End of the Road

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Y/N's P.O.V

Warnings: Blood, death and violence

—In the Meadhall, some time later—

I threw myself back behind the wall as a bullet barely missed my head. -"Ughr! How the fuck did they caught up so fast? The Jötun were everywhere!" I said to Lara who was covering right next to me. We were both low on ammo and exhausted because there were a lot of Jötun in the Meadhall. -"I told you. Trinity will do anything to get to The Mead first!" She said, then peaked out and quickly covered again. -"Okay, I saw two people with rifles and a couple more with pistols." She told me. -"Fuck. They'll move forward soon, we have to do something!" I said, looking around for something to use. -"Here, help me put this together." Lara showed me a small pouch of something that she wanted to attach to the tip of her arrow. I wasted no time and started attaching it with a piece od rope. -"What is that?" I asked her while tightening the rope. -"When I fire this. Get your gun ready." She replied and started looking for an openning. I just nodded.

After a few seconds the soldiers stopped shooting to reload. That's when Lara fired the arrow. It hit the hallway floor between us and the soldiers. She missed on purpose? Suddenly the arrow exploded in a big cloud of smoke, the soldiers couldn't see us anymore, luckily for us they had flashlights so we could still see them. -"Now." Lara said and left the cover. I followed her without questions.

We emerged from the smoke, one soldier fired at us but missed. Lara kneeled down and fired her bow, hitting a soldier between his eyes. I appeared right behind her, firing my gun at another soldier. I hit his shoulder and he fell down the stairs that were behind him. The two soldiers left gathered themselves but before they could do something we ran towards them. Lara hit one from with her climbing axe, burying the blade in his neck. The other soldier wanted to shoot her from behind but I was faster. I kicked his knee from behind and made him fall on his knees. He swung his arm back and wanted to stab me with a knife. I caught his arm and kicked his elbow, clearly breaking it. He screamed in pain but Lara punched him and he was a out cold.

-"Good job." Lara pat my shoulder when she passed me to continue down the hallway. I didn't say anything, I just looked at the soldiers. The two Lara killed. One with an arrow in his head and the other bled to death from the open neck wound. I couldn't help but wonder...if that's how my dad looked like in Siberia. Did she also just walk away from him? -"Y/N? You coming?" Lara called out to me and I got back to reality. -"Yeah..." I caught up to her. -"Hey, it was either them or us." She told me, laying her hand on my shoulder. -"I've never killed anyone before, Lara. And I don't want to start." I told her, looking her in the eyes. And for the first time in a long time, I saw no emotion in them. It's like when she kills she turns them off. Maybe that's why she's capable of killing so many?

-"Well, sometimes you don't have a choice. And I don't regret killing people to get here. I'm standing here with you because I fought to stay alive." She replied. -"There's a difference between self defense and murder." I told her. -"That's true. But if I didn't kill the people in my way. Who knows what they would do to me later. When people are obsessed with something they loose their minds. They'll do horrible things to get what they're after. I saw it with my own eyes. Sometimes killing is not just the only thing that's left to do, it's also a mercy." She said to me, squeezing my shoulder slightly. -"What if they wanted to say goodbye to someone, or someone wanted to say goodbye to them?" I asked her.

She paused for a second. -"There's no thing as final goodbye. When you love someone they'll always be with you. Goodbye is something a person has to do alone. Words are just words. Letting go and moving on is a whole different thing than saying goodbye, but they're one and the same in the end." She said after a while. -"What if I don't want to let go?" My eyes started to get watery. -"That's fine too. You'll let go once you're ready. It's okay to miss him, but you shouldn't linger on it." She replied with calm voice. -"I just wanted to tell him- I wanted to tell him so much..." I felt a tear running down my cheek. She brushed it away. -"He knew." Her hand gently stroked my cheek, where the tear was.

