Chapter 5.4: Class On An Outing

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Jenny's Hall was full of energy during breakfast—except for our table, which was awfully quiet.

Mallory, Bond, Charlie, and Conan looked well-rested. But not Rich. With his pale skin and baggy eyes, it was possible for someone to mistake him for a zombie.

"Bond, it's not even that serious. Can you please just accept Rich's apology?" Mallory asked.

"Exactly." Rich wrapped his arm around Bond. "I may have taken it too far, but I'm sorry that I called your driving slow."

Bond downed his chocolate milk, grabbed the empty pitcher, and left.

"How do you mess up apologizing?" Conan criticized. "Bond's not even old enough to drive!"

Rich shot a look upwards. "I don't know. Whose memories are these?"

"I bet that sip of coffee from Mr Darley's cup kept him awake at night. He's acting drunk now."

Mallory chewed angrily. "You guys are supposed to be best buds. I can't go on with Bond pretending you don't exist."

Bond returned with a refilled pitcher and slid a steaming cup to Rich. "I accept your apology. Now, drink up."

Rich took a sip and cringed.

"Thank you," Mallory said. "I thought you were gonna give him the silent treatment for life."

"He's sleep-deprived, so I can't judge him based on how he acted. I know he didn't sleep last night."

"I told him not to drink any more hot chocolate!" I said.

"Wait, how'd you know I didn't sleep last night?" Rich asked.

Bond smiled. "You've dropped the act and you're acting more like the Rich from before. It's sort of Mallory's fault why you became a mess."

"Me?!" Mallory questioned.

"He was nice to everyone, but once you started teasing and irritating him, he put up a shield and became stingy."

Rich wrapped his arm around Bond. "You can see through me like that? I guess we are best buds."

Bond dropped his cool face and held back a smile.

Rich took a sip from the coffee and cringed. "Eck. This tastes so bad."

"Because it's pure black," I said, adding cream and sugar. "I don't drink coffee, but try that."

Rich took a sip. "That's more to my taste. Thanks."

"You guys are starting to act like husband and wife," Mallory added.

"Hey!" Rich yelped. "Between you two, Zoey would make the better wife."

I didn't know how to respond and stuttered, "T-thanks?"

"Whoever marries you is a lucky man."

The others slapped their foreheads.

"How can someone be this dense?" Mallory asked.

After breakfast, we headed back to the cabin and did our chores which consisted of vacuuming and organizing the lounge area, mopping up the mudroom, and wiping down our respective bathrooms.

We had forty minutes to spare before the morning activity so Mallory, Annie, Lauren, and I rested in our room.

Did Rich actually mean what he said about me or did he just say that because he's sleep-deprived and not thinking straight?

Rich Re:gretsWhere stories live. Discover now