Hobbies/ Date night

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Nya sat in her room trying to find something she could do as a hobby, growing up a slave didn't give her much to help pass the time. Although she loved to tinker with any loose bits of metal and other materials laying around, but she wanted to find something, new. While the boys were out at the shops Zane had gotten her and Kai a phone, it was a welcome to the team present from him, Jay and Cole.

When she had now ideas come to mind she looked up some of the most popular hobbies people did. The first one to pop up was cooking, 'cooking could be fun, but I don't know anything about it, maybe I can ask one of the others' she thought. She went looking for a ninja any would do, except she didn't want to ask Jay since she was still nervous around him especially since they have their date tonight. Nya walked past the gaming room where the boys played their games, she popped her head in and saw Cole playing something, she didn't really care what it was.

"Hey Cole, do you happen to know much about cooking?" She asked him, "oo yikes, I'm not the best person to ask that question, last time I cooked something I glued everyone's mouths shut for 3 hours, Zane does most of the cooking" Cole said eyes glued to the screen. "Oh ok then thank you-" Nya was about to walk off before Cole called out to her, "I think he's still busy with Kai". "Oh yeah, I wander what's taking them so long, it's been like almost and hour and a half!" Nya said, "dunno, but maybe not the best to interrupt them". Nya gave him a thumbs up and walked off.

In reality Cole new almost exactly what was happening with Kai, but didn't know if he wanted others to know but he did assume that Zane new. "ok well cooking is off the table, for now, what's next?" Nya asked herself looking down at her phone. Drawing was next on the list, 'hmm drawing shouldn't be to hard I just need some paper and a pencil and rubber, aaaand maybe a youtube tutorial' Nya thought on her way back to her room. Luckily she had all of that in her desk, Nya pulled up a easy tutorial to drawing a realistic face.

Nya tried her hardest to copy it, but by the end it looked nothing like it. She was mad, she ripped up the paper and chucked it into the bin next to her desk. Nya felt defeated, everything she had tried (2 more like1thing) she failed, Nya put her head on her desk practically giving up. Nya didn't want to but reluctantly she pulled her phone out and looked through the list of options she had, scanning through them until she found one that she new she could do. Exercise.

Simple and easy in Nya's mind, 'that's it, why didn't I think of it earlier, that is literally what I do everyday and something that I enjoy doing'. she did it, Nya found a hobby she could enjoy! She put on some of her new clothes gifted by her brother and headed out to the training room. On her way she was stopped by Cole, again. "So it looks like you found a hobby?" He asked her, "yeah! It was right in front of me, literally" she smiled at him. "Well that's good, just make sure you take breaks, and not just for a couple minutes, I mean days off" Cole said, "your body will need a break after a couple days of exercising and practicing your Ninja moves" he added.

"Noted, anything else I need to know?" Nya asked him, "hmmm, hydrate regularly and it's not really important but I can lend you my headphones and show you some good workout playlists" Cole said walking to his room. "Why would I need that?" She had no idea what kinda music she liked, "trust me, experiment with it, try doing some with the music and some without and see the difference" Cole smiled, he used to love working out, especially climbing mountains so he knew lots about it.

Once they reached his room he grabbed one of his old headphones that still worked really well but he found new ones he liked better and an old water bottle he bought but never used. "Here you can have these" Cole handed them to her, "wait your giving these to me!?" She said in astonishment at how new they looked. "Yeah I don't need them so you can use them, enjoy your workout" He waved her off and proceeded to head to the med bay.

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