rage and delusion

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master wu and garmadon look out at what the monastery had resulted in since leaving, flames and rubble were everywhere and they could see the ninja struggling to calm Elio down

"Cole! Nya! Zane is down! the heat is too much for his motherboard to take!" Jay called out to the team. Nya and Cole had been trying to calm him down and to call out to Kai who was trapped, but to no luck. Master Wu and Garmadon look at each other and agreed on their next move.

they both took off with speed at Elio who was to busy looking at the ninja, Garmadon jumped up into the air and kicked Elio to the floor, he did not speak only growled. Master Wu had grabbed a rope laying on the floor and rapidly wrapped it around Elio's arms and body to hold him down. "that should hold him for awhile, we need to bring Kai back now" Garmadon said, while Master Wu ran over to his pupils to check that they were ok.

"are you all alright?" he asked them, "were fine just a bit scratched up, zane not so much, the heat got to his circuits and he over heated" Cole said to his sensei while helping Nya up. Jay had picked Zane up ready to take inside to the workshop, "i'll work on Zane, i should be able to reboot him" he said, "let me help, i know a thing or 2 about repairs" Nya said and they walked off inside leaving Cole and Master Wu alone

"will we be able to help kai master?" he questioned his master. Wu looked at his pupil who was holding onto his scratched arm, "i can sense that you have gained feelings for this boy am i wrong?". "w-what sensei, why would you- i don't-.... *sigh* maybe........ i know i shouldn't be having these feeling's since i only briefly met him 3 months ago, but since then i can't help these feelings from growing" Cole looked at the surroundings trying to avoid his masters gaze.

Wu just smiled at him "you shouldn't try to suppress your feelings and emotions, they are the things that help you to become stronger. Kai will be fine we will find a way to return him to our world until then you need to rest" wu patted Cole on the shoulder and the walked inside to the first aid room.

"so what your all going to leave me out here to carry him alone!!" Garmadon called out to them. "ugh, i deserve this tho, i mean i did turn my only pupil into a ticking time bomb, I'm sorry kai, i will get you back.", as Garmadon picked Elio up with one set of hands and tucked him under one Elio growled at him still in a feral state.

once all were inside it was time for a discussion on what they were going to do with Kai/Elio. "YOU DID THIS TO HIM, OH I HAVE THE RIGHT MIND TO TAKE YOU DOWN, WHY I OUGHT TO-" Nya screamed practically being held back by Jay who was struggling to do so. "now now Nya, though your anger is right we must all be on the same side for what is to happen to kai" Master wu said, "in other words, you need me to help him, i know what i did was wrong but the outcome was not intended for" garmadon said trying to ease Nya's fury.

Kai's body was sat hunched over in the corner, bengestone chains restricting his arms from moving, it was a scary sight for them all to see so they tried to not look at him to much. "what do we do know, you finally got him to calm down with that sleeping tea" Jay asked, him and Nya had returned to rebooting Zane. Garmadon pulled out the scroll from the inside of his robe "luckily before Elio made a hole in the wall Wu had found the scroll containing the solution for all this" he unrolled in and laid it on the table in the middle.

"it says here that to bring Kai's mind back into his body we must travel to the mystic temples deep in the jungle where inside the ancient healers will help guide his spirit back to his body"Garmadon read aloud, at that moment the clinking of chains were heard coming from the corner which sent chills down their backs
sorry it's took so long, i just finished doing most of my exams but i'm back and have lots to write ✍️

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