I like you (Tooru POV)

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Tooru easily settles into a routine with Hikaru as days turn into weeks. Hikaru works from home which makes Tooru feel less alone and he learns their schedule to get up and make food for them. He's finally walking around- with a knee brace- which makes him feel a little more confident in day to day activities. Not quite enough to make it to the store and back but Hikaru keep shim on the phone for that and Tooru feels important looking around the kitchen to see if there's any more flour or sugar or whatever else Hikaru isn't sure about.

The pair grows closer which makes things easier and harder on Tooru. He knows he likes Hikaru but also doesn't want to say anything because he feels like he missed his chance to say anything. What if he says something and Hikaru thinks he's mistaking his emotions for gratitude at Hikaru caring for him? How would he even go about confessing to Hikaru? He's always had people confess to him, not the other way around.

Tooru almost says anything the first time he sees Hikaru half-dressed, grumbling that they forgot to grab a shirt as they try to hurry upstairs from the bathroom.

"Oh shit. Tooru. Fuck. Sorry, I uhh forgot my shirt and-" Hikaru squeaks, not sure what to say as Tooru freezes in the hallway, "I'm so sorry, this must make you feel uncomfortable."

Hikaru wraps their arms around themselves to try and cover their top half, nearly crying at Tooru seeing them in a sports bra. Tooru's brain is still trying to catch up, honestly he's not sure what he expected or if he expected anything- Hikaru is Hikaru, whether they're assigned male or female at birth or something else entirely. He's just embarrassed because he's never seen anyone other than his teammates shirtless. Tooru wants to wrap his arms around his best friend in that moment and reassure them that it's okay and seeing them doesn't change anything.

He's not going to change how he addresses them just because biologically they're female. If anything, Tooru wants to make them stop apologizing and say dumb cheesy things like 'I love you for you, not your body' or other things he shouldn't say because he has to confess properly. So instead he swallows thickly and offers Hikaru a soft smile of reassurance as he takes off his own shirt to throw at them so they're not so uncomfortable.

"It's fine, you've seen me naked, right?" Tooru chuckles, secretly happy that Hikaru is putting his shirt on instead of their own

Hikaru fidgets with the hem of Tooru's shirt, refusing to make eye contact.

"You're not going to get mad at me...?"

"Why would I be mad? Is it because of your body or the fact that you're running around shirtless in your own house?" Tooru jokes, trying to get Hikaru to relax

"... my body," Hikaru whispers, looking so small- partially from Tooru's shirt and partially because they're still trying to cover their chest

"What about it? It's your body, I don't see a problem? It's not my business to judge you for how you look and you're still you so it doesn't affect me." Tooru resists saying anything more, trying to come across as indifferent

Hikaru's head whips up and they finally look at Tooru. Their lips are trembling, eyes welling with unshed tears. It takes every bit of self restraint in Tooru to not kiss them or wipe away their tears or say he loves them in any form they take. That would be cheesy. Tooru pulls them in for a hug instead, pressing Hikaru's face into his chest and keeping his arms uncomfortably around Hikaru's shoulders in case they're too sensitive about their body right now to want a normal hug.

"Thank you," Hikaru sniffles, their arms flying around Tooru's waist and squeezing tightly

Tooru hopes they can't hear his racing heart at the skin to skin contact. He sighs and puts his chin on Hikaru's head, running his fingers through their wet hair.

"You're gonna catch a cold with that wet hair. Let's put on a movie and I'll dry your hair," Tooru suggests softly

"I'd like that."

And Tooru manages to avoid spilling his feelings.

Until one day, a couple months later, when Hikaru has to go in person to their work's office for something. He wasn't really paying attention when they were talking about it, too absorbed in Hikaru having asked him to help pick out a professional outfit from their limited closet. He settles on black wide-legged pants with a white button-up, and to finish the look, a sweater to go over the button-up. Simple, professional, and gender neutral. Tooru can't help but smile as Hikaru walks out wearing the outfit he picked.

"Are you sure this'll be okay?" Hikaru asks, trying to fix the collar

"It'll be perfect. It suits you," Tooru laughs, closing the distance between him and Hikaru to fix their collar

"I don't want to go in, I always feel so awkward," Hikaru mumbles

Tooru frowns.

"You look good, you know your stuff, and you've been working your butt off to exceed expectations. Have a little faith in yourself, yeah? I'm sure they'll love you just like I do-" Tooru sucks in a deep breath, overthinking his next words, "I mean, not really because then I'd fight them. Because I like you romantically and- shit- I'm making this worse on myself. Your coworkers will like you, you're a very likeable person?" his voice raises in pitch

Tooru groans and hides his face in his hands. He was supposed to make it romantic and cute and then he went and messed up his confession. And then Hikaru's soft laughter fills his ears.

"You're such a dork, Tooru," they giggle, grabbing his wrists softly to uncover his face, "You really love me?"

Tooru nods.

"I love you too, Tooru."

"I'm sorry, I was going to make some cute romantic gesture and it just came out as that word garbage," Tooru laughs with you

"Wanna try that again?" Hikaru smiles at Tooru, their eyes practically sparkling as their smile widens

"Well. Aoki Hikaru, as you're probably aware, I'm an idiot. I think I first realized I may have liked you halfway through high school? But it took my other crush calling me a dumbass a lot for me to actually admit it to myself. Because I love everything about you, Hikaru. Your smile, your laugh, the little nose wrinkle when you're focused, the way you give your all, I could go on forever.

"It doesn't matter what you look like to me, because I fell in love with your personality and your little mannerisms that make you YOU. And even though I'm definitely an idiot for pushing down my feelings and covering them with others, will you give me a chance? Will you be my partner?"

"I'd love that, Tooru," Hikaru tackles Tooru in a hug before their phone goes off, "Oh shit, I gotta go!"

"Language!" Tooru laughs, letting Hikaru go so they don't miss their ride to the office

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