Germany at 3 AM

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Germany woke up to get a snack (at 3 AM for some reason) and fell down the stairs.

"germany of into shuttings up plox," his granddad German Empire said.

"why are yuo of awakings" Germany asked

"because 3rd reich is of tryings to get in again."


"yea hes in the vents" (amongus music bum bum bum bum bum bum bum. bububum)

"EVERYSHUTUPIWANTSTOSLEP" prussia yelled down the stairs

"no" said 3rd reich popping out of the vent.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" everyone was yelling at him to get out but he just calmly pulled out nerf gun and shot weimar, who was just laying on the floor. 

"OW WHY YOU DO DIS TO ME" weimar shouted and became low budget graphics and 2 dimentional.

"WHAT" shouted the Confederation of the Rhine.

"EW FRENCH THING GET OUT" everyone yellled at him

"but im german"

"NO U"

"SHUT UP" screamed the holy roman empire and prussia at the same time, they both had guns

"nice nerf guns" germany said

"oh they're not nerf guns" prussia said

"OH NO" germany dived under the couch

"HRE are you even german?" asked german empire

"i forgor 💀"

"HOW DO YOU SAY A SKULL EMOJI" yelled the North German Confederation

"GOOGLE IT" screamed prussia



NGC sighed. "ill just google it." *opens computer* "how to google"

Germany facepalmed. "bro are you serious right neow"

Third reich exploded in the background. everyone cheered.

yeah i hope this wasn't offensive

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