You Come Out

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Jeremy Renner:

You were really nervous to tell your dad because you didn't know how he would feel about you telling him that you were a lesbian.

You were currently reading, well you were currently reading the same line over and over again, while your dad was watching TV. He could tell that something was bothering you but was hoping you would tell him. When you didn't, he asked.

Jeremy: "Okay. What's up?" Your dad asked, turning to you.

Y/n: "What do you mean?" You said, pretending to be confused.

Jeremy: "I know something is bothering you and I've been waiting for you to tell me what it is but you haven't. Plus, you haven't turned the page in like 10 minutes and I know it doesn't take you that long to read a page or 2." Your dad said. You just sighed and put your book down, but not before marking it.

Y/n: "Okay. Yes. There is something I want to tell you, but I don't know how to tell you." You said, rubbing your hands on your trousers. Your dad came to sit next to you.

Jeremy: "You can tell me anything." Your dad said, reassuring you.

Y/n: "Okay." You took a deep breath and just said it. "Dad, I'm a lesbian." You said, scared of your dads reaction.

Jeremy: "See that wasn't so hard was it." Your dad said. You looked confused.

Y/n: "So, you're not mad about me being into girls?" You said, more like a question.

Jeremy: "Why would I be mad? I don't care what sexuality you are, I will always love you the same." Your dad said, as he hugged you.

Y/n: "Thank you for accepting me." You said, into your dads chest.

Jeremy: "No problem." Your dad said.

Mark Ruffalo:

You were scared to tell your dad. You did it when your dad took you to the set of Thor: Ragnarok, after your uncle Tom told you to tell him.

You were sitting with your uncle Tom while your dad and Chris H did a scene.

Tom: "So, when are you going to tell him?" Tom said.

Y/n: "Tell who what?" You asked.

Tom: "When are you going to tell your dad you're a lesbian?" Tom asked.

Y/n: "How did you know? Is it really that obvious?" You asked.

Tom: "Well, it's obvious to me." Tom said, chuckling a little. 

Y/n: "I'll tell him after this, even though I'm scared to." You said.

Tom: "You'll be okay. I'll stay with you." Tom said.

Once your dad and Chris H finished the scene, they both came up to you. Your dad gave you a hug and Tom nudged you.

Y/n: "Dad, I have something to tell you." You said to your dad.

Mark: "Okay?" Your dad said, a little concerned.

Y/n: "I'm a lesbian." You said.

Mark: "I know." Is all your dad said. You were shocked.

Y/n: "I'm sorry. What?" You asked.

Mark: "I've always known, I was just waiting for you to tell me yourself because it wasn't in my place to say." Your dad said.

Tom: "I told you there was nothing to worry about." Tom said.

Chris H: "Congrats Y/n." Chris H said.

Y/n: "Thanks uncle Chris." You said.

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