Touched by The Gods

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Y/N's P.O.V

Me and Croft stood on a roof that was oppossite of the museum. -"I don't see any obvious way in. Why can't we just buy tickets inside?" She asked me. -"Trinity keeps track of everybody that enters the building. We would get recognized for sure." I told her. -"Right, would've been too easy." She replied. -"We can get in through the window then." She said. -"Sure. Cuz no one would think to report two people climbing into the national museum." I replied. -"Then how do we get in?" She turned to me. -"I've got a plan. But I'll need you to buy me a bottle of something strong." I also turned to her. She gave me a confused look but didn't protest and we climbed down to the streets.

We were careful of the Trinity soldiers and went straight for a small store in the streets. Everything was a bit expensive there but I'm sure Croft can take it. -"Hi, one bottle of that vodka over there, please." She said to the cashier. -"And one pack of black Camels." I added. -"No, no, no Camels. Just that vodka, please." Croft stopped the cashier. I sighned in flustration. -"Thank me later, love." She said as she handed the cashier the money and we walked back to the streets.

-"Okay. What's your plan?" Croft asked me. I took the bottle from her. -"Just wait here." I told her as I began walking towards the guard that was checking people's ID's. He saw me coming but I'm dressed like a Trinity soldier, which I still am. So there was nothing suspicious about it. -"Hey, buddy." I said. He gave me a confused look. -"I'm here to take over your shift." I told him. -"Nobody told me about that." He replied. -"Really? Well, I've heard you and your buddies have a different plan." I said and showed him the bottle I held under my jacket.

He smirked a little when he saw that bottle but then the smirk faded again. -"What are you planning?" He asked, gripping his rifle tighter. -"I....Look, Imma be honest with you. See that guy over there?" I pointed at a random civillian. -"Truth is I want to make a move on him. And the smallest thing like checking his ID would really mean a lot. But I want us to be alone. If you know what I mean." I put on this really sad tone. He thought for a moment. -"Shit, alright. Who am I to turn down a bottle a vodka." He chuckled. -"Thanks, man. I owe you one." I told him. -"Just gimme the bottle and we're square." He replied. I passed him the bottle and he took it. -"Good luck with your man." He said and together with his buddies he walked to some alley nearby.

Once they were out of sight I signaled Croft to follow me inside. And in a few seconds, we were both walking up the stairs of the museum. -"Good job. Never would've guessed that would work." Croft said. -"Despite being Trinity soldiers, they are....I mean, we are still people, you know." I replied. -"I know it's just, I never even thought about dealing with them without violence.....That's fucked up." She said. -"Well, so far you did good not causing trouble. Keep at it." I told her as we arrived at the Viking section.

-"Alright, something touched by the Gods. I'm guessing we're looking for a sacrificial dagger, so keep an eye out." I told Croft. -"We should split up, better chance of finding it." She said. -"Good idea. You still have the radio. We'll keep in touch." I told her and we both started walking in different directions. The museum was full with wonderful stuff from the Viking age. Like a Sunstone, that they used to navigate at the sea. Or a shield that was said to have belonged to the best shield-maiden that ever lived, Lagartha, who was also the first wife of Ragnar Lothbrok. I was amazed by it all. The place where everything ends, yet lives on......Wait....They didn't have museums back in the days!

I immidietly started walking back. -"Croft? Croft, come in! This is not the place!" I said to my earpiece. -"I found it! I found the dagger, weapons section." She replied. -"Don't touch it! Wait for me!" I raised my voice as I kept getting lost in the museum. -"I'll get it. Meet me outside!" She said. -"No! Croft, don't-" I got interupted by an alarm going off. -"Goddamn it!" I raged. And after just a few moments I finally saw the weapons section. And I also saw Lara, holding the dagger.

I ran to her. -"What the fuck, Lara?!" I yelled at her. -"Here. The dagger, we got it!" She showed me the magnificent weapon. -"Great! Fucking awsome! Do you ever stop to think before you act?!" I pushed her. -"What do you mean? You told me to find a dagger, and I did!" She yelled back. -"And you don't question the words of your enemy?!" I gesticulated pretty hard this whole time. -"Yeah but you're not my enemy!" She screamed desperately. -"The fuck am I then?!" I screamed just as loudly.

-"Hartvigsen! Should've known you're a traitor." I heard Howls voice. I turned to him, he was slowly walking towards us, acompanied by soldiers. -"Seargant Howl, i-it's not what you think." I tried defending myself. -"Give me the dagger." He commanded Lara. She looked at me and I nodded. With a sigh she threw the dagger to Howl. He caught it effortlesly. -"Hm, so it was this little thing the entire time?" He said. -"This dagger can tell you the location of the Mead. I wouldn't give it to you if I was a traitor, would I?" I told him. -"And the Horns." He extended his hand to us once more. -"You don't need them anymore." I replied. -"I won't take that chance. Give me the Horns." He said.

Lara looked at me. We both have one Horn but there's no chance we're giving them to him. -"I'm giving you a count to five. Then I'll just take them from your bodies." Howl said. -"One." I shook my head at Lara. -"Two." We looked behind us. There was a balcony. -"Three." I don't like this, but we have no other choice. -"Four." -"Run!" I yelled and we turned around and headed for the balcony. The Trinity soldiers openned fire but missed terribly. -"What the hell are you doing?! Are you drunk!? Shoot them!" Howl raged at them. But they truly were drunk so his shouting didn't do any good.

Meanwhile me and Lara jumped from the balcony. It was the second floor and we just happened to be lucky enough to hit a market tent. I safely got out of the fabric and helped Lara untagle from it too. -"You okay?" She asked. -"Shut up and run!" I grabbed her hand and we ran to the streets, hiding between the people. After a few turns we were sure we lost him. The sun already set. And so we stopped to breathe.

-"Okay, that didn't go as planned." Lara said while resting her hands on her knees. -"No shit." I replied, leaning against a wall oppossite of her. -"What now? We lost the dagger." She asked. -"Oh my God. You truly would be lost without me." I chuckled. -"What do you mean?" She looked at me confused. -"We don't need the dagger. A place where everything ends yet lives on, is not a museum. It didn't exist back then." I told her. -"Oh shit. You're right. I was so determined to get there I didn't even realize...." She said with a regretful tone.

-"Show me the Horn." I said as I pulled out the one I had. -"There has to be something we missed...." I examined the drinking Horns in our hands. -"There! Look at the endges! I think they're suppose to be put together." I told her. We both put our Horns together and they clicked. -"It worked!" Lara said happily. -"Of course. No man can get the Mead on their own. Work together. With the Horns. How didn't I realize that sooner?" I chuckled. -"Look, the runes. What do they say now?" Lara asked, looking at the new sentance the Horn created.

Touched by Gods, we all end, yet we live.

-"Valhalla." Lara said. -"Possibly. But I don't think they would want us to die to get the Mead.... A place just like this once existed. A temple in Uppsala, a place believed to be touched by the old Gods. In Scandinavia." I told her. -"Far as I know it was destroyed by Christians." Lara replied. -"Maybe, but maybe we don't need the temple at all. I mean, it's worth a shot, no?" I shrugged. She looked around and saw a Trinity truck not far from here. Unguarded.  -"How do you feel about a road trip?" She smiled. -"You have the keys?" I asked. -"Wouldn't be the first time I hot wire a car." She replied. -"Full of surprises I see. Let's hit the road then." I said and we started walking towards the truck. 6 hours of car ride with Lara Croft.....That's gonna be interesting.

Thank you all for staying with me throughout this book! You're awsome!

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Love, Nekdo<3

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