Chapter 6.4: Competition Time

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For some reason, the sixth graders walked towards the field in a straight line. Maybe they thought they looked cool, maybe they thought we'd be intimidated, but they only looked stupid.

It also looked like they were wearing matching yellow bandanas and war paint.

Zoey, your class is trying too hard.

They headed to their side of the field while we headed to ours.

"As long as you guys follow my lead, we won't lose to them," Adrian said. "Don't do anything unless I order you to. Your plans could crash heads with mine and we don't want that."


Though it may not sound like it, Adrian was a caring guy. When I first joined his class, I was at a new school that spoke a different language in a completely new country. Even though I wanted to get to know everyone during our short stay, I was too nervous to interact with anyone. Adrian was intimidating but he was the first one to approach me and make sure I was included.

"I will be observing the game from the sideline," Mr Cranston said. "I will not be moving or talking unless I see cheating." He blew his whistle. "Game starts now!"

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