My Enemy

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Lara's P.O.V

I ghasped for air as I ressurfaced again. The feeling of almost drowning was somehow very familiar for me. The current wasn't too strong but the water was cold as ice. I need to set up a camp. I gathered myself at the edge of the river and just when I wanted to start gathering wood for the fire I saw her. The soldier from Trinity. Laying at the other side of the river, barely breathing. Naturally, as she's my enemy, my first thought was to let her freeze to death. But then I remembered. Trinity never emlploys women as soldiers. So she must be someone else. The way she was able to follow me at the mountain path was....admirable. And as much as hate to admit it, I need help. From anyone.

It took some self convincing but eventually I decided to take her with me. Once I crossed the river I found a safe spot and made a camp. Trinity shouldn't be able to spot the smoke from the fire from here. I searched the girl for weapons but they must've fell in the river. So I sat at the fire to try and warm myself up, before she awakens.

I know what Trinity thinks. That I have one of the Horns of the Kings. But the truth is, I only know it's location. I followed my fathers notes and it led me to a tomb not far from here. A resting place of one of the kings of Norway. He was laid to rest with one of the Horns. But I can't get there on my own. To enter the tomb you have to work with someone. It was designed that was to ensure that the Horns will be in hands of someone who truly deserves it. I don't know how Trinity managed to get their hands on the first Horn. But they did. Now it's up to me to make sure they won't get the other. I tried to get to the tomb from above. That's why I tried to climb the mountain. But I guess vikings were smart when it came to choosing a resting place for their king. The mountain is impossible to climb. So the only thing left for me to do is playing their game and completing that puzzle. But for that I need someone's help. Lucky for me I just saved the girl's life. So she owes me, whether she likes it or not.

I didn't wait long until she woke up. Almost shot up actually. I turned to her but didn't bother standing up. -"Slept well?" I asked. She was quiet for a bit. Just staring at me. -"I'm not going to hurt you." I tried to get her to trust me. -"Fuck you!" She snapped at me and caught me by surprise. -"You're lucky I'm unarmed, otherwise you'd be dead already." She said. I furrowed my eyebrow at her. -"Well, if I haven't pulled you out of the river you'd be dead already too." I told her. Her expression didn't change but I know she's wondering why I did that.

-"Look. I know you don't trust me, I get it....But I need your help." I told her. -"You must be out of your damned mind if you think I'm going to help you." She said while she started to get up. -"So you just want to go back to them? To Trinity?" I asked, standing up too. -"Yes. So I could tell them where you are and then come back with them and kill you. I mean, I could do it now with bare hands if you were not armed." She replied. -"I won't be here by then, you know that!" I raised my voice as she started walking away. -"Then we'll find you again. Wasn't that hard the first time." She said without stopping whatsoever. -"I know what you are after!" I told her but it didn't seem to stop her. -"I....I don't have it! I don't have the other Horn!" Once I said that she finally stopped in her tracks.

-"Bullshit." She said, slightly turning back. -"It's true. I know Trinity has one of the Horns. And by the way they're focused on catching me before doing anything clearly shows that they think I have the other one." I told her. -"We do think that." She said, showing me she considers herself one of them. -"Well, I don't." I replied, earning a swear from her side.

Just as she was ready to start walking again I continued. -"But I know where it is." I said and she stopped in her tracks again. -"Bul-" -"Bullshit, right? I know. If I knew where it is I'd already have it. But that's the thing. I can't. Not alone." I told her. -"Hah! Did you just asked me for help?" She laughed at me. -"If there was anyway I could do it without you, believe me, I'd do it. But if you don't help me. We'll never get the Horn." I explained to her. -"Why do you need my help to get it?" She asked. -"Well, it's called the journey of two kings for a reason. I need a second person to get to that Horn." I told her as plainly as I could.

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