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In the deep woods far from civilization lived a young six year old girl named grace. She lived in a rather big log cabin in the middle of the forest with her parents and grandmother. Her parents were very busy people who traveled a lot for work so her grandmother stayed to watch her. Sadly her grandmother didn't treat her very well. She rarely ever gave the girl any attention, always making her do chores or dance. if she didn't do something right she would be brutally punished.

A few years ago her parents were out on a business trip, as always their daughter eagerly awaited their arrival back home. But they never came back. They had perished in a horrific plane crash that left her in the care of her abusive grandmother. Even though everything was to go to her, she was not over the age of 18. Meaning she was stuck with her grandmother until then.

And that's where our story begins. Grace was busy cleaning one of the antique furniture peace's in the living room when *crash* a small vase broke into thousands of pieces on the floor. Grace's eyes widened as she looked at the broken vase. Her grandmother was gonna be furious. 'Maybe if I clean it up before-'

"Grace!" Her grandmother yelled from behind looking at the broken, expensive vase. "I give you one simple job and you can't even keep this house orderly!"

"Please grandmother, I didn't mean-" she pleaded but received a backhanded slap to the face. "You should know how to clean a house!"

"But I'm six!" The young girl complained "if mommy and daddy were here they would treat me better!"

"Well there not brat!" Her grandmother grabbed her by the hair causing her to squeal in pain. "you should be grateful that I still offered to look after you, after all you have so much extra room-"

"For your party's" she mumbled, causing another back hand on the other side of her face.

"Maybe you need to be taught another lesson!" Her grandmother began pulling her up the stairs by her hair. Oh god was she in for it now. Grace began to pull away from her grandmother but she wouldn't let her move.

"No, please I won't do it again!" She pleaded but her grandmother wouldn't listen.

She was dragged to the other end of the hall and into a small room. She was pushed to her knees as her grandmother began to hit her, giveing her purple buses on her arms and legs. "Please I'm sorry, please!" She pleaded but her grandmother wouldn't stop.

"This is the only way you will learn, you have disobeyed me far too much this week. First you can't keep a house clean, then your attitude towards me, not to menchu the mix up with the dance steps at Saturday party!" Grace was kicked in the ribs causing her to scream out in pain and make her leg kick right into her grandmother's jaw. She stumbled backward toward the door. Grace sat up in pain, clutching her side. She noticed her grandmother holding her jaw which was bleeding.

The two look mortified by it, which soon turned into anger vs fear. "Now you've done it!" Her grandmother yelled as she aimed to tackle her granddaughter, but Grace rolled out of the way in time.

Grace quickly got to her feet even though she was in pain. she needed to do something to get away, something to save herself. When she made eye contact with her grandmother's crazy eyes she dashed for the window, opening it wide. Her grandmother got up with fury in her eyes and changed for the young girl. Grace gulped and moved just in Time as her grandmother charged out of the window. She screamed all the way until *splat!* Gulping grace looked over the edge to see her grandmother's body almost as flat as a pancake itself, she was gone.

Grace and the villainsWhere stories live. Discover now