First Steps

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Robert Downey Jr.:

You and your dad were playing catch in the back garden when your dad accidentally threw the ball a little too far. Your dad was about to go and get it but you beat him to it.

You stood up on your shaky legs trying to get your balance. Once you had your balance, you walked over to the ball, grabbed it, walked back to your spot and sat back down. You then threw the ball back to your dad like nothing happened.

Your dad missed the ball completely and was too focused on what he just saw. Your dad came over to you and picked you up and hugged you really tight.

Robert: "My baby just took her first steps. I'm so proud of you." Your dad said, so excited.

For the rest of the day, you and your dad played catch outside and if the ball went too far, you would walk over to get it and continue what you were doing.

Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan:

Your dad and paps were dropping you off at your grandma's house (Seb's mum), as they had to go to set. Your dad placed you on the floor to play with some toys you had at her house, and headed to the door. Being a baby you thought that they were leaving and not coming back, so you got scared. You quickly got to your feet and started walking to your dads.

Georgeta: "I didn't know y/n could walk." Your grandma said.

Chris and Sebastian: "She can't." Your dads both said at the same time. It took them a few moments to realise what your grandma had said. By the time they realised you were hugging your paps leg, while tears ran down your face.

Y/n: "Papa, no go." You cried.

Your dads both bent down to your height and your dad wiped your tears away.

Chris: "Hey, hey. Don't cry sweetie. We'll be back, I promise." Your dad said, trying to reassure you that they weren't leaving forever.

You just kept a hold of your paps like your life depended on it.

Georgeta: "It's okay. Why don't you take her to set with you?" Your grandma suggested.

Sebastian: "You sure?" Your paps asked.

Georgeta: "Positive. She doesn't want you to leave her, she's not ready for you to leave her alone yet." Your grandma said.

Sebastian: "Okay." Your paps picked you up, said goodbye to his mum and went to set. 

To say that the cast loved you was an understatement. 

Chris Hemsworth:

You and your dad were once again at the beach. I mean, if you live near a beach, you have to go. You were playing in the sand as usual having so much fun, but you started to get hungry and wanted a snack. So, while your dad was chilling on his phone, you decided to get up on your feet and walk over to the bag to grab a packet of milky buttons.

Your dad had been recording the whole time and was so happy that he sent it to the family group chat and the Marvel group chat. Your dad could not have been more proud.

Jeremy Renner:

You were sitting playing on the floor while your dad was making you guys some dinner. When one of your toys was a little bit out of your reach.

Y/n: "Dada!" You shouted, but all you got in reply was,

Jeremy: "I'll be there in a minute, beautiful." You huffed.

You really wanted that toy and if your dad wasn't going to get it for you, you had to get it yourself. Which meant walking. So, you used the sofa as support to get up on your tiny little legs, you made sure that you were balanced before you let go. Once you had got the hang of being on your feet, you slowly walked to your toy and sat back down to play with it.

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