Friend from the other side

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Wail cruella helped Grace with her new wardrobe and Hades was wondering about the manor. He figured that he and cruella weren't the only ones who were gonna be showing up. So he started figuring out rooms for the others for when they would eventually show up.

He wandered aimlessly around, putting up signs with the villains name that best matched the room. It all took a good hour before he collapsed into a chair in the living room. He closed his eyes and sighed. He knew that this new life wasn't gonna be easy for any one, but he had to try and make a good life for grace.

When he reopened them he noticed a purple cloud of smoke starting spinning in the middle of the living room. From it emerged someone hades knew all too well, the voodoo man for New Orleans, Dr Facilier.

"Facilier good to see you!" Hades greeted as he stood up.

Facilier spun around and came face to face with the god. He raised a brow "Hades? What's going on? Where are we and why did I get pulled into this?"

"First off you're in graces manor and second i'm not sure why we are here."

"Grace?" He questioned.

As if on cue, little grace came bursting in calling for hades. He looked over and smiled at how she looked like a six year old. She was in a lovely pink top and colorful shorts.

"Look at the new outfit curella-" she stopped when she saw the shadow man and slowly backed up. She quickly turned and ran back straight into Cruella who had just entered the room "Don't turn me into a frog!" Facilier was startled by the girl's choice of words.

"Good, she doesn't like you either." Cruella said as she picked Grace up to comfort her.

"Cruella?" He questioned looking at her. "Alright hades, what's going on."

"I told you, this manner is that girl's home and for unknown reasons one by one when being brought here. And this girl knows us like the back of her hand" He turned and whispered in his ear of the horrors Grace endured with her grandmother.

Facilier lit up upon hearing this. "Surely this is a joke Hades."

"I'm serious Facilier, this girl really did go through all that. She got proof all around this house. Even the bruises to prove it!" He leaned over into his personal space "so you can either stay and help out or you can leave the premises."

"Fine, I'll stay and help out." He fixed his jacket as he looked back over at grace "you said she was a dancer right? What if I was her manager."

Hades rubbed the back of his neck "I don't know, the girl seems very triggered by dressing up and dancing in infront of others."

"Well we need a way of getting an income, but maybe she doesn't have to dance the way she did. I wouldn't want to make a child dance like that, but maybe we can do something else. Can I see one of these videos she's got?"

Hades nodded and walked over to Cruella "hey de vil, want to come see the kid dance?"

Grace's head lit up and looked over at Hades "but I don't want to, and I'm not in dance clothes."

"Not you Grace" he patted her on the head as he walked by "the video you showed me earlier."

"Oh, I come too then!"

"I don't think that's a good idea." Hades called back.

"Oh come on hades, how bad could this video be." Cruella stated as she began to follow them down the hall.

Hades stopped and spun himself around "Cruella, what you're about to see is gonna be one of the most disgusting things any little girl has ever done."

"You mean-" Hades nodded and Cruella gave him a look of disgust "the old lousy son of a-" she didn't finish her sentence as Grace was present. She then placed Grace on the ground "why don't you go play with pain and panic."

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