Communists and Co. Explore the Multiverse

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And by multiverse, I mean whatever shows up on my Youtube feed when signed out

Slight swear warning

-~-Act 0: The Beginning-~-

China slammed his fist against the table. "This is hopeless!" he roared. "UN forces us to find out why Australia is upside down."

Vietnam groaned. "Why was I even looped in," he complained, "even though I am on good terms with America?"

"'Cause you're communist, like us, you dumbass," retorted Cuba, who was staring at some calculations. "No, no, the x value can't be negative. What-"

China sighed. "You didn't flip the sign, dumbass."

"Wh- oh." Cuba corrected the mistake. "So by this logic, all we need to do is break the fourth wall."

"Well how do we-" China was cut off by a glass shattering sound coming from nowhere and everywhere. A figure with a cloak and a hood stepped out from the nonexistent rift.

Now why would you do that, Cuba?

Cuba blinked. "Wh-"

By mentioning the fourth wall, you have effectively broken it. Now you will have to suffer the trials.

China stood eagerly. "What trials?"

Basically me throwing random shit at you.

Vietnam sighed. "Let's get this over with."

"Oh yeah!" Cuba cheered. "Let's do this!"

China grinned. "Alright."

Spanish or vanish, Chinese or no knees, Vietnamese or they're in the trees!

Suddenly, the trio were no longer there.

Oh they gonna have fun.


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