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Y/N's P.O.V

I had no idea what was going on. Suddenly everything became blur and my mind couldn't keep up with my body. All I could hear was the fast beating of my heart, everything else just became noises in the backround. The loudest of them all was Lara's worried voice. I wanted to reply to her, let her know I'm fine. Even though I'm far from being fine. I passed out.

Since that happened I've been falling in and out of conciousness. Everytime I was somewhere else. But first and most importantly, I woke up when I heard the slam of a car door. It was hard to keep my eyes open but I saw Lara walking around the car and getting into the driver's seat. -"It's okay, relax. I got you." She told me while she gently layed her jacket on me again. One part of me wanted to just throw the jacket away, but all I did was snuggle into it more. I'm so fucking cold. I saw Lara turning on the AC but then I again passed out.

Another moment of conciousness came when I felt something warm in my hand. It was Lara's hand, she was giving me some kind of drink. Tea I think. Only then I noticed we're in a town of some sort. -"Wh-where are we?" I asked her, exhausted. -"Shh, don't worry about it. Drink." She helped me drink some of the tea. I honestly have no idea if I drank any more because I drifted off to sleep again.

The rest of the way were just glimps of Lara driving. She looked really worried but I couldn't speak. And finally after what seemed like forever. The soothing sound of the motor stops. I hear Lara getting angry. The only thing I understand was. -"I can't believe I trusted you." I had no idea why she said that and so I tried to open my eyes at least a little bit. I managed to do that and saw Trinity ship and camps at the entrance to the cave. They knew we were coming? -"Get off me!" I turned to the drivers seat and saw Lara being pulled out by a Trinity soldier.

Soon my door openned too and a soldier grabbed me aswell. -"Stop! Leave her alone! Y/N!" Lara tried getting out of the soldiers grip but got hit in her temple with a rifle. She fell down unconcious. -"L-Lara..." I reached my hand to her. -"Shh, sleep. It'll all be over soon." I heard a familiar voice but before I could figure out who it was my mouth and nose were covered by some kind of cloth soaked in chemicals. I fell asleep almost immidietly.

—Some time later, onboard of the Trinity ship

-"Wake up! Hartvigsen, wake the fuck up!" With those words I soon felt a backhand slap turn my head to the side. I hissed in pain. -"She's coming to. Tell the General." Howl said and turned back to me. I was tied to a chair, hands behind my back. He stood really close and I could see every inch of his fucking face. -"Had a nice nap?" He asked, purely to provoke me. I didn't reply. -"The General forbid me from hurting you. But believe me, if it was up to me. I would shoot a traitor like you the moment I'd lay my eyes on you." He said, grabbing my chin roughly. -"Too bad it's not up to you then." I told him. That seemed to get on his nerves and he bringed his hand up into the air once more. I got ready for another hit. -"You little-" -"Seargant Howl!" Lucas entered the room.

-"Were you about to dissrespect my personal order?" He asked Howl. -"I....I was not, sir." Howl turned to him, saluting. -"Good. I wouldn't like to write that in my report. Dissmised." He told him, slowly walking towards him. -"Yes, sir." Howl said and walked out of the room. -"All of you." Lucas turned to the two soldiers guarding the door. They nodded and left the room, closing the door behind them.

Lucas grabbed a chair and sat across from me. -"Lucas-" -"Don't!" He interrupted me. -"What the hell where you thinking?" He said, more dissapointed than angry. -"I had no choice." I replied, not daring to look him in the eyes. -"Bullshit! You had multiple chances to turn her in, but you didn't. Why?" He asked, raising his voice a little. -"I....I don't know..." I told him. -"You don't know?! You help the enemy! Steal and lie to your comrades! And you don't know why?!" He stood up from the chair so fast it fell. I've never seen him so angry. -"Lucas, please I-" -"No! Do you have any idea how hard it is to convince the others to not kill you?!" He continued yelling.

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