably enjoying her victory.

"What do you want?" I say seething, trying to contain my anger. She merely chuckles walking over and sitting on the edge of my bed before fixing her hair.

"I want to know where snow is" she says staring me down with her killer evil glare.

"You're kidding right" I look at her expectedly.

I look at her to see her sat there, no sign of humour on her face. I laugh at her, noticing her eye twitch in anger.

"No idea and even if I did know, I wouldn't tell you" I say smiling smugly. I fold my arms watching her jaw tense at my answer as if she was expecting me to know ??

She raises from the bed and stands again in silence almost expecting me to say something. She sighs as steps away looking towards the door before looking back at me disappointedly.

'Stupid bitch' I think to myself before as fast as lightning her arm raises and I am flung back against the stone wall, I wince as my head hits the wall with a thud. My vision blurring slightly.

The Queen walks over grabbing my face, her long nails gently peircing my cheeks, her hands cold against my skin. Her eyes burning with hatred as she says through gritted teeth.

"Tell me where she is or I will rip your heart right out of your chest" I only stare at her keeping my lips tightly sealed, she only sighs and chuckles shaking her head.

Her hand suddenly rips through my chestplate grabbing at my heart. I feel an extreme pain spread across my body, I yell out trying to catch my breath.

"Tell me what you know" she says quietly, ignoring my resistance.

"I don't know! I haven't seen her in months!!" She stares at my desperate eyes and clenches her jaw releasing my heart before stepping back, I fall to the ground panting desperately catching my breath.

She turns and begins walking towards the dungeon door, I quickly get up.

"Is that all you wanted !?!? You chased me for years all because you wanted to know where snow was !! You're really going to lock me up for that!" I say angrily kicking the metal bucket across the floor in anger.

Feeling pure rage fill my veins like a disease. She simply turns looking at my clearly agitated state and laughs evily.

"I knew you didn't know where she was because I know you were with rumple...as his little maid. Snow and charming are getting married..and i intend to give them one hell of a wedding gift" She says looking at me up and down in disgust.

"I just wanted to test you and you passed. Congratulations. However the real reason you're here is because you were given to me" she says smiling at me, the light from the door aluminating her face.

"What.." I say looking at her confused, part of me hoped what I was thinking was wrong.

"Let's just say soon I will inact a beautiful curse that will take us all away to a place where I finally get my happy ending. And you were traded for a...good life amongst this curse. You were given to me by a certain deal maker, I think we both know who that is"

"No that isn't true! He wouldn't do that!" I yell at her feeling a sting in my chest.

"Oh but he did. You didn't think he actually cared about you did you" she says looking at me with a curious look.
I look at her with tear filled eyes before looking down at the floor.

'No...' I think to myself. My heart shatters and I fall to the floor sitting on my knees as I stare at the stone floor in shock. Feeling tears brim my eyes...sadness..anger...betrayal...I felt it all. The Queen walks over to me standing above me looking down at me with fake sympathy. She kneels down and looks at my face smiling brightly.

"I've been where you are, love is a sick and complicated thing. And when you lose it.. it changes a person. I'm sorry you weren't wanted. You aren't the only person rumple has manipulated and you won't be the last" she says chuckling as she walks our of the dungeon. Darkness consuming the room and my heart....

🌼Authors Note🌼

Hiya Guys sorry it took so long for another part to come out. I will try to get back into the groove of posting everyday when I can. But until enjoy and let me know if you have any suggestions. Happy reading my lovlies 🌼

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