Countryhumans vs the internet

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exactly what it sounds like

also how insane do you have to be to read this? i have no writing skill (guess thats why no reviews)



The United States kicked open the door to the conference room. "WHAT'S UP YOU FU-"

"USA!" The United Nations shouted. "There are children here!"

USA frowned. "Skill issue."

UN sighed and rubbed his head. (Why do I put up with these people?) "Anyways, today we will be discussing the ec-"

China slammed his hands on the table. "No. Let us break the fourth wall today."

UN blinked. "What? That is preposterous. The only terms of our contract were that we were not to break the fourth wall. Anyways, we must-"

This time it was Brazil that interrupted. "But by mentioning the contract and the fourth wall, you have effectively broken it."

The UN fell out of his chair. "Oh no, my greatest weakness, logic!"

Britain called for silence. "Alrighty ol' chaps, let's just get started on this whole "internet" thing. Let's talk about..." [starts hitting random keys] "...Pokémon? What's that?"

Japan also fell out of her chair. "How do you not know what Pokémon is?????????"

Britain glared at her. "Well why don't you explain then, you damn furry."

"Woah there," called the US, "that's a bit far, don't cha think?"


"OK, well, how do you not know what Pokémon is? You have the second most daily active players on Pokémon Go!"

Britain sighed. "Just because my people enjoy that silly game, does not mean I get the gist of it."

"Well," the US began, "Pokémon is a franchise that takes place in a world where Pokémon and humans coexist. There are games, movies, and an anime."

"Well what does 'gijinka' mean then?" Britain questioned.

The US fell out of his chair as well.

China fell out of his chair too.


"No," India said, and fell out of his chair.

"I give up," Britain said. He fell out of his chair.

"France, vut the HELL is happening right now?" Germany questioned.


"I dunno."

Spain sighed. "Dios mío. You all are psychopaths."

"Whatever man," said the US, getting off the floor, "let's just have a Pokémon battle!"

Spain stared blankly at him. "What?"

"Go Regirock!"

"ün ün ün 𓀂𓀇𓀉𓀍𓀠𓁀𓁂𓀱𓁉𓀿𓀪𓁶𓂧𓂮𓂫𓃹𓃳𓄜𓄲𓄓𓅆𓅢𓅼𓆀𓆾𓈙𓉒𓉼𓊪𓋜𓋒𓍲𓎳𓁀𓄲𓅢 ün ün ün ün ün ün AAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOORRRRXT"

Spain fell out of his chair. "WHAT THE HELL??????"

"ün ün ün ün ün ün ün ün ün ün ün ün ün ün ün ün ün ün"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Spain screamed and ran out of the room. About three-fourths of the room's inhabitants fled from the Regirock and it's ün's.

"Alright, Regirock return!" The US returned Regirock.

It is I, the author.

"Oh hey authie ol' boi, how ya doin'?" the US asked.

Let's skip the formalities. You know why I am here.

"To ask the viewers to like and subscribe?" China questioned.

Wha- this isn't Youtube!

"L+ratio+didn't ask" said Finland (drunk clearly).

You weren't even relevant in the plot of this story!

"still ratioed"

Grrrrr... never mind. You all broke the fourth wall. You know what that means.

"We all get a free day off?" Canada asked hopefully.

Nope! You get punished. US gets no oil, Canada no maple syrup-


-Britain gets no tea, France no baguettes, China no censorship, Germany no beer, Japan no anime, (goes on a list of all 193 UN member states)

"Wait," Britain called, "what about Vatican and the other 3?"

Not UN member states.

The US finally realized he gets no oil. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-"


{please stand by}

Okay, I have no idea why I wrote this. It was fun, but like why. Just why.

Same deal, if somehow offensive I'll fix it.

ün ün ün 𓀂𓀇𓀉𓀍𓀠𓁀𓁂𓀱𓁉𓀿𓀪𓁶𓂧𓂮𓂫𓃹𓃳𓄜𓄲𓄓𓅆𓅢𓅼𓆀𓆾𓈙𓉒𓉼𓊪𓋜𓋒𓍲𓎳𓁀𓄲𓅢 ün ün ün ün ün ün AAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOORRRRXT 01001000 0110101 01101000 01100101 0010000 01001001 0010000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01111000 00100000 01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01101101 00100000 01110000 01101111 01101111 01110000 01101111 01101111 00100000 01110000 01110000

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