Arguments and breaking down (3rd POV)

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Oikawa is back at school the following day, refusing to bring the crutches and bulky brace- opting for one of his spare kneepads because it doesn't show with his uniform and offers at least a little support. He knows he should listen to the doctor but he really can't handle the attention right now. Aoki finds him already at school, he texted them that he'd be back today and even though the third year's don't have volleyball practice anymore to prep for exams, Oikawa is at the school hours early. Aoki sighs and sits in their seat next to him, just glad that he's back and not already trying to squeeze into volleyball practice.

"Morning, Tooru," Aoki calls out, getting Oikawa's attention

"Ah, good morning Hikaru-kun."

"You don't have to keep the honorifics, you know," Aoki pouts, trying to get Oikawa to loosen up so he'll tell what happened at his doctor's visits.

All he sent Aoki after their sleepover was normal texts avoiding anything about the doctor other than Oikawa had more visits scheduled so he'd be out of school an extra day. Aoki wants to know what injury he has to make sure he actually follows the doctor's orders. Oikawa evaded constantly over text, switching topics and saying he couldn't hang out but now that Aoki has him next to them, they won't drop it.

"I know, but it has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" Oikawa laughs, looking out the window again

"I dunno. Anyways, did you ever end up meeting up with your team? I heard them complaining about you owing them ramen?"

Oikawa chuckles nervously before putting his forehead on his desk and sighing.

"I never got back to any of them, I only texted you and I think I texted Iwa-chan once saying I was busy but I don't remember."

"Mmm, they're gonna swarm you when they find you, you know," Aoki groans, not looking forward to the chaos, "So what did the doctor find?"

"It's... nothing." Oikawa turns his head away from Aoki

"Don't lie to me Tooru, we went over this. Please."

"I'm sorry, it's a habit. I don't really want to talk about it..."

"Okay. Treatment plan, then?" Aoki presses softly

"Most likely, surgery. I fucked up, Hikaru," Oikawa mutters into his desk

Aoki reaches over and pats Oikawa's head, stroking his hair softly as he smacks his forehead lightly against his desk.

"I don't want to deal with it. The pitying glances, the questions. Maybe I'll just melt into my desk and ignore it," Oikawa groans

"I can't help you with glances or questions but I don't think melting into your desk would be a good idea. What if someone didn't realize you were there and sat on you?" Aoki jokes

"Ahhh, you're right. Maybe I'll turn to stone instead~"

"Then you'd get a lot more than glances, Tooru."

The two chat until class starts, Aoki doing their best to distract because they can't figure out what to say that would be comforting in the situation, and Oikawa welcomes the small talk over addressing the issue right now.

Aoki notices Oikawa's knee wobbling and him wincing but doesn't have a chance to say anything and Oikawa somehow makes it to the end of their first-period break. But when he stands this time, he turns and is met with a sharp burning pain. Aoki notices him before he cries out in pain and catches him. Oikawa is in enough pain that he doesn't feel embarrassed by the situation until Aoki manages to get them excused to go to the nurse and he's out in the hallway.

"Hikaru, wait. I'll be fine in a minute, really. I don't need to see the nurse or anything," Oikawa protests as Aoki leans him against a nearby window sill

"You're not fine, Tooru. I'm going to grab Hajime because I highly doubt you want one of our other classmates to help you. I can't support you fully with the nurse on the other end of the school, so please wait a moment." Aoki leaves no room for argument as they bow and enter the next classroom over: Iwaizumi's class

Oikawa doesn't want to go to the nurse, doesn't want Iwaizumi to have to help him. Doesn't want Aoki to have to help him. He hates it and when he hears the door opening, he tries to move from his spot against the window sill. And Oikawa's knee buckles again.

Iwaizumi catches Oikawa this time, his arms wrapping around the other male, hands digging uncomfortably into Oikawa's still bruised back. Oikawa hates it. This isn't how he wanted Iwaizumi to hug him. This isn't how he wants to be seen- as someone who's weak and has to have help with everything.

"You're a fucking idiot, Dummykawa," Iwaizumi mutters as Aoki steps in to help Oikawa stand up properly.

Iwaizumi steps back, a pissed-off look on his face as he folds his arms and refuses to touch Oikawa again, grumbling angrily about how Oikawa is stupid and should be more careful as Aoki starts guiding Oikawa down the hall.

"Let's save the fighting for later, he needs the nurse, Hajime," Aoki pleads

"Fine, but I'm not supporting that idiot when he won't listen to anyone," Iwaizumi sighs and stops talking, speeding up to walk in front of the other two in case Aoki needs help with Oikawa

"You wouldn't understand, Iwa-chan," Oikawa mutters, looking down

A loud slap echoes through the empty hall. Iwaizumi is suddenly facing Oikawa, his hand still in the air as a vein ticks on his left temple. Aoki flinches and Oikawa's cheek is already red.

"You're so fucking dumb! Don't you realize you need to take care of yourself? I don't understand?! I hate seeing you like this, I hate that you did this to yourself because you didn't fucking think!" Iwaizumi yells

"Please stop..." Aoki whispers

"Your recklessness is going to cost you your career in volleyball! Maybe you don't give a fuck about yourself, but we as your friends do. And it hurts us to see you like this- hurting yourself and ignoring us for your own pity party for an issue YOU caused that could have been prevented if you fucking listened for once!"

Oikawa's shoulders shake with a sob and he falls to the floor, dragging Aoki with him so they can cushion his fall because he's too distracted to pay attention to that.

"... I know, Iwa-chan. My chance at a volleyball career is probably over already. I'll need at least one surgery to fix the damage I did to myself. And then extensive physical therapy. At best, I'd be out of volleyball for a year. But it's more likely that I'll never fully recover and I'd never be the same if I returned to volleyball at that point," Oikawa sobs

Iwaizumi's fists are shaking and for a moment, Aoki thinks he'll hit Oikawa again but instead, Iwaizumi starts crying too. Crying for the loss of a great setter. Crying for the struggle of a friend.

Aoki is sitting on the ground, cradling Oikawa and Iwaizumi is angrily wiping away tears not far away. The friend group is a mess. Aoki swallows heavily before speaking:

"We need to get to the nurse before the bell. Both so Tooru doesn't get swarmed and so the teachers don't freak out that we're not back in class." Aoki's eyes pierce into Iwaizumi's, silently asking him to stop being stubborn and help

Iwaizumi pulls Oikawa up with a soft "I'm sorry" and he and Aoki get on either side of Oikawa to get him to the nurse.

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