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Y/N's P.O.V

We are lucky that Oslo isn't that far. So we can walk there. I haven't told Croft where exactly we're heading because I can't risk her just ditching me and getting the Horn on her own. But we're heading to the national museum. That's where the other Horn led Trinity. They know the thing is somewhere in there. They just don't know what it is.

Long story short, after reading both of the Horns. The place is where all ends, yet lives on. We figured that's the museum. And the thing is touched by the Gods. That can only be a sacrificial dagger used only for human offerings. Not any human though. But the lives of Jars and Kings. Who offered their lives so their armies would gain the favour of the Gods. The blade of Odin.

So to get the answers we need we have to get that blade. But first, we need to get the other Horn from Seargant Howl. Which is not gonna be easy. He always keeps it close. And getting close to Howl is the last thing anyone wants to do. We'll need to come up with a plan. A pretty fucking good one.

Croft hasn't said a word since we began walking to Oslo. First I enjoyed the silence but now I'm just getting the feeling she might be plotting her own plan. -"You're awfully quiet." I said, slightly looking behind me. -"Since when does that bother you?" She snapped back. -"Since we have to work together to steal Trinity's most precious artifact. From it's pretty much most dangerous Seargant." I replied, not really in a friendly tone either. -"Well, what do you want from me? It's your organization and you haven't even told me where we're going or what exactly we're getting." She said angrily.

-"I'll tell you, when we'll have both of the Horns. It's just a precaution." I told her. -"The hell it is. If you want to take precautions you might aswell come up with a plan to get that Horn because I'm guessing blasting our way in is not an option." She replied. -"No it's not. I know where Seargant's camp is. And I also know that you can get there undetected, taking a certain route. There'll be no killing. We get in his tent, get the Horn and get back out." I told her plainly. -"Really? That's your plan? So you've spend the last hour planning just this?" She scoffed. -"We'll work on the details once we're there." I said strictly.

-"And when exactly are we gonna be there?" She asked. -"We're here actually. Welcome to Oslo." I said as I stood aside and let her take a look at the capital city of Norway that was just downhill. -"God, it's huge. How far is that camp of yours?" She turned to me. -"Not far. But put that hood on. The city is swarming with Trinity. I don't need them to capture you before we even get to the Horn." I told her as I put on my mask. The same mask that every Trinity soldier gets when they join. I should be able to pass undetected now.

—about an hour later, in Oslo—

-"Wow, you weren't kidding. Trinity has this place covered." Croft whispered to me as we were walking through the crowd, passing multiple Trinity soldiers. -"Keep your head down, we're not far." I replied to her. Everytime we saw a soldier coming our way we pretended to browse the wares on the market or I would pretend to be on watch in this sector so they'd get confused and leave.

Finally when we got to the alley we needed to I grabbed Croft's arm and pulled her into the alley with me. -"Could've just told me we're heading here." She said when we were safely out of the main street. -"That would-" Suddenly I saw two Trinity soldiers heading towards us through the alley. Without thinking I grabbed the collar of her shirt with both of my hands and very roughly pressed her against the wall. Knowing Trinity soldiers, they usually look away if one of them was harrassing a civillian. And so that's exactly what I wanted to do. I put my fist in the air and got ready to hit Croft.

-"Oh, hell no!" She said when she grabbed my face and pulled down my mask. In that moment the soldiers were too close to us and so I just let her do the obvious. I let her kiss me. As the soldiers were passing by, covered my face with her hands. And I pulled her hood to cover hers. Other than that we just normaly continued with the heated kiss. -"Damn, leave some for the rest of us!" One of the guards laughed as he lightly hit my back. -"Ha! Leave them alone, dickhead!" The other quickly pulled him by his shoulder and they continued down the alley.

Me and Lara continued our act and I let her watch the guards. -"Okay they're gone." She said in the kiss, her eyes fixated on the end of the alley. I immidietly pulled away and slapped her. -"Bloody hell! What was that for?" She asked while she held her cheek. -"What was that for!? Are you serious?!! This is not a fucking movie! You can't just kiss me like that! We could've got caught!" I raged at her. While I was yelling she got herself together and tried calming me down but I was beyond pissed. -"Calm down! We could've gotten caught, but we didn't. So let's continue, okay?" She said with a calm tone. She can't be serious!

I took a deep breath. -"You pull anything like that again. And I'm smashing your head against a concreate." I told her, pointing my finger in her face. -"Undrestood, Hartvigsen." She replied with a surrendering gesture.

I scoffed in her face and then turned back to the alley, continuing in our way to Howl's camp. -"Was it at least good?" She asked and I could hear she's smiling while saying it. -"It was the worst kiss I've ever had." I told her. -"Oh....It was pretty good at my end." She replied. Was that a compliment? I mean, it wasn't the worst. I can't remember when but I bet I had a better kiss then this.....I just can't recall with who. -"This is it. Up here." I told her when we arrived to a ladder in the alley. -"Gimme a boost." I told Croft and she intertwined her fingers to do so. Once she nodded at me I put my foot into her hands and let her boost me to the ladder.

-"Damn, you're heavier than you look. Hurry!" Croft grunted from below me. Anyway, after I stood on her shoulder I managed to grab the ladder and from there it was easy to pull myself up fully. -"I got heavy bones." I told Croft as I kicked down the ladder for her. We both continued to the top of the building, glad that we're not caught yet. And finally we made it. I climbed on top and Croft extended her hand out to me, so I'd help her up. I looked at her and rolled my eyes. -"Come on. I need to show you they way to the camp." I said as I turned around, leaving her to climb up on her own.

From this roof we could see almost everything. -"Woah." Croft ghasped slightly when she saw it. -"See there?" I pointed at a distant building. -"It's right above Howl's camp. We get there and the Horn is nearly ours." I told her. -"What building? There's like a thousands of them." Croft said. -"That one, over there. With the blue roof." I pointed out again. But she couldn't see it anyway. I walked closer to her and got down to her level, as I'm slightly taller. Our faces got closer and I pointed out the building. -"Oh yeah. I see it now." She said. -"Good, then let's get there so I can finally get rid of you." I said as I pat her shoulder. -"Aww. Just admit you like me. And you liked the kiss." She said when I started walking. -"As if. You're illusional." I replied. -"Whatever you say." She added and started following me to the camp.

—Few s later—

-"Alright. Imma drop down. Get to his tent. Get the Horn and sneak back to you. Then we're done." I told Croft. -"Sounds like a plan. Now you only need to succeed in executing it." She replied. -"Don't worry about me, Croft." I said and left out cover to drop down. -"Hey." She grabbed my arm in the last moment. -"Don't get caught." She said. -"You worry about me?" I teased her. -"No, but if you get caught I will never get the second Horn." She replied. -"Bitch." I scoffed and jumped down to the camp.

I managed to land safely behind some boxes. I fixed myself, making sure I have my mask, and stood up. I saw Howl's tent on the other side of the camp. Now I only need to get to it....Through a camp full of soldiers that won't hesitate to kill me if they see me....Piece of cake, right?

Alright! I know this took a bit longer but I promise I'll try to release the next chapter as soon as possible!

I just gotta focus on a lot of thing now. But I will finish this, I promise!

Comment and vote!

Love, Nekdo <3

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