𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓔𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯:
I awoke excitedly looking out the window at the slight sunrise appearing over the dark oak trees. Rushing to get changed I jog downstairs to grab my cloak as it was early in the morning and still damp out, I run out of the Manor.

The much welcomed warmth of spring had finally come and I was thrilled to say the least. I had spoken with rumple through the winter getting to know him better and better. Becoming friends and maybe more...But I had finally convinced him to let me take care of the gardens surrounding the manor.

Taking a deep breath I smell the fresh air, sighing contently. Letting the calm wash over me as I admire the sunrise above me.

"Now let's get to work" I say outloud clapping my hands together walking to a small shed holding all types of gardening equipment rumple had collected as he did his...work so to say through the winter.

I pick up a shovel and begin to dig up the weeds and dead plants surrounding the manor, feeling a light sweat form on my head as time went on. The soil crumbling under the shovel.

'Damn this is really is old and dead' I say to myself crumbling a weed under my fingertips watching it almost disintegrate immediately.

I continue gardening creating little patches of soil around the manor ready to be filled with various, plants,herbs,flowers etc. The only reason I was able to fix up this garden was because rumple had lowered the amounts of work I had to do, it was sweet.

He knew it was getting tedious and was eventually beginning to exhaust me doing the same thing every day. Although recently I had noticed rumple in the manor more often than usual but he seemed stressed. Although he never told me as to what it was that was bugging him, the only thing he had said was

"Let's just say you should worry of the future. You should focus on the present my love' rumples words had rattled around in my brain for weeks but he never mentioned anything again. Rumple had been using his spinning wheel less and mostly focused on his work or me.

For reasons I can't explain I'm happy here it's like a home I've never really had, and rumple he's become more than a friend...maybe. I know I shouldn't feel that way I mean he does horrible things but I can't help it.

'The heart wants what the heart wants' I think to myself it was something my mother would say to me when I was younger. I sigh to myself at the memory of my mother. I tried not to think about her after her sudden disappearance when I was younger, to this day I still don't know what happened.

All I know is she went to her garden and after that she disappeared never to be seen again and since then i just presumed shes gone..

I pack away my equipment putting it all in the shed before heading back inside putting my cloak away. As I stand at the front doors I hear a light but and dark chuckle, my ears perk up at the sound.

'Does Rumple have company?' I think to myself walking a little closer, closing the door quietly.

My heart almost stops as I get closer, recognising the voice as if it would take me long to recognise that voice anywhere. I see the main dining room doors slightly ajar and quietly peek through.

My heart breaks as I see rumple stood with the Evil Queen, him talking with his regular charm as he carefully stands behind her whispering in her ear.

His hand slowly moving a peice of her hair out of her face. She turns to him with an evil smile and a slight blush dusting her face, grabbing his hand gently and whispering something back chuckling as she does. I feel the breath leave my lungs and rush away from the door with so many thoughts running through my mind.

'Why would he do this to me?!'

'Was all this just a lie!!'

'Is he gonna make a deal with her for my capture!!'

'I should've never trusted him. I'm so stupid he's a monster'

I run through the halls of the Manor entering my room as I quickly collect my things into a small bag, I grab my bow and arrow and threw it over my shoulders, I slowly and quietly walk down the stairs hearing chatter and giggling from rumple and her...

I grab my cloak and run out of the manor slamming the door as I left not caring if they heard me, I begin running through the dark forest feeling the wind brush through my hair, it flowing behind me as I ran with everything I had. My shoes slowly getting muddy from all of the damp soil beneath my feet.

I feel my throat begin to sore from the cold air pumping through my lungs. The only thing I could think of was the stinging betrayal I felt tare through my chest. I feel tears prick my eyes my pace eventually slow's down as I pant with exhaustion.

I lay down tiredly with my back against a tree looking up at the bright sky peeking through the trees. Suddenly a wave of fatigue washes over me, I'm barely able to fight it as I hear hear a slight whisper in my ear. I can barely make out what the person is saying until I feel a velvet gloved hand smooth gently over my face.

"Rumple...help me...." I say before passing out.

𝐑𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯:

I had finally given the Evil Queen her curse and was thankfully talking my way into a good future at this..new world. I giggle walking outside feeling oh so giddy at my new and what would be my most important deal made. Now however I wanted to see Rosette, I had seen her gardening earlier and I had to admit I enjoyed watching her. Her hair put up in a neat bun but every so often a small peice of hair fell out framing her face gloriously. The sun rising around her making her skin glow...the memory of her beauty made me smile to myself.

'She's really making me..soft' I think to myself however the happiness I had recently had evaporated within moments when I had discovered Rosette was not outside.

Now I was currently darting around the manor checking every room frantically. The only thing running through my mind was her...no voices just her. On a continuous loop question's raced through my mind.

'Where is she?!'

'She's not outside! She's got to be in the manor'

'Why isn't she replying to me?!?'

'Did she run away...' my heart broke as the mere thought of it stirred something unpleasant in my chest. I was heaving as I had finally gotten to her room. Stopping to straighten up before gently but frantically knocking, watching the door open as my knuckles hit the door. I slowly walk in to see an unmade bed. Looking around as her curtains were slightly ajar, her drawers out and empty. Her clothes...gone.

'Maybe she's cleaning them..' I desperately tried to reassure myself, clinging to the hope she hadn't decided to leave. I needed her in my life she was my reason for happiness.

The only thing I looked forward to seeing in the morning, I was finally able to look in mirrors without disgust and except the sun on my skin without wanting to hide in the shadows.I search the entire room finding nothing that belonged to her.

'All her belongings they're gone!' I think anger bubbling in my chest, my hearing ringing as throw a nearby vase at the stone wall watching it smash into small shards of glass spreading across the room, until something caught my eye.

Neatly placed atop Rosette's dresser three red roses lay almost...mocking me. I growl to myself heading out of the room feeling rage take over my senses.

🌼Authors Note🌼

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't posted more recently unfortunately this week I lost a close family member. Although I'm taking time to recover and heal I still want to do the things I love so let me know if you have any feedback and thank you all for the amazing support and patience you've shown ! As always happy reading lovelies !🌼

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