Chapter 5: poor unfortunate Seawitch

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Outside Iago, Pain, Panic, and Grace finally began their game of jump rope. Only Iago wasn't playing fair.

"Iago you're not even jumping." Pain yelled as he and Panic maneuvered the rope while Iago flew in mid-air.

"What do you expect, I'm a bird ya birdbrains!" Iago squawked.

"I wish I could hover," Grace said as she carefully jumped the rope next to Iago. "This game would be easier." After several more jumps, Grace became out of breath, unable to keep up with the rope. She soon found herself getting tangled and fell to the ground.

"Grace!" all the sidekicks shouted as they stopped and rushed to her. She slowly sat up and removed the rope from her ankles.

" ok?" Panic asked.

Grace nodded as she felt her throat become dry. She needed something to drink. "Water," Grace said out of breath.

"Will go get you some." Pain offered as he and Panic entered the house to grab some.

As the two imps entered the house, Grace looked around. Her eyes landed on the outdoor section of the pool. A year after she was born, her parents added an extension that included an indoor section of the pool. A passage was built into the wall so you could swim through in the warmer months, and in the colder months, a door could be shut between the two.

Being very thirsty she got up and walked over to the pool. She knew not to go near it without an adult, but she couldn't wait for pain and panic.

"Grace, what are you doing?" Iago asked as he followed her.

"Getting a drink." she panted as she knelt by the edge of the pool.

"Kid, you should be drinking that water," he said, perching next to her. He had a bad feeling about where my lead was. One the water didn't look drinkable, covered in pine needles and leaves. Second, he hoped she would at least know how to swim if she did fall in.

"Just a quick sip," Grace said as she cupped her hands, and reached down to grab some. But as she grabbed some she leaned too far over and fell in. She let out a small scream before hitting the water.

"Grace!" Iago panicked as he flew over the pool trying to see her. He noticed her body sinking to the bottom. Worried, he flew to the glass door to get help.

Unfortunately for Grace, she couldn't swim and sank to the bottom. She opened her eyes for a minute but screamed under the water as the chlorine hit them. It stung really bad. she flailed her arms and legs wildly as she tried to reach the surface. Just as she was about to run out of air however something wrapped around her body, pulling her to the surface. As soon as her head broke free of the water, she gasped for air. Her eyes popped open and she frantically looked around. She noticed that she was no longer anywhere in the water, but wrapped tightly in a tentacle. Looking to her left she noticed a woman looking at her, Ursula.

Ursula looked Grace over as if she were a foreign object. "Well, aren't you something angelfish? You remind me of that Eric boy that mermaid princess saved from a shipwreck."

"Ursula?" Grace questioned as she gasped for air.

"So you've heard of me,'' Ursula smirked as she sat Grace down on the concrete surrounding the pool.

"Grace!" she turned her head to see Hades come running out with the rest of the villains. He swiftly picks her up in his arms and holds her close. "What were you thinking getting close to the pool without an adult, it's dangerous to go swimming alone."

"Sorry." she frowned, looking away.

"Relaxing the kid is fine," Ursula said.

The group of villains finally looked at the octopus acknowledging her presence.

"Not the first girl I had in mind to show up, but at least now I'm not surrounded by guys." Cruella chuckled.

Ursula put her hands on her hips. "What is this place anyway?" she looked up at the manor then at Hades. "I sure hope you didn't take us on a "show don't tell" vacation again."

Hades rubbed his temples with his free hand "God why does everyone think this is my plan."

"Cause you are the one who usually organizes the unannounced villain outings," Jafar complained, crossing his arms.

"Says the one who tried to get us to take over the mouse club." Hades retorted.

"Hey, that was 95% planned." Iago squawked.

Hade was about to make a rebuttal when he noticed Grace shivering in his arms. It was becomeing early fall and the weather was starting to get cold, making it the wrong weather to swim in. With a snap of his hands, Hades conjured up a towel and wrapped Grace up. He then turned to Cruella. "You got any other outfits for the girl yet?"

"Oh, I'm sure we can figure something out," Cruella said as she took grace from Hades arms. She then gave the girl a whiff and scrunched up her nose. "Maybe a bath as well." She then took Grace back inside for an outfit change and a bath.

Once Cruella was inside, Ursula started asking the same questions everyone else asked on there arrival. "Alright boys, tell me what in Walt's name is going on here?"

"We have no idea how we got here-" Facilier began

"Or why are we here-" Jafar added

"All we know is that Grace has been to the underworld and back and we intend to help her." Hades finished.

"The kid, please Hades, who could hate a girl like her?" Ursula smirked. The men then began to explain how Grace's grandmother treated her and her demeanor quickly changed. "Surely you're joking Hades. She can't be older than seven."

"She h..h..has," Panic said.

"and she's only six." Pain added.

Upon hearing that Ursula looked dumbfounded. A six-year-old being taught to dance for men. She rested her head against her hand. "Well, this is an interesting predicament. But if you didn't get us here, then who did?"

"No clue, we think the girl has something to do with it." Hades spoke. "What mattress is that Grandmother is out of her life and we are here to step in."

Jafar then smirked, "And I think you'll come in handy for our little surprise party."

"Me? Help you? The last time you formed a plan we ended up 3 months in jail for taking over the house of mouse."

"Trust us Ursula, this plan is gonna require all the baddies, and no one's gonna know about it." Facilier then began to explain the rest of their villainous plan.

Ursula scratched her chin and smirked. "I like your thinking fellas, but what's in this for me?"

"Consider it as you don't have a choice, and you'll get to live in this wonderful manor," Jafar added.

"I suppose I can lend a tentacle to your cause on one condition."

"That being?" Iago questioned.

"I need legs, it's hard getting around on these things." She held up all 6 of her tentacles. "Get me that, and I'll be glad to assist."

"Can't you do that yourself?" Hades mocked.

"I would if I had my necklace, unfortunately, some pesky little fish stole it from me ages ago."

The three men looked at each other, even though they had magical powers, none could transform an octopus into a human. Facilier didn't have his necklace so he couldn't do it, Jafar was no longer a genie so his magic was deemed useless in the scenario, and Hades didn't possess the capability even though he was a god. But there was one person who could.

"Very well Ursula, but on one condition."

"isn't me helping you with your plan enough?"

"Grace doesn't know how to swim, so as long as we're here, you're gonna teach her to."

"Me, since when did I agree to this?!"

"Since you showed up," Jafarm smirked as the men headed back inside.

Ursula slammed a palm to her face "Why do I get roped into other people's schemes". And just like that two clouds of purple smoke apired on either side of her. Two eels had appeared as the smoke vanished. "At least you boy came to the party." She sighed as she explored her so-called "new home" for the time being.

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