Why Australia is upside down

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No. Just no.

One day Australia was walking along his coast when he heard a voice calling to him.

"Come here Australia, we can make you great again."

"Uh, my pops said not to talk to strangers," Australia said.

"Screw that, come here."

This guy is freaky, thought Australia. "OK, I'm coming," he said.

"Ok and now get trolled."

"NANI?????????" Australia yelled when he fell through the floor.

He appeared in a strange yellow place that smelled damp. It had poor lighting and was filled with hallways. "Where am I?" he asked. oh noe its the backrooms he thought.

A black thing came around the corner at him. He screamed and ran away. He fell up and into a very hot and fiery place filled with lava and red rock. "Oh no, is this a not very epic and oh so very underwhelming crossover?!" he cried. "This had better not be- OH M-" He got blown up by a fireball shot by a Ghast from Minecraft because yes.

He woke up on a bus and there were a bunch of humans with guns and parachutes. One was singing "FORTNIGHT BATTLE PASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!"

Another guy saw Australia and pushed him out a window. He fell to his death.

Oh no, is this my life now? he pondered as he reformed on a grassy field. Hm well I guess this isn't that bad...

"Gyarados, use Hydro Pump!"

"Arbok, use Sludge Wave!"

Australia panicked as the two moves collided on him and he died again. Not again!

A few "years" later...

Australia finally came out on his island, with all his friends and family around him. "What year is it? Who took over the world?" he cried.

"Happy birthday Australia," everyone shouted.

Australia looked at New Zealand. "wait what"

New Zealand shrugged. "I was the voice that told you to come, and to answer your question, it's been about 5 seconds."

Australia: "NANI?!?!?!?!"

"Wait," South Africa questioned, "since when do you talk like that?"

Australia - *confused* What do you mean? This is normal.

"No it's not."

ሃቹነ ጎፕ ጎነ, Australia thought/said. He then got up, but he was upside down, backwards, color inverted, kaleidoscoped, and spinning rapidly at the same time.

It was a medical condition, reasoned Switzerland upon being consulted, that was caused by too many universal and fourth-wall breaks in 5 seconds. He tried to cure it, but he only got rid of most of them. Australia remains upside-down to this day.

The truth of this is debatable (no its not, theres no way), but that is a very (un)reasonable excuse.

Why are you reading this.

Why am I writing this?

ᵂᴴʸ, ᴵᶠ ʸᴼᵤ ₐᴿₑ ᵣᴱₐᴰᵢᴺᴳ ᵢᵀ, ᴰᴼₑˢ ᵀₕᴵₛ ₕᴬᵥᴱ ᴹₒᴿₑ ₜᴴₐᴺ ⁰ ⱽᵢᴱᵂˢ?

also i forgor but thanks for reading i guess?

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