I layed my hand at hers and held it a bit tighter to my cheek. -"You did what you had to do. My dad knew what Trinity was doing. He hated it. In the end. I'm glad you stopped them. He wouldn't blame you.... I don't want to blame you anymore. I forgive you, Lara." I said, looking her in the eyes. Me saying this clearly meant a lot to her. She just threw herself at me, hugging me. First it was soft and full of care but then she tightened the hug to really show how much it means to her. -"Thank you." She pulled away with tears running down her face. I brushed her tear with my thumb like she did just moment ago. She chuckled and I joined her. We were both crying but still smiling at each other.

-"I got them!" A soldier appeared on the top of the stairs and shot at us. I quickly pushed Lara away and got hit to my side, the bullet went through. -"Aaaaaghr!" I returned the shot and hit the soldier to his chest, he was wearing a bulletproof vest so it just pushed him down the stairs again. -"Fuck! Let's go!" Lara put my hand around her shoulders and we ran through the hallway.

As we continued down the hallway we set off some traps. Luckily for us it only hit the soldiers behind us. Almost like it was designed that way. We ran through the only door at the end of the hallway. It led to a big round hall. It was ornamented and had runes everywhere, unfortunately I had no time to read or translate them. -"Ugrh! Shut the door!" I said as I collapsed on the floor. Lara ran back to the door but before she could shut it someone kicked them open again and got hit in the face and backed away to me.

Lucas walked through the door. Not letting her eyes off Lara. I don't think he even noticed that I'm wounded. Suddenly when he walked closer to us, in the middle of the room, the round part of the floor started going up like some kind of elevator. When I looked up we were coming closer to a roof exit, but we stopped right under. Then braizers lit all around the platform. There's only one Mead of Suttungr...

-"Lara Croft! Finally!" Lucas pulled out his gun. -"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time you know. The moment that I finally end your pathetic existence!" He yelled at her. Usually I remember uncle Lucas as caring and sweet. But when I saw him now he was just full of hatered. He wanted revenge. -"Please, uncle! You don't have to do this." I pleaded with him as I tried to stand up. Lara went to help me but Lucas shot at her feet to stop her from moving. -"Don't touch her! You corrupted her mind enough." He said. I looked at Lara and gave her a reassuring nod as I stood up on my own. -"She made her choice. I didn't force her or corrupted her in any way." Lara replied. Lucas burst into laughter. I've never heard him laugh so...psychotically. Then he suddenly stoped and looked serious again. -"Why are you Crofts always lying?" He said, aiming his gun steadily at Lara. -"She's not lying! I went with her willingly!" I told him.

He was quiet for a bit but then he aimed the gun at me. -"Then that makes you nothing but a traitor. One that I'll gladly get rid of for the greater good." He said. I didn't move an inch. -"My dad loved you Lucas! He would never forgive you for this!" I said, taking slow steps forward to stand infront of Lara. -"He told me to protect his daughter! Croft has changed you, you're not his daughter anymore." He told me, with no emotion in his voice whatsoever. -"This is madness uncle. Please don't do this!" I yelled desperately. -"Don't worry. This won't hurt you. I'll save my strenght for Croft." He said, fixing his posture to take the shot.

Lara was faster. She got my gun and shot at him from behind me. She managed to hit his gun and it went flying down from the platform. I stepped aside and let Lara aim at him. -"Ha, was this your plan all along? To let her kill me?" He said with anger clear in his voice. -"No one has to die here. Please, listen to me-" I tried reasoning with him but he interrupted me.

-"ENOUGH! It's time to choose little lamb... Avenge your father or betray him. Me or her?"

Sup guys and gays! Told you I'll be back. We're getting to the end of this story but it's not over yet so stay tuned for updates folks!

I would also love to hear about how you imagine the characters. I kinda wanted to give you freedom so I didn't describe their looks. How do they look in your head?

Anyways, I'm really happy that this book is getting so much love. I love you guys! I really didn't expect so many of you to stay and read this after such a long time of no update but I'm glad you did!

I would love to hear what you think about the story and characters. Also if someone here has some critique I would like to hear that aswell.

Love, Nekdo <3

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