Chapter 4: Sorcerer like me

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The villains all sat around the round kitchen table. Hades had found a few cans of chicken noodle soup tucked away in one of the cabinets. He heated up four which was plenty for the six of them.

Grace ended up loving the new food. Not in a long time had she tasted something this good. She ended up asking for seconds, and then thirds but Hades told her to hold off and let her food digest. Last thing he wanted was a mess to clean up, if you know what I mean.

Eventually Pain and Panic finished, and they offered to play with Grace. Allowing the three adults to get down to business. Well they were, until a buzzing sound soon came from the kitchen wall. A phone hung on it and gave out an annoying *ring* noise.

"What's that?" Facilier questions.

"It's a phone you nitwit!" Cruella shouted as she got up from the table and answered it. "Hello?"

A man spoke on the other end. His voice was creepy, yet to the point. "Hey Julie, me and the boys were still wondering if you're still hosting next friday? Carlos wants to get an extra ticket for a friend."

"I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number. No one by the name of Julie lives in this address. At least, not any more."

"What about grace?"

Cruella looks over at her fellow villains, her face spelled shocked and weary "Who asking?"

"I don't think you're familiar with the operation that's run at the house you now live in Miss. Tell you what, I'll take that pesky girl off your hands for a wonderful price, all you gotta do is name it."

Cruella's face went bright red as she screamed "Listen here buster, you ever think of calling this number again or showing up at this address I swear i'll come after you and kill you!"

The man on the other end keeped his cool "Whatever, just know I'm not the only customer who's gonna call this number. Julie had a lot of men attend her party's, I wouldn't be surprised if you have some visitors this week. But if I were you I would keep that girl in her job, she makes a lot of dough doing what she does." He chuckles darkly as he hang up.

Cruella listens to the beep on the other side for a second before slamming the phone on the wall. "That bitch!"

Both men raise a brow as Hades questions "Who was that?"

"That lady was apparently hosting one of her "party's" this friday to show off Grace. And that guy on the phone just tried to bargain with me to sell her or keep her for the money!"

Both men gave a surprised look, but Hades looked more like he was gonna burst into a fit.

Facilier turned to hades "Hades calm yourself, we don't need you bursting the manor into flames."

"Calm myself. Facilier, that women only used Grace as nothing but a maid and money maker. Now grown ass men are gonna come here and expect a performance and you expect me to stay calm!" he slammed his hands onto the table as he stood.

Facilier merely smiled "exactly."

Hades frozen and blinked. "What?"

"Well these men are expecting a show, I say we give them one. It's only a matter of time before the rest of us show up, and by the speed we all did, will have more than half by the time next friday rolls around."

"So you're suggesting that we put on a show to scare them off?"

"Precisely." he leaned back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head. "It's simple, we use our villainy skills to put on a show that is sure to scare them off for good. All we need to do is wait for the others to show up so we can come up with a plan."

Grace and the villainsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora