Chapter 6: Fairest of them all

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Not long after the conversation in the backyard. Cruella had pulled Grace from the tub after a nice 15-minute bath. She shivered as Cruella wrapped her in a towel and picked her up.

"Well I was gonna put you in your onesie tonight, but until I make more we don't have a choice in outfits."

"Onesie?" Grace questioned.

"Oh, you're just gonna love it." Cruella squealed as they both exited the bathroom and across the hall to the sowing room. "It's where the paints and shirt are connected, but it's so much cuter than a jumpsuit. The one I made for you has-" She was cut off by yelling coming from the closet.

"Whoever you are I demand you release me from this prison at once." Grace clung to Cruella as the unknown voice continued to bark orders. "You heard me, I am royalty and I demand you let me out!"

Listening to the voice cruella immediately recognized it. "Grim?"

"Oh for Walt's sake, Cruella get me out of this- whatever it is!"

Holding Grace, Cruella walked over and opened the closet door. The evil queen fell face-first onto the carpet. Grace couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

"You insolent little brat, you'll pay for this!" The Evil Queen shouted as she stood.

Grace, getting scared by her majesty, held onto Cruella tightly. Cruella in return, held grace the best she could. "Grim, she did nothing wrong."

"A child like her should know not to laugh at royalty," she mumbled as she fixed her outfit.

"A child like her has been through enough to laugh at royalty once!" Crella yelled.

"How dare you yell at me Cruella, if this were my kingdom I have you both locked away till the next millennial."

"Please don't lock us up, we didn't mean to. I'm sorry for laughing at you, please don't turn me into a hag." Grace gulped as she buried her head into Cruella's shoulder.

"A hag, why on earth would I do that?" she then looked at Cruella "What is going on?"

Cruella sighed as she placed Grace down on a chair. "See if you can dry off, I'll only be a minute."

She then pulled The Evil Queen to the other side of the room and explained everything to her. When she had finished Grimhilda looked surprised by it all. "A girl like her, sure she's a beauty, but she's a child."

"You and me both. But apparently, she gets paid millions for her dances."

"Maybe there is still hope, she does have the face of a model." that is when she was hit what an idea "I'll make your potions if I can be the girl stylest."

"You will do hair and make-up for someone other than yourself? That's a first."

"There's a reason I'm fairest of them all, right?" both ladies then laughed.

But it was cut short when Grace allied across the room for help. The girl was still dripping wet as she tried to put on her new onesie. Cause of how wet she was, it made it hard for her to put it on. The water made it stick to her body.

"Grace, I said dry off, not put the outfit on," Cruella called as she and The Evil Queen came over.

"I'm sorry," Grace said tears began to form around her eyes. The girl wasn't having a good day. She had lots of new people enter her home, almost drowned in a pool, and was now being scolded for getting dressed. Everything was bring back memories of how her grandmother had treated her.

"Come now, a precious face like yours shouldn't be covered in tears." The evil queen spoke as she crouched down, picked up the towel, and dried her eyes. "No, a face like yours must smile for the world to see."

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