Chapter 24

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There is more of the Ouyang clan catching up to Wen Ning and the other.Qing look outside the window, "A-Ning there is more of them!"

"What?!" Wen Ning, Zizhen, Jin Ling and Wen Yuan look out the window. "Damn it! They were waiting for us," all four went back inside.

"A-Qing, A-Yuan, A-Hen, A-Ling, listen up. You do what I said, understood?" All four of them nodded their head. "Right listen up, when you arrive in Tanzhou town, tell the driver to go back to the spiritual realm. You all go hide in an inn, no matter matter what do not open the door nor answer the door."

Wen Ning look at the three boys, "Boys, A-Qing can't fight. I want you three to protect her and also protect each other back okay?" The three boys nodded their head. "We will come find you all." Wen Ning turn his attention to his lover, "A-Qing, you stay with the boys. Don't turn back, don't look back, I will come back to you okay?"

Wen Ning pull Qing into his arm, he then let go of Qing as he jump out of the carriage. Qing and the boys look out the window, "Ning!" Shouted Qing.

"Ning shushu!" Shouted the three boys.

The Ouyang clan and Wen Ning begin to fight one another. 'Even if I am not the ghost general anymore. I still have the strength to fight anyone who try to harm my family. My family give me strength!' "Come at me all you want! None of you will go pass me!"

San Lang, Song Lan, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji just finish with their end. "Let's go catch up with the other," they all nodded their head, so they hope up on their sword as they follow the trail to where their family is at.

On their way to search for their family the four see Xie Lian and Xiao Xingchen is fighting more of the Ouyang clan. "Xingchen!"


Xie Lian and Xiao Xingchen look up to see San Lang and the other. "Da ge, Xie ge is hurt. Same with Shishu," this got Song Lan and San Lang to head straight to their soulmate.

"Gege! Are you okay?" San Lang see many cut on Xue Lian arms and on his body.

"Xingchen!" It was the same for Xiao Xingchen. "Da ge, you and Song Xiong take the two of them out here and meet up with the other. Lan Zhan and I will take care of them." Wei Wuxian turn to look at Lan Wangji, "ready Lan Zhan?"


"Let's go!" The two rush toward the Ouyang clan disciple, the two kick and slash and kick and slash those that is trying to fight them.

"Let's go Xingchen," Song Lan put Xiao Xingchen sword on his body, he scooped Xiao Xingchen up, "hold on okay?" Xiao Xingchen nodded his head. "Gege, you hold on too," Xie Lian also nodded his head. Song Lan and San Lang left from there leaving Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji to fight off the Ouyang disciple.

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji back hit each other, "Lan Zhan, can you hold out?" Wei Wuxian asked while breathing very heavily. "A little, how about you?"

"Same. Once we finish here, let's take a rest before going after the other."


San Lang and Song Lan who is flying above the forest and ground, the two see fighting ahead of them. "Isn't that Wen Ning?" San Lang asked Song Lan. "Where are the other?" When the two got closer San Lang shouted for Wen Ning to hear, "Wen Ning!" Wen Ning look up as he dodged the attack, "San Lang!"

"Where are the boys and A-Qing?!" Shouted Song Lan. "They are...heading...toward...Tanzhou town! Go There....Now!"

"Song xiong, let's go," Song Lan nodded his head, the two head straight to Tanzhou town.

As the carriage is going very fast the boys see how Qing is about to throw up, "Qing Jie, are you alright?" Qing shake her head no. "Zizhen ask the driver how much longer to get to Tanzhou town?" Wen Yuan looked at Zizhen. "Okay!"

"A-Ling, can you grab a blanket out from my bag?" Jin Ling went to get what Wen Yuan ask him to get. "Qing Jie, are you..." Jin Ling came back with the blanket when he hear, "Qing Jie are you...."

"Is she what A-Yuan?" Wen Yuan looked at Jin Ling, "She pregnant A-Ling, with the carriage going so fast I don't think Qing Jie can hold on much longer."

"With child?!" Jin Ling walk over to Zizhen, "Zizhen, how much longer?" Shouted Jin Ling. Zizhen head pop back inside, "We are almost there. Why are you shouting?"

"Qing Jie is pregnant! That is why I am shouting."

"She is!?" Wen Yuan nodded his head. "Then I will seat outside until we get there," Zizhen went to seat outside with the driver, this way he can tell the other that they are in Tanzhou town.

"Qing Jie laid down and take a rest, we will wake you up when we arrive," Jin Ling and Wen Yuan try to keep Qing steady since they don't want her to rock back and forth inside of the carriage.

"Yuan ge, I'm worry about the other," Jin Ling keep on looking out the window hoping to see one of the adult coming for them.

"Is alright didi, Xian gege and the other are stronger then us, they can handle the fight. I know that they will come for us," 'I can only keep calm and focus on getting us to Tanzhou town. Come on Wen Yuan, you are the oldest in this carriage, you can do this.'

About a minute later Zizhen see the front sign that said, "Tanzhou" he went back inside, "A-Yuan! A-Ling! We are here!" Jin Ling went to pull the curtain aside, "then let's go find an inn to stay in. Qing Jie need a bed to lay down."

Once they found an inn Zizhen got off first, Jin Ling and Wen Yuan help Qing to get off of the carriage. "A-Ling, help me put Qing Jie on my back?" Jin Ling did just that.

Zizhen turn to look at the driver, "head back to the spiritual realm first," the driver understands. He drive back toward the front gate of Tanzhou town, he doesn't want anyone to see him vanishing into thin air.

When all of them enter into the inn, they got a room and some food to bring up to their room. Now, all they have to do is wait for the adult to come looking for them. "Zizhen, close the window but not all the way, we need to keep an eye out to see if Xian gege and the other will arrive or not, okay?"

"Okay." Zizhen went to close the window, he left it open a little bit, this way they can keep an eye out for the other to come find them. 'Please be alright papa San, papa Xie, Song shushu, Xingchen shushu, Ning shushu, Xian shushu, Wangji shushu.' "Please come find us."

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