Parents, am i right🤷‍♀️

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Nya watched her older brother walk down the hall to catch up to his new friends happy to see him having fun, but what she was about to do was quite the opposite. She could sense that her parents weren't telling the truth and we're keeping a secret from them. Nya was used to them keeping secrets, they thought that they were pretty good liars, when in reality they were terrible and Nya could tell when they were lying.

Nya looked all over the monastery, looking for Ray and Maya. She looked outside where they had just trained, in the Living room where they ate together, even briefly in the games room where the boys we're talking and looked like they we're making plans to go out. "Hold on I'll go grab you a shirt" she heard Cole say, she was stuck, she new she couldn't run fast enough to reach the corner, but she could grab onto the pillars above her that was the base to the roof (what Kai climbed up on in the pilot when he was fighting Cole jay and Zane). She climbed up just in time for Cole not to see her, although he did hear something and stopped just outside the door but just shrugged it off.

Once the coast was clear she hopped down and continued her search, room through room. It's like they had disappeared into thin air, even there room was empty, Nya had an idea where they could be, Kai's temporary room. She went to the room and opened the door with hope to see her mum and dad standing there, but unfortunately they were not.  As she closed the door she saw a note laying on the bed that looked to be made and folded, now that she noticed it his room looked to be cleaned by someone. Nya picked up the note and began to read;

Dear Kai

We're so happy to have you back with us and your sister

as this is a new chapter in both your lives, we must leave for you to pursue this journey and to save many lives

We love you both very much and you always welcome to visit us at our old home, which is where we are headed to

We want for you and Nya to live a happy life and with that we plan to fix the house to restore and maintain all the old happy memories

Wish to see or hear from you soon

Love Ray and Maya xoxo

Nya had tears in her eyes, she had never been so far away from them and the thought of it brought tears. She heard engines roaring about to head off, and she used every ounce of energy she had in her tiny body to run to the garage to catch them before they left. She sped around every corner and even the stairs to reach them, unfortunately she was to late, as she skidded to a halt they had taken off in a car that had been provided to them from master Wu, who was waiting for her. "I'm guessing, you read to the note?" He asked, "why, why didn't you stop them? Why didn't you make them wait for me to say goodbye? Why didn't they, say goodbye?" She fired the questions one by one.

"They left because it was the right decision to make for them and for you, they wanted to stay and to protect you but if they did so you wouldn't find you true potential and grow to be a grand ninja" Wu said, "if they waited any longer they would have changed their minds, they love you and all they want is for you to be safe" he continued. "But- what- I" Nya tried to speak, but the words didn't follow, Wu consoled her with a hug, "I know this hurts now, but this is your chance to bloom and become stronger, to make them proud".  They both left the garage, she could hear the boys heading off as well and just followed to her room.

Nya opened the door and walked in shutting it behind her then crumbled to the ground, "why now! They could have waited just a little longer, how is Kai going to handle this" she thought to herself, when she remembered the note and looked at her bed wondering if they had left one for her, which they did. She ran up to it and held it tightly, she was scared to open it, but ultimately decided to.

Dear Nya

Since leaving that hell we were stuck in for so long, we have been able to see how strong you are truly capable off

We know this will hurt, our decision, but we also know you

We know that next time we see you, you will have grown into a beautiful and strong individual

We love you and can't wait to see who you will become

Love Ray and Maya xoxo

Nya stood there tears still tripling down her face, something snapped in her head. She forced her tears to stop and wiped away the residue, "I will become stronger, and make them proud" she said out loud, and since then and changed how she viewed everything, what she ate, who she acted, everything.

'new goal: to be the strongest female ninja ever!' She wrote on a note and put it up in her wall right next to the note from her parents. Nya wanted to be able to see it every day, to be reminded why she is doing this. She also new that Kai wasn't going to take this well, and had made a plan to make sure to be there for him when he reads the note.

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