An Eye for an Eye

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Y/N's P.O.V

I dodged another arrow coming my way and immidietly returned the fire. I hit the giant's shoulder but it was enough to at least get him off me. I then saw one of the giants had Lara pinned down. She was just barely holding his axe away from her face with her climbing axe. -"Lara!" Without thinking I rushed to her and jumped on the giant's back. Putting my climbing axe around his neck in attempt to choke him. Let's just say it wasn't the best idea. I realized that when he grabbed me and threw me away like I weighted nothing. It wasn't long and my back met with one of the stone pillars in the room.

All the air suddenly left my lungs and it was almost impossible to take a breath. Even my vision was a bit blurry. All I saw was Lara slamming her climbing axe to the giants leg. After he fell to his knees she slammed it to his skull. She didn't have much time to catch her breath though as another giants made his way towards her. With all I had in me I tried to aim my gun at the giant. I fired a single shot but it only hit his axe. It fell to the ground and Lara wasted no time sliding under the giant and grabbing the axe. Even though the giant effortlessly held it in one hand. Lara had to use two.

She slammed the axe to his inner thigh. The giant was obviously in pain but yet he tried striking Lara with his bare hand. She rolled back and then aimed her bow at him. The arrow went straight to his neck. She didn't wait a second and turned her bow to the last giant still standing. The archer. He and Lara aimed at each other. I held my breath in hopes Lara will be faster. They both fired at the same time. For me it felt like the arrows were taking forever to land. They barely passed each other in the middle. But then I saw Lara's arrow hit the archer to his head. Drilling a hole in it. Unfortunately the giant's arrow also found it's target. In Lara's shoulder.

She whinced in pain when she saw it. But she paid no mind to it as she rushed towards me. -"God, Y/N. Are you okay?" She asked me worried. Checking if I hurt my head in any way. Finally when she helped me sit down I took a breath. -"I'm...I'm fine." I told her. -"Oh thank God." She replied, slowly helping me to get up. -"Lara. We need to get that out." I said, reffering to the arrow in her shoulder. -"I know. I know." She said. -"Are you ready?" I asked grabbing the tip of the arrow. -"Just do it." She replied, clenching her fists. I put one of my hands on her shoulder and the other stayed on the arrow. And then, after a few deep breaths from both of us, I snapped the arrow just where it was coming out of her shoulder.

-"Aaaaghr! Damnit!" She screamed in pain. -"I'm sorry. I'll pull it out now." I told her. She only nodded as a response. And so I pulled the arrow out. Lara had a poorly made bandage in her jacket but it has to suffice. I bandaged her shoulder as best as I could. -"Thanks." She said and her hand fell to mine. -"Don't mention it." I smiled at her. -"Let's keep going." She said and we walked to the door. The iron bars once again lowered into the ground, letting us continue. -"Fuck, how long are we gonna do this shit? Trinity's catching up fast." I said when I saw that the way didn't lead up. We were just walking around the Mead hall that was up the hill.

-"Let's just hope this is the last one." Lara replied, letting me help her up. When we arrived to the next courtyard there were two giant ships connected with an iron bar. -"Balance. This has to be balance." Lara said imidietly. -"Okay, so we just level the ships, right?" I asked, seeing as there are rocks on one boat but not the other. -"Seems like it...There! That must be where the weights are at." She pointed out a small wooden door above one of the ships. -"I have an arrow with a rope so I can pull the door open." She said. -"How do we close it though? What if there are more weights than we need?" I asked. -"Hmm, we could-" suddenly a bullet flew past Lara's head. -"STOP RIGHT THERE!"

We both turned to the person shooting, it was a Trinity soldier...It was Nathan. No wonder it's him. He was always faster than everybody. -"Don't move!" He kept his gun aimed at Lara. -"Nathan. Please, let me explain." I took a few steps closer but he aimed the gun at me instead. -"There's nothing to explain, you betrayed us. You joined up with Croft. What did she promise you, huh? To pay you like a mercenary?" He said, I could see Lara slowly reaching for her bow. -"Don't." I told her and Nathan once again aimed the gun at her. -"She didn't promise me anything. Look around you. Can you imagine how old these ruins are? How lucky we are to be here? And Trinity wants to destroy it all." I tried to speak to him calmly, but he was just as tense as before. -"You're lying! Trinity wants to protect these sites from her!" He aimed his gun back at Lara.

-"Just shoot her and you can come back with us." Nathan told me. -"You know I can't." I replied. -"I don't want to shoot you, but I will. Show me you're still loyal." He said. -"My loyalty is the reason I won't shoot her." Suddenly as I said it I noticed one of the Jötun up on some roof. -"Nathan-" -"Shut up! Shoot her or I will!" He raged. -"Behind you!" I tried poiting it out but he just chuckled. -"Nice tr-" He couldn't even finish the sentance and an arrow went through his head, the point was visible in his mouth. Lara wasted no second now and fired an arrow back and killed the Jötun. -"NATHAN!" I tried running to his lifeless body but Lara wouldn't let me.

I looked up on the roofs and saw that ice giants everywhere. -"We have to go!" Lara hurried me up. She shot an arrow to one of the trap door and rocks started falling out, it balanced the ship and the balance was complete. For a little while at least. It released the bell and our path was no longer blocked with it. We manged to slip through before the ship got too heavy for the puzzle. Iron bars seperated us from the giants. We barely made it.

We walked a bit further up the hill. But then I just sat down on some ruins. -"Fuck. I tried to warn him, I really did." I buried my face in my palms. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms around me, hugging me. -"I know you did...I know. It's not your fault." Lara said gently. -"Why wouldn't he fucking listen?" I said, with more anger than sadness. -"I'm sorry..." She said while gently stroking my back. -"Y/N...I know you just saw your friend die but-" -"But we have to continue, I know....I'm ready now." I told her. We both stood up. -"Thank you." I told her. -"Don't worry about it. Look." She pointed uphill. It was the Mead hall.

-"By the gods....This is it. We're almost there." I said. -"Let's get this over with. Together." Lara extended her hand for a handshake. I put my hand in hers but instead shaking it I pulled her in for a hug. -"Thank you...for everything." I said, squeezing her tightly. -"I should be the one thanking you." She replied, embracing the hug. We broke the hug when we heard gunshots on the other side of the gate, and screaming, a lot of screaming. -"The Jötun won't hold them forever. We should go get the Mead." Lara said. -"Yeah." I agreed and we started walking to the Mead hall. Unfortunately, we had no idea what was waiting ahead...

Hi! Sorry I kept you waiting. There's a lot going on. I finally moved in with my gf so I'm more focused on my life now. But I'm gonna finish this for you I promise!

I would like to hear what you think will happen next though. And of course what you think about the chapter.

Comment and vote, guys and gays!

Love, Nekdo <3

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