Support (Hikaru POV)

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It's finally time for me to reveal my surprise for Tooru. Hopefully he likes it because I put in a lot of time and effort for it to make sure everything would work. I had to convince my mom- first to let me stay in Japan because her job is moving her overseas, and then to convince her to let Tooru move in. Actually, once I mentioned wanting Tooru to be a kind of roommate she let go of her hesitations of be being all alone in the house and all alone in Japan. Mom helped me translate all my helping her with her work and any other experience I had into a resume and suggested an online job "So you can help Tooru with his recovery if you need to."

Then we had to get Tooru's parents in on it, which was pretty hard to do without Tooru finding out. Once I managed that, which was fairly easy after ensuring Tooru wouldn't know- his parents said he was miserable being alone all the time- we all debated layouts and what might need to be moved or made more accessible. His parents offered to help with moving costs and my mom and I set to work. Packing up mom's things for her leaving- those went in the living room for now, the downstairs study was moved upstairs into mom's old room, anything on the floor was moved or put away, the empty landing with shoes all over was upgraded to a stool with a shoe rack underneath, etc.

Meanwhile, Tooru's parents bought a new bed and frame to put in his new room and offered suggestions for a layout based on what he currently has in his room at their house and what he might want. I put glow-in-the-dark paint on the ceiling which took forever but mom guided me to where to place each constellation while I was on the ladder.

And then movers came for the boxes in the living room and it was time to see my mom off. I cried. The house felt lonely but not much different from when she was called away and I had a deadline to meet before I had time off to move Tooru.

This brings me to now, standing outside his door, ringing the doorbell and fidgeting with my hands. Tooru answers, balancing on crutches and offering a weak smile.

"Hey, Tooru! Sorry I've been so busy, my mom's job wanted to transfer her overseas so I had to help her pack," I laugh awkwardly as he winces

"Are you... are you leaving? Is that why you're here?" he asks before whispering, "To leave me behind like everyone else?"

"Ah, no. I worded that wrong. I'm not leaving, although I did have to convince her to let me stay and she made me promise to visit her once in a while with you." I wave my arms around, trying to explain without ruining the surprise

"Why would I need to visit your mom with you?" Tooru asks

"It'll make more sense once you see my surprise for you." I pull out an alien-themed blindfold, "But for us to get to it, I'll need you to get in the wheelchair and let me blindfold you."

Tooru snorts and mutters, 'kinky' under his breath as he lets me in to get the wheelchair. I get him situated and we head out.

"Not gonna complain or protest this time?" I tease

"Nah, I'm just glad I get to spend time with you and get out of the house for something other than doctor appointments and physical therapy," Tooru answers honestly

He catches me off guard and my heart flutters for a moment at him being glad to spend time with me but I shake it off and we keep chatting until we reach my house. I adjust my grip on his crutches and bring him inside, warning him about some bumps aka the landing, and Tooru's parents help me lift the wheelchair so I can get him directly to the room. They remain quiet and smile softly as I smile and put my finger to my lips in a shushing motion before pushing Tooru into his new room. They disappear into the kitchen as I take his blindfold off.


Tooru looks around, confused at the mostly empty room.

"Tooru, do you wanna move in with me? I already got permission from all the parents, that way you'd always have someone around and we could be like roommates and-" I trail off as I notice his shoulders shaking

He twists to face me, nodding and giving me a watery smile as a tear slips down his cheek.

"You really want me as a roommate? Even like this?" He asks

"Mhmm! I do. Why d'you think I put in all this effort to make you want to say yes?" I hum, wiping away his tears

"Well, we'll go start packing his stuff."

"Have fun, kiddo. Remember to visit. We can bring everything in a day or two."

Tooru looks at me, wide-eyed but doesn't say anything until he hears the door close.

"My parents were waiting too?"

"Yeah," I laugh, "they even brought you a couple days worth of clothes so you can stay starting tonight."

The afternoon passes relatively quickly, Tooru and I watch movies, not really talking until it's time for dinner. I make katsudon and Tooru goes silent watching me cook. Glancing over at him, he's sitting at the table and staring into space with a faint frown on his face. He probably doesn't want to talk about it so I leave him be, bringing over the food once it's done.

"Hikaru, why do you want me here? I can't even help with most chores so I'm just a burden," Tooru mutters, absently picking at his food instead of eating

I don't understand why he would think that way, he's not here because I want someone to do the chores for me or cook or anything like that. My bite of pork drops back onto the plate soon followed by my utensils hitting the table as I smack them down hastily. Still debating on how I can make him believe he's not a burden, I reach over to his surprised face and flick his forehead.

"It's because I care about you. I don't expect you to do anything, that's not why I asked you to move in. You're not a cleaner or someone hired to do chores. You're my best friend, Tooru. Please don't think so little of yourself because... I like being around you- whether that's as a friend or a caretaker or whatever else, it's worth it for me as long as you're here. 

"I love you, and even if I didn't also love you as more than a friend I'd still love you as my friend because, well, you're the best friend I could ask for. And moving in with me doesn't mean I'm going to force my feelings on you either, be my awesome roommate. My mom is far away now so having someone around will be nice too. It'll be like... a really long sleepover! Ugh, I don't know what I'm saying anymore; you're not a burden and I don't care how long your recovery takes or what I have to help you with because just having your company is good enough for me."

I groan and lightly hit my head on the table, embarrassed at the word vomit. Tooru snorts and I turn my head to look at him. He's smiling and tearing up at the same time as he starts laughing. I join in on the laughter and playfully smack his arm before he ruffles my hair.

"Okay. Let's have the best forever sleepover possible, then. Just hit me if I turn into a downer again," Tooru sighs, frowning for a moment before smiling at me again

I sit up and nod. I'll always be there for him, whether he wants me to or not, but it's nice to get confirmation that he actually wants my help.

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