he's back!!!

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Kai sat alone quietly letting the time pass by as he gathered enough strength for his idea to work, he looked up at the screen that he had previously crashed through. it's was still red but you could still see the outside world, kai could see his sister and the ninja getting hurt he didn't want to continue watching but he had to, he had to know what Elio was doing.

he was getting ready to jump back in when he saw his master kick Elio from the back, kai was so happy to see his master. as the situation outside changed so did kai's plan, he decided wait and see what they had planned for Elio. he continued to watch and saw Master Wu wrap Elio down with rope and saw Garmadon pick him up with one set of arms and saw that they were heading inside.

as they had contained Elio kai decided to check how bad his wounds were, but when he did he saw that they had all healed up, all that was left was a slight bruise on his forehead. when he looked up at the broken screen he saw Master Wu giving Elio some sort of liquid and guessed it to be a sort of tranquilliser to knock Elio out. when go to Elio he passed right out within seconds and soon he stood before kai in the blank empty space.

"Elio listen.... Garmadon.... he tricked us..... he always told me that the ninja were bad and everyone is out to get us..... but maybe he's wrong" kai said softly from the ground. "he wouldn't lie" Elio stated, "yes he did! you just need to trust me..... if these ninja are trying their hardest to rescue me, someone who they have never really met, someone who they have fought..... then..... maybe they are good and we're the bad guys" Kai declared.

Elio fell to the ground "how could i let this happen to me..... if my friends could see me know.... they would surely be disappointed in me" Elio cried. "don't say that!" kai yelled he rushed over to Elio and hugged him, " i may have met you only a few weeks ago but.... i'm proud to be related to you.. Elio" Kai smiled. Elio gripped tightly to kai and just sat there for awhile, "i'm sorry kai, i didn't mean to do all this... i mean one minute i was sleeping then the next i get tricked by someone who i had trusted with this new world, i promise from now on i'll try and make this right" Elio proclaimed.

minutes went by and they both sat there in silence when kai spoke "what do we do know.... i mean i don't know if there is a way for you to go back, once your awake i'm not sure you can go back to sleep", " i don't believe so, i guess i'm stuck here in the void.... forever" Elio said sadness in his voice. "how about we share my body!" Kai said, "What!?", "not forever dummy, just until we find away for you to go back to sleep or maybe we could find a way for you to become a ghost i think you can do that" Kai said to Elio

"hey, that's not a bad idea bud" Elio said putting a hand on kai's head, "if you don't mind me crashing in your memories", "nah they all pretty melancholy anyway" Kai said with a slight chuckle. "hopefully these ninja are quick to forgiveness", "i'm sure they will be, i mean they did just take me on just to save you" Elio said, "yeah i guess so"

as they sat there a light shone above kai and he started to float, "must be time, finally, once the screen pops up you need to run at it with all your might then you'll be able to jump through it to get to my memories" kai shouted down to Elio as he got higher and higher, "cya soon great x1000 grandad" kai said and winked at him, "yeah, yeah cya bud" Elio waved at him.

Kai opened his eyes and looked around him, it worked, he was back in his body, he tried to get up but the chains were in his way. he looked down to see what his situation was when he heard shuffling of feet and he could feel the eyes on him, kai slowly looked up and saw that they were all looking at him, waiting for his next move.

"kai, you there?" Jay said as the comic relief, "who else would it be numskull" kai said, Nya ran at him with full speed "KAI!!!! I missed you, i thought i was never going to get the chance to meet you or see you again, until i met the ninja and they help me!!!!" Nya yelled, "sis, it's so good to see you after all this time" kai said trying to hug his little sister ultimately forgetting about the chains. He fell to the floor face first, "here let me help you" Cole said grabbing the key to unlock the chains.

Cole took the chains off of kai and kai hugged him "thank you for looking after my sister, and also for not giving up on me" kai said to him, Cole blushed not know what to do next "o-oh w-well it's what ninja do right" he blurted out, kai had just realised what he did and quickly tried to make it seem natural and quickly let go. Nya rushed to Kai and squeezed him tightly, "i thought you were dead, you, mum and dad" kai said with a tear in one of his eyes.
2 in one day now that's a record

----2 in one day now that's a record

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