part 19- tight

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My arms are still wrapped around Nick whilst walking. I can't let go, I feel so terribly bad. We were about a half an hour walk from nicks house, I didn't text his mum that I had found him though. I was too caught up in my thoughts.

Nicks pov:

I feel safe now. I have charlie hugging me and I just feel 100x better, inside and outside, I don't get why I didn't want this. Anyways, we were walking home now. People kept giving funny looks as we were both limping whilst hugging. That's when we saw a familiar face. Ben. He didn't say anything. He just shoved us and walked off, pathetic kid. Me and charlie started laughing our heads off. We didn't care about Ben anymore, char would get the odd sadness from him but not often. Anyways, we got to my house,

Charlie's pov:

We got to nicks house, opened the door and Sarah rushed around the corner, her eyes lit up when she saw nick, she hugged him as tight as possible, and then she hugged me "Nick needed you charlie, thank you for not giving up." I was still covered in mud, scratches and tears but I'm smiling so much right now. We went upstairs and nick demanded "go have a shower char," "you can go fi-" "No char. You go first." I smiled in response and went to have a shower. I walked back into the room to see nick smiling at his phone, I was only peeping through so he didn't see me but when he did he just chuckled, I only had a towel around the bottom half of my body, well duh I just got out the shower, and obviously nick liked that I walked into the room and he walked up to Me and kissed me as hard as he could. After breaking the kiss I say "now go have a shower!!" Nick nods, but smiles, in response.

Nicks pov:

I came back and charlie was lay on my bed stroking Nellie. He was so so cute. I came in and got into my pjs. I'm so happy to have char. He even looked away for my privacy, not that - yk what I mean. I layed next to him. Still with my shirt off, and pulled him close to me. "Your so cute you know that?" I muttered. "And so are you." I can't really remember what happened after that? Maybe some kissing? But we fell asleep not long after.

I wake up to charlie staring right at me, smiling. "Hey" He said in a raspy voice. "Hi" I mummered. I pull him in closer giving him a big squeeze. "Ohh Love you too"  charlie chuckles. I giggle in response

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