part 4- panic

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Tw- panic attack mentioned

*nick walks charlie home after school hours*

These were the messages ben was sending whilst charlie was with nick.

B- hey charlie, wanna meet up tomorrow ❤️❤️
C- no, I'm probably not coming in tomorrow I've been through alot today.
B- charlie, don't you dare say no. Your meeting up with me.
C- Ben, no! I can't.
B- fine, guess you don't want to hangout.

Why is he like this? He doesn't even except me as his boyfriend??.

Charlie starts texting nick...

C- thank you, for earlier, I appreciate it.
N- typing...
N- no worries! Are you okay??
C- I think so, I'm probably not going to come in tomorrow
N- please tell me if you need any comfort, charlie I'm your friend and I care about you.
C-thank you, nick.
C- um
C- can I meet you at the school gates tomorrow, once you've finished,  and maybe do you want to come to my house for a bit?
N- ye sure I'll love to!!

Nicks pov:

I really like charlie, like really. I just don't know if he feels the same way about me?

Nick is tossing and turning in his sleep, he can't stop thinking about charlie, what it would be like to, you know, kiss him.

The next morning I texted charlie to see if he was definitely not coming in, I was hoping he would. No reply. About 30 mins into my 1st proper lesson I got a text. From charlie. 'I tried- I couldn't even tell her shes making me come, i know im late but im walking to school, I can't do it nick, I can hardly breathe, what do i do!! I feel like I'm going to die.
I rushed to the teacher and said I need to go, quick, he wouldn't let me so I just left, I didn't get my bag or anything, I just sprant while texting charlie. 'Charlie where are you'

C- *voice message* hardly even being able to hear what he said charlie replied with "nhear *hh* the hshop"

N- calm down. Charlie calm down. I will be right there.

Luckily the shop was only 5 minutes from school, as i get there I see charlie, holding his hand against his heart breathing heavily, I ran even faster and sat down next to him that fast I hurt my self, i grab his hand and he flinched so I took it away " hold it, please nick" so I did. I held his hand.

N- charlie look at me, look at me charlie
C- w-what
N- ok now close your eyes and pretend your at the beach, the waves breaking in front of you, the wind blowing in your face.
C- ok
I started to blow on his forehead as if it was the breeze, I could tell he was calming down. When he was fully calmed down he opened his eyes and I asked if he was okay.

C- can we please go to your house, he said under his breathe

N- ok, but I need to get my school stuff, I ran out when the teacher said no haha, please come. You can wait outside
C-your gonna get suspended nick, you can go back.
N- no. I'd rather be with you. Make sure your safe.
C- thank you.
N- no worries char.
C- char?
N- sorry, charlie.

I left charlie outside the school gates whilst I got my stuff, the teacher tried to stop me but i just ran. As I got out the gates I saw the teacher coming after me, i grabbed Charlie's hand and started running, turns out he's actually faster than me and starts pulling me.

N- charlieeee slow downing
C- No, old man, he chuckled
I smiled, but he didn't see that.
Idk what I feel for charlie. But I know there's definetly something there. I just don't know what? It's so confusing to think about. I've never liked a boy like that before. Only girls. The warmth of his hand on mine, I just felt safe? I don't know what from, just safe. I've never had that before, not even someone saying they care about me has made me feel like that. Never.

I can't get the fact that charlie speaks to Ben out of my head. Ben is a dick. He treats noone with respect. I don't want him to pick on charlie like harry did, I still can't forget when charlie opened the cubicle and there was blood up his arms, I knew the reason but I didn't want to say it, I didn't want charlie to get worse.

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