You Scare/Surprise Them During An Interview

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Robert Downey Jr:

You were backstage while your dad was doing a press conference with the rest of the cast of Avengers: Age of Ultron, when you got an idea. You wanted to scare your dad, so that's what you did.

You asked one of the crew members if you could go and scare him before you actually went on stage and they said that it was okay.

You snuck out on the stage and put a finger to your mouth, signalling everyone to be quiet, which they were. Then you walked over to your dad. None of the cast spotted you either. You stood right behind your dad and you could tell that the crowd wanted to laugh.

Y/n: "DAD!" You shouted, which made him scream and the rest of the cast look him.

All you could do was laugh along with the crowd. You were laughing so hard that your cheeks hurt and you had tears in your eyes.

Robert: "Ladies and gentleman, my daughter Y/n." Your dad said, after he made sure his heart still worked.

Y/n: "Hi everyone." You said. You ended up staying and answering some questions. "This has been fun but I'm gonna go back where I came from." You said. "Enjoy the rest of this press conference. Bye everyone." You said, as you hugged your dad and the cast and waved as you headed backstage.

Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan:

Chris Evans:

Your dad was with Ryan Gosling doing an interview for their new movie The Gray Men. You thought that it would be a good idea for you to surprise your dad because you've been in LA with your boyfriend's family.

Everyone knew that you were there. Everyone except your dad. The interviewer was asking questions but when she saw you, she tried not to say anything. You snuck up behind your dad and scared him.

Y/n: "Boo!" You said, grabbing onto his shoulders.

Chris: "Jesus." Your dad said, holding his heart while turning around and seeing you.

As soon as he saw you, he got up off his chair and hugged you so tight, that you could barely breathe.

Y/n: "Can't breathe." You managed to get out. Your dad chuckled and loosened the hug.

One of the crew members had gotten you a chair, while you and your dad were hugging. The chair was in between your dad and your uncle Ryan. You and your dad sat down after you broke the hug.

Ryan: "Hey kid." Your uncle Ryan said, as he hugged you from the side.

Y/n: "Hey uncle Ryan." You said, as you guys pulled away from the hug.

For the rest of the interview, they asked your dad and your uncle Ryan questions about their movie and occasionally asked you if you were working on anything.

Sebastian Stan:

Your paps was doing an interview with Tom Holland for their new movie The Devil All The Time. You had been with your paps for a while due to your dad also being on a press tour for his new movie, so you thought that it would be a good idea to scare your paps and that's what you did.

You walked out slowly and stood behind him.

Y/n: "Boo!" You shouted.

Sebastian: "AHHHH!" Your paps screamed.

You, Tom, the interviewer and the crew were all laughing. Once you managed to stop laughing you spoke.

Y/n: "Looks like my work here is down." You said. "Carry on with what you were doing." You said, as you walked out, leaving everyone still laughing except for your paps.

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