Chapter 7: Mistress Of All Evil

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Grace, Iago, Pain, and Panic all sat in the cinema. Grace had shown them how to use the DVD player and she put on her favorite movie, Aladdin. She liked it because of the genie, and iago. At the end of the movie, Pain, and Panic couldn't help but laugh at how Iago got trapped inside the lamp with Jafar.

"Out of all the movies, why this one?!" Iago said, covering his face with his wings as the credits rolled by. They had been in there for over an hour.

"It's my favorite," Grace said as she clicked off the TV. "I have more if you want to watch another one.'' She got up and walked over to the DVD player, revived the DVD, and placed it back in its case before returning it to a shelf full of other Disney movies. She went to grab another when a puff of green smoke appeared in the room. It swirled for a moment before calming, revealing a tall green-skinned woman.

"Maleficent!" the three sidekicks shouted, huddling together.

Grace's eyes widened as she saw the fairy appear at the other end of the room. She trembled a little as Maleficent glanced around the room. She had seen Sleeping Beauty dozens of times to know what power MAleficent held. "HADES!" she screamed as she raced out of the room.

She ran out and down the hall, continuing to call his name. She feared the Fairy. Eventually, she found him and the guys along with the Evil Queen sitting at the kitchen table. They seemed to be talking about something, but Grace paid no mind as she rushed up to Hades, wrapping her arms around him.

Surprised, he looked down at her. "What is it sweetheart?" the god asked, lifting her onto his lap. Grace clung to him like glue, she was about to respond when Iago, Pain, and Panic entered.

"Maleficent-" Pain stated

"s..s..She's here" Panic finished

The villains all rolled their eyes. Needless to say, things we're gonna be interesting now that she's here. Maleficent was one, if not the most demanding villain there was, claiming to outrank the rest of them. They watched as she emerged from the hallway, her eyes narrowed onto Hades.

"Hades, what is the meaning of this?! One minute I'm plotting away in my castle, next I show up in this-" she stopped and looked around the room "Where are we even?"

"Mal, welcome to the party!" Hades said with a false smile "First, this is not my doing. Second, this is Grace's home." He gestured to the girl on his lap.

"The Little one?" She eyed Grace suspiciously "You're telling me this little girl is the reason we're here?"

"I'm sorry, please don't put me to sleep," Grace said, resting her head on Hades' shoulders.

"At least she knows who has authority." she scoffed "Well this was lovely, but unfortunately i have more important things than to play house with you all." she gripped her scepter in her hand and raised it.

"Wait!" The men shouted, knowing exactly what she was trying to do. But it was too late, she slammed her scepter on the ground and she was sent crashing to the floor. Diablo took off from his master and hovered above her. He crowed waiting for a response.

Maleficent shook her head as she sat up. She looked directly at the child, thinking that this was her doing. "What kind of sorcery is this?! Why won't my powers work."

"None of us can go back, we all tried," Jafar said as he got up from his chair and crossed over to her. He offered her a hand. Using him and her staff, she stood herself up. "You're saying I'm stuck here, with all of you!"

"Hay it's not so bad," Facilier said, typing away on the computer.

"No so bad, do you all even remember the last time we tried to do something together? We wound up burning the hotel down!" Maleficent shouted, remember the last time Hades had gathered them on one of his, show don't tell trips.

Hades shrugged with a smirk "What can I say, if someone can't do something right, do it yourself."

"Out of all the insufferable people-" Maleficent sighed in frustration. She hated her fellow colleagues, each one worse than the other. There were only a few she could tolerate, and now she was stuck with them for who knows how long. "Why are we here anyway?"

Hades looked down at Grace. He knew she shouldn't be present for the conversation. "Grace, why don't you go show Diablo around, ok?" Grace gave a silent nod as she got down from his lap. She gestured for the bride to follow. Dablow looked at his mistress for permission.

"Go ahead my pet," she spoke rather gently to the creature. Dablow nodded and followed the girl down the hall.

"Wait for us grace!" Pain said as he, Panic, and Iago followed.


When Grace was out of ear shot, Hades stood and walked over to Maleficent. "Mal, the girl has been through a lot."

Maleficent rolled her eyes "please Hades, what had that girl been through that we all haven't." Hades then proceeds to explain what happened to Grace and how they all have been showing up one by one. Maleficent looked at him slightly astonished by the information. "Surely that can't be true."

"Whole thing, even has the outfits and videos to prove it." The Evil Queen said.

"That is why we are helping her. She has been through more torture than any of us have." Hades added.

"And just how are you gonna help a child already scared?" Maleficent questioned.

"By preventing it from ever happening again," Jafar answered.

MAleficent looked at them, intrigued "Go on"

"The grandmother, from the information we've gathered, hosted a party at least once a month. She's got one coming up next Friday, we plan on giving them a show, just not one they are expecting." Facilier explained with a toothy grin. The villains then proceed to explain their plan to her.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" She questioned.

"What other choice do we have?" Hades said as he wrapped an arm around her "Think of it like this Mal, you're saving someone from turning out like the rest of us."

"You say it like it's a bad thing." She let a smirk cross her lips.

Hades shrugged "Tamato tomato, you in or not?"

"Not like I have any other option" she scoffed.

"See, i knew you had a soft spot." he grinned as he let go of her and rubbed his hands together. He glanced at the clock, time was almost six. "Now, who's ready for supper?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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