3. Being A Part Of It

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"What are you two talking about? Explain, Robin." An orange-haired girl asked with both frightened and curiosity.

The raven-haired woman I believe the name is Robin explained to the group, "All the Lunarians had a silver-white hair, brown skin, and a black-feathered wings behind their back. And they could create flames and use them as a weapon. They also had incredible speed and also had self-healing power. So it is impossible to fight against them."

Then she turned back and looked at me, "But from the information I get, the Lunarians were supposedly eliminated by the world government." She continued staring at me waiting for the answer.

"I escaped. Thanks for the big explosion. But I don't know if others like me have escaped." When Robin wanted to ask another question, the straw hat boy interrupted, "So cool! So you're like a black angel! Do you want to join my crew?" The boy asked excitedly.

"Sure I don't mind. I'm also escaping from the world government right now."

"Hey Luffy! You don't ask someone you just met to join the crew!" The crew yelled at the straw hat boy. "Come on guys, she is strong! You don't want someone like here as our enemy, right? So just let her become part of us!"

The group deadpanned awhile, shocked that their captain spoke something reasonable like this the first time.

Now I'm one of the pirate group. So we followed where Conis went while they introduced the place as Angel Beach. Suddenly an old man slowly approached us while riding a bike and he crashed towards the shore. Conis said the things he rides are called Waver. The orange-haired girl then takes her turn to ride the Waver and surprisingly she can ride the Waver proficiency.

"The Waver need at least 10 years to practice. How can she ride so skilled."

Then the other members followed Conis and her father inside the room, then they started introducing themselves.

"I'm Monkey.D.Luffy, the man who wants to become the Pirate King." The straw hat boy said with both his hands in the air. And the long-nosed boy said, "I'm Usopp, the sniper of the crew, the green head man is Roronoa. Zoro, our swordsman and first mate. And the orange-haired girl just now is Nami, our navigator. The raven-haired woman is Nico Robin, an archaeologist. The reindeer is our ship doctor, Tony.Tony.Chopper. And..." Before Usopp finished his sentences, a blonde man came towards us with a weird tornado dance and heart in his eyes served us the meals, and said,

"I'm Sanji, the cook of the ship. Conis-chan, here's your food." And he turned to me and said, "And here is yours, Aruna-san. Beauty like you become a part of our crew, I'm really happy to serve you!"

"Uhhh... Thanks?" I said while accepting the food and turned to ask Usopp, "Is he okay?"

"Oh get used to it. He did this to every girl he met." Usopp answered calmly, and Zoro continued, "Yea, just a love cook. Ignored him."

"You wanna fight Marimo!" The cook suddenly turned angry at the swordsman and both of them suddenly wanted to fight each other. I want to stop them before a hand blocks me, "This is their daily routine. You will see this more often since you joined our crew." Usopp said.

I sweat dropped looking at the duo before started having my meal.

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