An unbroken promise (Tooru POV)

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It's time for Aoba Johsai's match against Karasuno. If they win, they'll have another chance to go against Shiratorizawa and hopefully win this time.

Tooru has confidence that they'll do well, after all he and his team have been practicing and preparing for this moment. But as the game drags on, he begins to wonder if it was enough because Karasuno is much stronger than they were before. He has to win, this can't be their last game. Tooru won't let it be their last game. As a third year, if they lose he'll never play with the team again.

It's hard. His knee is acting up and aches as he jumps for another serve but he won't let it hold him back. Can't let it hold him back. Tooru doesn't want this to be his last match with his teammates, screw Ushijima and their rivalry, he just wants to play with his team more. And then he sees the ball flying out of the court.

Tooru runs without a second thought. It's still in the game, it hasn't touched the ground yet. If he can just reach the ball in time maybe they can get the point and keep fighting Karasuno. His mind goes back to all the jokes he had with Hajime and all he can hear besides his heart beating and the blood rushing in his ears is his promise.

"I'll make sure my last toss is to you, Iwa-chan"

Tooru almost trips in his run to the ball. Time seems to have slowed down as he leaps to receive the ball. One more.

Even with Hajime's rejection of his feelings. Even with Hikaru's words ringing in his mind to move on. Even with his promise to stop putting Hajime before himself. Tooru allows himself one more time to pretend like Iwaizumi Hajime is his world.

He has to push himself.

His fingers reach the ball. It has to be a perfect set if they want a chance. Has to be the perfect angle and reach Hajime at just the right time. They lock eyes and Tooru can see the determination in those deep olive eyes. Letting out a breath, he sets the ball just right and it's back in the air, headed back for their side of the court.

Unfortunately, Tooru's jump itself is far from perfect. At the cost of getting the ball back in, he hits something. Hard. Banners and a table are sent flying back from the force of his fall. His back throbs and his breath is knocked out of him.

He can't breathe as he tries to get up, slipping as his body feels weak. Luckily or unluckily he hears and feels a pop and pain radiates through his bad knee, slamming it into the ground.

Even though everything aches and burns.

The pain forces him to gasp for air and he can breathe again, he has to push past it all- Hajime is about to receive his toss and he needs to move faster or he'll be the one holding his team back if Karasuno somehow manages to receive Hajime's spike. Adrenaline rushes through his veins and he's running back to the court again, pain pushed back by the adrenaline.

He has to keep giving it all he's got.

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